Wednesday 11 September 2024

The Relationship Between Gambling and Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction is a disease that impacts the body and mind. The same circumstances that can lead to an alcohol addiction can also cause a gambling addiction to occur. Unfortunately, these two disorders often occur together and aid the addiction for both. There are several reasons for the cause of the co-occurrence, including genetics, environmental influences, mental health issues, and personality traits. When a gambling and alcohol addiction occurs, seeking treatment help is necessary to treat both conditions. Without help, the person can suffer mental and physical issues as well as financial hardship due to the losing nature of sports gamblers.

The problem between alcohol and gambling continues to grow at an alarming rate. Alcohol consumption is at an extreme high, with 224.3 million people ages 12 and older (79.1%) saying they drank alcohol at some point in their lifetime, according to the 2023 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). The recent legalization of sports gambling in the U.S. has also caused the amount of people betting to increase significantly. NBC News reported monthly online gambling wagers have increased from an average of $1.1 billion per month in 2019 to $14 billion in January 2024. The normalization of these vices will likely lead to an increase in people suffering from alcohol addiction and gambling, but addiction treatment help is available.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

Is There a Connection Between Alcohol Addiction and Gambling?

Unfortunately, there is a significant connection between alcohol addiction and gambling. This relationship between alcohol use disorders and problem gamblers is much higher than in the general population, according to recent studies, including a 2015 article in International Gambling Studies. As most people know, when drinking alcohol, the ability to make clear and rational decisions decreases. The decrease in judgment can lead to riskier gambling decisions, higher bets, and longer gambling sessions. The loss of impulse control while drinking can also make it harder for individuals to stick to gambling limits or resist the urge to wager bets.

On the other hand, gambling can also lead to alcohol use. Waging money on sports can be highly stressful, with one play often deciding whether a wager is successful or not. Some people may drink to cope with this stress or lower the depression that comes from dealing with gambling losses. Environments like casinos and horse race tracks where gambling occurs often allow alcohol consumption, which helps normalize and encourage both behaviors.

What Percentage of Gamblers Are Alcoholics?

According to the American Psychological Association, about 4% of people being treated for substance use also have a gambling disorder. The exact percentage of gamblers who are also alcoholics can vary depending on the study, but there is a significant correlation between gambling and alcohol addiction.

The more severe the gambling problem, the higher the likelihood of co-occurring alcohol issues. People who gamble on a routine basis tend to have higher rates of alcohol addiction than those with less severe gambling problems. The type of gambling also plays a role in alcohol addiction, with higher rates among people who frequent casinos compared to other forms of gambling. Male gamblers have also been shown to be more likely to have alcohol use disorders than female gamblers.

gambling and alcohol addiction treatment

Are There Similarities Between Alcoholism and Gambling Addiction?

Yes, there are many similarities between alcoholism and gambling addiction, which is why these two disorders often happen at the same time. Some of the similarities between the two include:

  1. Addictive behavior patterns: The compulsive nature of drinking and gambling despite knowing the consequences often leads users to feel a loss of control.
  2. Tolerance development: People addicted to alcohol and gambling often need to increase their consumption to reach the desired level of satisfaction.
  3. Withdrawal symptoms: When people addicted to these vices cannot drink or gamble, they may experience mood swings, anxiety, and cravings.
  4. Impact on brain chemistry: Both addictions impact the brain’s reward system, which provides dopamine to reinforce the addictive behavior.
  5. Negative life consequences: Both can lead to financial problems, relationship issues, work or school difficulties, and legal troubles.
  6. Denial: People with either addiction often minimize or hide their behavior from others.
  7. Genetic and environmental factors: Both addictions have a hereditary component and can be influenced by environmental factors like stress or trauma.
  8. Relapse patterns: Both addictions have high relapse rates and often require multiple attempts at recovery.
  9. Progressive nature: These behaviors tend to worsen if left untreated.
  10. Impaired decision-making: Both addictions can lead to poor judgment and risky behaviors.

There are many reasons why these addictions are so similar. Addiction is a complex disease that many people struggle with because of behavioral and physiological issues. However, personalized addiction treatment in a professional rehab center can put people on a path to addiction recovery.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

Where Can I Get Help for a Gambling and Alcohol Addiction?

If left untreated, gambling and alcohol addiction can lead to severe consequences, ruining someone’s finances and health. Luckily, help is available for people experiencing alcohol addiction or gambling problems. Muse Treatment Center has addiction treatment programs in Los Angeles that will treat these co-occurring addictions at the same time. By receiving professional treatment help in a caring facility, people suffering from these diseases can receive the help needed to live a sober life.

If you or a loved one is struggling to overcome a gambling or alcohol addiction, help is available at Muse Treatment Center. Please contact us online or call 800-426-1818 today to learn more about how our addiction treatment programs help patients overcome their struggles. There is no more need to suffer alone. With Muse Treatment Center, you can start learning how to live a sober life free from the pain of gambling and alcohol addiction. 

External Sources

The post The Relationship Between Gambling and Alcohol Addiction appeared first on Muse Treatment.


Monday 9 September 2024

Cómo Apoyar a un Ser Querido Durante el Mes Nacional de la Recuperación

Apoyando a un Ser Querido Durante el Mes Nacional de la Recuperación

La recuperación de la adicción es una batalla interminable. Aunque los pacientes hayan terminado su estancia en rehabilitación y ahora vivan una vida sobria, la lucha contra la adicción persiste. Es un viaje de toda la vida con muchas altibajos. Para las personas que tienen a un ser querido o amigo en recuperación de adicción, ofrecer apoyo juega un papel crítico en el proceso. Con el Mes Nacional de la Recuperación en septiembre, es un recordatorio importante de lo difícil que es superar la adicción y cuán vital es el apoyo a lo largo del proceso.

Establecido en 1989, el Mes Nacional de la Recuperación tiene como objetivo reconocer los nuevos enfoques de tratamiento y recuperación basados en evidencia para la adicción a las drogas y el alcohol, al mismo tiempo que honra a la comunidad de recuperación de adicciones del país y el compromiso de los proveedores de servicios y seres queridos que ayudan a las personas a superar la lucha. Sirve como un excelente momento para reflexionar sobre los problemas de la adicción y lo que se puede hacer para ayudar a las personas que luchan con la adicción.

¿Cuál es el Mensaje del Mes Nacional de la Recuperación?

El Mes Nacional de la Recuperación es patrocinado por la Administración de Servicios de Abuso de Sustancias y Salud Mental (SAMHSA). La agencia tiene como objetivo proporcionar educación y recaudar fondos para la recuperación de adicciones, ayudando a difundir la conciencia sobre cómo el tratamiento de adicciones y los servicios de salud mental pueden ayudar a las personas que luchan con un trastorno mental o de uso de sustancias a vivir vidas saludables. SAMHSA también coordina sus eventos de recuperación y sus iniciativas de financiación de subvenciones alrededor de este mes, ya que ayuda a destacar cómo se puede vencer la adicción.

Los mensajes clave del Mes Nacional de la Recuperación son:

  1. La Recuperación es Posible: Con el apoyo y tratamiento adecuados, es posible recuperarse de los trastornos de uso de sustancias y problemas de salud mental.
  2. El Tratamiento es Efectivo: Las terapias basadas en evidencia, como la medicación, el asesoramiento y el apoyo de pares, pueden ayudar a las personas a manejar sus condiciones.
  3. La Prevención Funciona: Implementando programas de educación y prevención basados en la comunidad, las personas pueden conocer los peligros y las señales tempranas de adicción y problemas de salud mental antes de que se conviertan en un problema que pueda impactar vidas.
  4. Todos Tienen un Papel que Jugar: La adicción impacta a todos, lo que significa que todos —incluyendo familias, amigos, empleadores, proveedores de atención médica y organizaciones comunitarias— pueden ayudar en el proceso de recuperación de alguien.

Apoyo durante el mes Nacional de la Recuperación

¿Qué Puedes Decir para Animar a Alguien en Recuperación?

Si conoces a alguien que está enfrentando la adicción o en recuperación, es posible que no sepas exactamente lo que está pasando si no lo has experimentado tú mismo. Ofrecer aliento y apoyo es fundamental para ayudar a alguien a recuperarse, pero debes tener cuidado con lo que dices para no parecer excesivo o crítico. Si quieres involucrarte durante el Mes Nacional de la Recuperación, aquí tienes algunos consejos útiles sobre qué decir para ofrecer apoyo:

  1. “Estoy orgulloso de ti.” La adicción es una de las cosas más difíciles de superar, y las personas que están intentando mejorar merecen elogios y reconocimiento por sus esfuerzos. Decirles lo orgulloso que estás de sus esfuerzos les demuestra que ves su progreso y que estás contento con los cambios que están haciendo para mejorar sus vidas.
  2. “¿Cómo puedo ayudarte?” Hacer una pregunta simple sobre cómo puedes ayudar puede hacer su vida un poco más fácil, sabiendo que tienen a alguien dispuesto a brindar apoyo. Ya sea llevándolos a cuidados ambulatorios, ayudando a limpiar su hogar, ofreciendo cuidado infantil o simplemente escuchando sus problemas, cada pequeño gesto de ayuda es apreciado.
  3. “Creo en ti.” Hazles saber que sientes que tienen la fuerza para superar la adicción y mantener la sobriedad. Recordarles que tienes fe en su recuperación los anima a continuar con el proceso de recuperación.
  4. “No es tu culpa.” La adicción es una enfermedad por la que nadie debería ser culpado. Aclara que no los haces responsables de su condición y que muchas personas atraviesan luchas similares.
  5. “Estoy aquí para ti.” Aunque puedan saber que los apoyas, proporcionar una reafirmación adicional de que serás una fuente constante de apoyo, sin importar los desafíos que surjan, ayudará a largo plazo. La recuperación de la adicción nunca termina, y es importante que sepan que no te vas a ir.
  6. “Tómalo un día a la vez.” Recuperarse de la adicción nunca es un proceso rápido y fácil. Anímales a enfocarse en el presente y a celebrar incluso las victorias pequeñas.

Al ofrecer palabras de aliento, lo más importante es hacerles saber a tus seres queridos que te importan y que estás aquí para apoyarlos.

Apoyando a un Ser Querido en Recuperación

Ofrecer palabras amables y de apoyo juega un papel vital en ayudar a alguien que está tratando de superar la adicción. Sin embargo, las acciones hablan más que las palabras, y hay muchas otras maneras en las que puedes apoyar a un ser querido en recuperación. Aprender todo lo que puedas sobre la adicción y el proceso de recuperación te ayudará a comprender mejor lo que está pasando tu ser querido. Esto te permitirá ser más empático y efectivo en tu apoyo.

Muchas ciudades y comunidades ofrecen grupos de apoyo gratuitos para amigos y familiares de quienes están en recuperación. Participar en estos grupos de apoyo para la recuperación de adicciones puede ayudarte a acceder a recursos y a una red de personas que pueden ayudar con el proceso de recuperación. Cuando sea posible, también es importante asistir a sesiones de terapia, visitas al médico o reuniones de grupos de apoyo para brindar consuelo y demostrar que estás apoyando su recuperación.

La recuperación es un desafío tanto mental como físico. Sugerir actividades que promuevan el bienestar físico y mental, como el ejercicio, la meditación o un nuevo pasatiempo, puede ser un gran apoyo en la recuperación. Utilizar el ejercicio y otras actividades puede ayudar a las personas en recuperación a mantenerse enfocadas y a manejar los antojos.

La adicción nunca termina, lo que significa que pueden ocurrir recaídas. Si ocurre una recaída, evita criticar. En su lugar, ofrece compasión y aliento para ayudarles a retomar el camino. Apoyar a un ser querido en recuperación se trata de proporcionar un entorno seguro y alentador durante todo el viaje. Con tu amor y apoyo, pueden superar los desafíos de la adicción y recuperar sus vidas.

Para aquellos que están al comienzo del proceso de recuperación de adicciones, el centro de rehabilitación de drogas de Muse Treatment en Los Ángeles ofrece programas integrales de tratamiento para ayudar a los pacientes a lo largo de su viaje. Para más información sobre nuestras opciones de tratamiento durante el Mes Nacional de la Recuperación, por favor contáctanos en línea o llama al 951-708-7904 hoy mismo.


The post Cómo Apoyar a un Ser Querido Durante el Mes Nacional de la Recuperación appeared first on Muse Treatment.


What Percentage of Alcoholics Recover

Alcoholism Recovery Rates

When a person commits to stop drinking, that is a big step in the right direction. A person’s chance of relapse can be high, although it doesn’t mean they can’t continue in recovery. Everyone who abuses drugs or alcohol lives a different life and is affected by substance use disorders in their own way. If you are addicted to alcohol, the highly trained professionals at Muse Treatment are here to help. 

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, or the NIAAA, the percentage of alcoholics that recover is one-third. This includes people who didn’t just excessively drink or binge drink but had developed a dependence, including tolerance to alcohol, withdrawal symptoms, and persistent desire to reduce or stop drinking. At Muse Treatment, we have many options for alcohol addiction treatment Los Angeles, alcohol misuse, and the treatment of many substance use disorders. From medical detox to behavioral health therapy, inpatient treatment, outpatient counseling, sober living, and support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous, we develop comprehensive alcohol and drug addiction recovery plans for our clients. 

The percentage of alcoholics who recover and maintain long-term sobriety is affected by a few factors. One of the factors is when someone has stopped drinking alcohol and has been sober for over five years, which decreases to 15% when it comes to relapsing. Excessive drinking, especially over a long period, can create alcohol dependence and damage many body parts. If a person can stop drinking and maintain long-term sobriety, they can and should continue to work on their general health. This is part of the treatment programs we offer for people recovering from alcohol addiction. 

At Muse Treatment Alcohol Rehab Center Los Angeles, we offer fully customized treatment programs for substance abuse. We want to positively impact the percentage of people with substance use disorder who are trying to put their lives on a better path. Muse Treatment can help reduce alcoholism relapse and assist people to live a healthy everyday life.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

Statistics About Alcohol Recovery

Over 14 million Americans (per the NIAAA) suffer from alcoholism and those who binge drink. Here are some statistics and addiction information on what percentage of people who are dependent on alcohol are in recovery, how many can lower their drinks per week, how many stop drinking altogether, and other facts about alcohol use disorders: 

  • About 36% of people suffering from alcoholism recover after one year.
    • Rehab success rates can vary based on how long a person has been drinking.
    • Family history and any underlying mental health disorder, i.e., depression, play a part. 
  • Approximately 18% of recovering alcoholics achieved low-risk drinking after a year.
    • Low-risk drinking is typically defined as no more than three drinks in one day for women and four drinks in one day for men. 
    • Every week, less than seven drinks for women and 14 drinks for men is the threshold.
  • About 18% of recovering alcoholics could abstain from drinking completely one year later. 
    • Each year someone can maintain not drinking alcohol increases the percentage of lifelong sobriety. One-year and five-year marks are important milestones, but every day in addiction recovery is significant. 
    • Relapse prevention training through a drug and alcohol rehab program along with other recovery resources like Alcoholics Anonymous can go a long way to helping with long-term sobriety. 
  • Recovery rates are less than 36% for people with severe or lifetime alcohol dependence.
    • This is where family history and drinking alcohol over a very long period come into consideration. 
    • Alcohol withdrawal and detox are tough but can be especially hard for someone who has had an alcohol dependence for an extended period. 
  • Around 60% of individuals who are sober for two years after treatment for alcohol use disorders successfully remain in addiction recovery. 
    • This is another example of why weekly, monthly, yearly, and even daily goals are essential when not drinking alcohol.
    • When you stop drinking, being in a supportive environment like one of our Muse Treatment programs can make a big difference in staying sober. 
  • Most former alcoholics who stay sober for five years and over usually stay that way. 
    • Five years may seem a long way away when you begin alcohol abuse and alcohol addiction rehab, but it is definitely a great goal to set.
    • Goal setting is a significant part of being in recovery, but not drinking alcohol each day should be the primary one for everyone. 
  • About 12% of Native Americans suffer from a drinking problem. 
    • Different demographics have historical problems with alcohol abuse and addiction.
    • This is yet another example of family history playing a part in issues with drugs and alcohol. 

What Does It Mean to Recover From Alcoholism?

When someone stops drinking, that is only the first step in addiction recovery from alcoholism. Staying sober takes effort. Typically the longer you have been drinking, the more you’ll need. Truly being in recovery means you are not drinking at all, although drinking alcohol at a low-risk level can be beneficial. Alcohol abuse and alcohol addiction treatment are often several phases but plans at Muse Treatment are customizable for each client’s needs. No matter what levels of care you take advantage of, we always suggest people participate in aftercare support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous to assist with their continued addiction recovery. When you speak to one of our drug and alcohol specialists, be sure to ask about all of the different treatment programs we offer so we can find the best fit for you. 

What Does It Mean to Relapse?

Some experts believe relapse is part of the journey when someone is battling substance abuse or addiction; however, it doesn’t stop the professionals involved in addiction treatments from focusing on relapse prevention. A relapse is when someone who has stopped drinking alcohol or using drugs uses a substance, whether it is what they were addicted to or not. A relapse can be dangerous because it can involve binge drinking, which is difficult in multiple ways. First, excessive drinking is harmful to your health in general. Second, binge drinking can produce problems with the law, promiscuous sexual activity, and other dangerous actions based on the lack of inhibition brought on by alcohol abuse. If you are in recovery and think you are going to relapse due to stress or another trigger, be sure to implement your relapse prevention plan if you have one. You can also call the addiction treatment center you went to for alcohol rehab, as most, if not all, have alumni programs to help those who have taken advantage of their treatment programs in the past. 

Discover more on how to deal with the relapse of an alcoholic here:

How to Deal with a Relapse of a Recovering Alcoholic

How to Improve Your Chances of Recovering from Alcoholism

There are several ways to improve your chances of successfully beginning and continuing alcohol addiction recovery in LA:

  1. Taking part in a comprehensive alcohol abuse and addiction treatment program will help you address issues in your life that led to you drinking alcohol. Learning coping skills and life skills and developing a relapse prevention plan help recover from alcoholism.
  2. At Muse Treatment, we incorporate a 12-step program series and processes, reinforcing the items you will focus on during alcohol rehab.
  3. Taking part in an aftercare program like Alcoholics Anonymous, which supports those in recovery, is a great way to improve your chances of staying sober. 

You can also do many things in life to help you stay sober. Taking up a hobby, or getting involved in one you have previously, are great way to stay in recovery. When you stop drinking, it’s important to find things to do with the time you used to drink. Another good idea is to get into a routine. When you have battled alcohol abuse or drug addiction, it’s good to have regular tasks to do throughout the day, so there’s no extra “downtime” you might feel like filling in by drinking. 

Alcohol Addiction Treatment at Muse

At Muse Treatment, we have custom-tailored alcohol abuse and addiction treatment programs built around each client’s needs. Whether you need medical detox, alcohol addiction therapy, a sober living facility, or help to get to know the local support organizations, we’re here to help. Call us at (800) 426-1818 today to get more information on the addiction treatment programs we offer. 

The post What Percentage of Alcoholics Recover appeared first on Muse Treatment.


The Risks of Drug and Alcohol Abuse in the Workplace

Drug and alcohol abuse in the workplace is a pervasive issue that can impact every business, regardless of its size or success. The far-reaching consequences can extend to all employees and affect the company’s overall performance and workplace safety, making it a significant and urgent issue to handle. There are numerous risks associated with the misuse of drugs and alcohol in the workplace, so we’ll explore its effects on productivity, workplace culture, and employees, as well as the factors that contribute to the issue — and how drug or alcohol addiction treatment can help resolve these issues.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

Can Drug and Alcohol Abuse in the Workplace Impact Productivity?

Yes, drug and alcohol abuse in the workplace can indeed have a profound negative impact on productivity in a variety of ways:

  1. Increased Absenteeism: Employees struggling with substance abuse are more likely to miss work or arrive late. This can be due to hangovers, physical withdrawal from substance use, or prioritizing drug or alcohol consumption over work responsibilities.
  2. Decreased Performance: Even when at work, employees under the influence of drugs or alcohol are likely to perform at a subpar level. This can manifest as a slower work pace, increased errors, poor decision-making, and reduced output quality.
  3. Higher Turnover Rates: Substance abuse often leads to job loss, either through termination due to poor performance or voluntary departure. This turnover can be a significant financial burden for the company, necessitating expenditure on recruiting, hiring, and training new employees.
  4. Safety Incidents: Impaired employees are more likely to cause accidents or injuries in the workplace, leading to productivity issues, potential legal issues, and increased insurance costs.
  5. Lower Team Morale: When an employee can’t handle their work role or responsibility due to drug or alcohol abuse, it creates resentment and frustration, potentially leading to decreased team productivity overall.

How Does Drug and Alcohol Abuse Affect Workplace Culture?

The impact of drug and alcohol abuse in the workplace extends beyond productivity, often affecting workplace culture. When employees are known to abuse drugs or alcohol, it can lead to mistrust among team members and between employees and management. This erosion of trust can hurt the ability to communicate and work together efficiently.

Colleagues may also feel resentful toward employees whose substance abuse affects their work performance, especially if they have to pick up the slack. This can create a tense and uncomfortable work environment. A workplace culture facing substance abuse issues is also likely to see lower levels of employee engagement.

For industries dealing with daily safety hazards like construction or involving people like healthcare, substance abuse can hurt the safety culture, putting both employees and the public at risk. When drug use becomes known, it can be difficult for employees to report a colleague’s substance abuse, especially if they consider the person a friend, leading to a culture of mistrust in the workplace.

workplace drug and alcohol abuse

What Are Other Factors Contributing to Substance Abuse in the Workplace?

While personal factors play a significant role in substance abuse, workplace conditions can also increase the problem. Jobs with high levels of stress, long hours, or high-pressure situations can cause some people to use drugs or alcohol to cope.

Some industries, like hospitality, may have a culture that normalizes or even encourages alcohol or drug use. This can include after-work drinking sessions, client entertainment involving alcohol, or the use of stimulants to maintain long work hours. Certain professions, like bartenders and healthcare workers, have easier access to drugs or alcohol, which can increase the risk of substance abuse.

Employees who are unhappy with their jobs or feel undervalued may use substances to cope with their dissatisfaction. Companies without clear substance abuse policies or inconsistent enforcement may create an environment where drug and alcohol abuse in the workplace goes unchecked.

Workers in police and fire departments who experience or witness traumatic events or violence in the workplace may be at higher risk for developing substance abuse issues as a coping mechanism. The stress of potential job loss or uncertainty about their role can contribute to substance abuse to deal with anxiety.

How Does Workplace Substance Abuse Affect Employees?

The effects of drug and alcohol abuse in the workplace extend beyond the people directly involved, impacting all employees in various ways. When an employee’s performance suffers due to substance abuse, their colleagues often have to pick up the slack, leading to increased stress and potential burnout. Impaired colleagues can pose safety risks to others, especially in jobs involving machinery, driving, or critical decision-making.

Dealing with a colleague’s substance abuse can be emotionally draining. When substance abuse leads to significant mistakes or safety incidents, even employees not directly involved may find their careers affected by association or through company-wide repercussions. If a company’s performance suffers due to substance abuse, it can affect all employees through reduced bonuses, lack of raises, or even job cuts.

The added stress of working with people dealing with substance abuse can take a toll on employees’ mental health, potentially leading to anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues. Substance abuse can disrupt team cohesion and trust, making it harder for teams to collaborate effectively and maintain positive working relationships.

For workplaces impacted by substance abuse, the company may have to use resources from employee development and growth opportunities to address the immediate problems caused by substance abuse. In some cases, employees who are aware of substance abuse issues but do not report them could face legal repercussions, especially if it leads to accidents or other serious incidents.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

How to Manage Drug and Alcohol Abuse in the Workplace

Drug and alcohol abuse in the workplace is a serious issue that impacts many lives and businesses. However, it’s important to remember that this issue is preventable and overcome with addiction treatment. When it comes up in the workplace, it’s vital to address the substance use disorder with a comprehensive approach. This process can include creating clear policies, offering employee education and support programs, and a commitment to creating a healthy workplace culture.

By understanding the risks and factors contributing to workplace substance abuse, companies can take proactive steps to prevent and address these issues. Employers and employees should be aware of the signs of substance abuse and create an environment where seeking help is encouraged and supported. For help dealing with substance abuse in the workplace, Muse Treatment provides professional addiction services in California. Please contact us online or call 800-426-1818 to learn how our Los Angeles rehab center can help you or someone you know overcome substance abuse today.

The post The Risks of Drug and Alcohol Abuse in the Workplace appeared first on Muse Treatment.


Friday 6 September 2024

What Is Librium and What Is it Used For?

What Is Librium?

Librium is the brand name of the medication Chlordiazepoxide, a medication usually prescribed to deal with insomnia and treat anxiety issues. It is also used to treat the acute alcohol withdrawal symptoms that come with alcohol detox and to relieve anxiety before surgeries. It may also be prescribed to help patients with muscle tension, seizures, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It is a white, crystalline substance that comes in multicolored capsules to be swallowed, and each Librium capsule comes in doses of 5mg, 10mg, and 25mg.

It has psychotropic properties and is usually prescribed to users for long-term use. Its effectiveness as a mental health medication usually reaches full strength after four months of continued use. When used to treat alcohol withdrawal symptoms or acute anxiety or panic, it is used for a short period as a sedative, causing severe drowsiness if overused.

To know what is Librium, you should learn some of the common street names for Librium, which include:

  • L
  • Normies
  • Blue Bombs
  • Bennies
  • Benzos
  • Tranqs
  • Downers

Although it is not a controlled substance, like many benzodiazepines, Librium is highly likely to create dependence in its users, especially if snorted or mixed with water and injected, but can cause addiction even if they are taking the medication as prescribed. For this reason, it is in the patient’s best interest that medical professionals closely monitor their use of this medication. Tell your doctor if you believe you are developing a dependence on this medication.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

Librium acts directly on the brain by enhancing the GABA neurotransmitters, affecting the central nervous system, thereby affecting dopamine release in the brain by stopping the brain from limiting the flow. This process immediately diminishes sensations of pain and anxiety, producing a sense of calm for anywhere from five to thirty hours at a time.

Librium has a half-life of five to 30 hours, which means it falls somewhere between an intermediate and a long-acting benzo medication. Depending on the person and the dosage, it can take several hours to feel the full effects of this drug after swallowing it.

Librium Abuse and Addiction

This drug is very effective in the short-term treatment of panic attacks and alcohol withdrawal symptoms but is highly addictive. As it produces pleasurable calming sensations and even intoxication resembling alcohol intoxication at high doses, Librium is often abused.

librium treatment

Because it affects the brain’s capacity to produce dopamine on its own, Librium use will create a physical dependence on the substance over time. Without taking the drug, the user will no longer experience normal amounts of pleasure or happiness. This may result in a user taking more than the prescribed dosage to get high or using it in combination with other drugs to enhance their effects.

Dangers of Librium Abuse

Some of the short-term effects of Librium abuse include:

  • Confusion
  • Fainting
  • Restlessness
  • Irritability
  • Liver problems
  • Skin rashes
  • Nausea
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • A noticeable change in a person’s sex drive

The long-term damage includes the brain becoming unable to produce dopamine on its own, leading to a lack of pleasure. People who abuse this medication also experience depression and severe memory loss.

Overuse of Librium or mixing Librium with other drugs or alcohol may result in high blood pressure and respiration issues, with an overdose leading to:

  • Blackout
  • Extreme drowsiness
  • Slowed reflexes
  • Low blood pressure
  • Coma
  • Brain damage
  • Death

For this reason, it is imperative never to take more of this drug than has been prescribed to you, never mix this drug with other medications or alcohol, and never take this drug if it was not prescribed to you. If you believe you have taken an overdose of Librium, seek emergency medical attention immediately.

Librium Withdrawal

When learning what is Librium, it’s vital to know what it’s like to withdraw from the drug. It may be dangerous to quit this medication without professional help when it comes to Librium addiction treatment. The reasons your doctor decided to prescribe Librium will make those symptoms reappear when quitting Librium. These symptoms may range from mild discomfort and anxiety to feeling unbearable, and with severe addictions, they may become dangerous or even deadly.

The neural pathways in your brain adjust to having a consistent supply of Librium, causing your body to become physically dependent on Librium to feel normal and function properly. If you stop taking the drug abruptly, even if you were using Librium as prescribed for only six to eight weeks, uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms are likely to occur.

Withdrawal symptoms of Librium include:

  • Sweating
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Tremors
  • High anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Psychosis
  • Depression
  • Agitation
  • Muscle spasms
  • Depersonalization
  • Seizures
  • Delirium tremens

Always ask your doctor for medical advice regarding the adverse effects you may experience when quitting Librium.

Treatment Options for Librium Addiction

When you get treatment for Librium addiction, you need to address the physical and psychological aspects of it. Relapse is likely if you don’t address the psychological aspects and co-occurring disorders like trauma or other mental health disorders that may accompany drug addiction.

Some of the top options for Librium benzo treatments include:

  • Medical detox programs
  • Inpatient addiction treatment
  • Outpatient rehab
  • Dialectical behavior therapy
  • Holistic rehab programs
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Long-term aftercare programs

Treating Librium Addiction at Muse

Muse Treatment Center has a safe and effective medical detox program run by caring and trauma-informed medical professionals. Because benzodiazepines create strong addictions, we use a slow tapering-off method rather than a “cold turkey” method. We will provide you with anxiety-relieving medications to improve your rest and stress levels. You will begin a therapy regimen immediately and dual diagnosis for any mental illness that may present itself at this time. Our caregivers will ensure you are comfortable as the Librium leaves your body. You will be able to speak with counselors to help you deal with unpleasant thoughts and emotions throughout this time.

Because stopping the use of benzos can come with long-term effects like depression, anxiety or insomnia, and intense drug cravings that can last for months after quitting, it is usually recommended that you move directly from detox into an inpatient rehab program. This process is followed by extended outpatient care so that you will have strong support throughout this difficult time.

In rehab, you will have many treatment options, including individual therapy sessions, group therapy, art therapy, recreational programs, educational lectures about addiction, mindfulness, and family therapy sessions. As the effects of Librium can last for months or even years in some cases, it is important to find the underlying causes of addiction, give some relapse prevention tools, and provide strong long-term support. You can always return to a Muse Treatment Center if you need somebody to talk to or feel like you may relapse.

Inpatient Rehab

In inpatient treatment, you will live full-time inside a comfortable, safe, and sober facility for 30 to 90 days, surrounded by peers, with structured and healthy daily living including whole, nutritional food, and an exercise program. Inpatient rehabilitation is beneficial to most clients, as it keeps you physically removed from any temptations and people who may enable your addiction. You will gain a new perspective on your life as you gain recovery skills, and because you will be away from your everyday stress and triggers, you will be able to concentrate on your health and healing without distraction.

Outpatient Rehab

In outpatient treatment, you will live outside of the facility and commute in for therapy, twelve-step program meetings, and case management programs. The two types of outpatient care we offer at Muse Treatment are:

  • Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) – a concentrated, full-day program you can attend up to 7 days per week if you want
  • Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) – a flexible and tailored program that can be customized to fit around your work, school, and family schedule, with meetings, appointments, and groups usually on evenings and weekends.

With these options, you will never be alone in your recovery from Librium. We can help you detox safely and move past the cravings while giving you the tools and skills you will need to live a drug-free life. Contact us at (800) 426-1818 today to find out more about what is Librium and how our inpatient residential rehab programs and our outpatient PHP and IOP programs can help overcome the addiction. We will work with you to ensure you get the treatment you need right away.

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Thursday 5 September 2024

How to Support a Loved One During National Recovery Month

Supporting A Loved One During National Recovery Month

Addiction recovery is a never-ending battle. While patients may have ended their rehab stay and now live sober lives, the struggle of addiction remains. It’s a lifelong journey with many ups and downs. For people with a loved one or friend in addiction recovery, offering support plays a critical role in the process. With National Recovery Month in September, it’s an important reminder of how difficult addiction is to overcome and how vital support is throughout the process.

Established in 1989, National Recovery Month aims to recognize new, evidence-based drug and alcohol addiction treatment and recovery approaches while honoring the nation’s addiction recovery community and the commitment of service providers and loved ones who help people overcome the struggle. It serves as a great time to reflect on the issues of addiction and what can be done to aid people struggling with addiction.


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What Is The Message Of National Recovery Month?

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) sponsors National Recovery Month. The agency aims to provide education and raise funds for addiction recovery to help spread awareness of how addiction treatment and mental health services can help people struggling with a mental or substance use disorder to live healthy lives. SAMHSA also times its recovery events and grant-funding initiatives around the month as it helps put the spotlight on how addiction can be defeated.

The key messages of National Recovery Month are:

  1. Recovery is possible. With proper support and treatment, it is possible to recover from substance use and mental health disorders.
  2. Treatment is effective. Evidence-based therapies like medication, counseling, and peer support can help people manage their conditions.
  3. Prevention works. By implementing community-based prevention education programs, people can know the dangers and early signs of addiction and mental health issues before they become a problem that can impact lives.
  4. Everyone has a role to play. Addiction impacts everyone — which means everyone, including families, friends, employers, healthcare providers, and community organizations, can all assist in someone’s addiction recovery journey.

Support during National Recovery Month

What Can You Say to Encourage Someone in Recovery?

If someone has a friend or loved one facing addiction or in recovery, they may not know exactly what that person is going through if they haven’t experienced it themselves. Offering encouragement and support is important in helping someone recover, but you have to watch what you say, so it can also be challenging. You want to be kind and helpful without coming across as overbearing or judgmental. If you want to get involved in this awareness month, here are some helpful tips for what to say during National Recovery Month:

  • “I’m proud of you.” Addiction is one of the most difficult things to overcome, and people trying to get better deserve praise and recognition for their efforts. Saying how proud you are of their efforts lets them know you see their progress and are happy they are making changes to better their lives.
  • “How can I help?” Asking a simple question like how to help can make their life a little easier, knowing they do have someone willing to lend support. Whether it’s driving them to outpatient care, helping clean their home, offering childcare, or just listening to their problems, every bit of help is appreciated,
  • “I believe in you.” Let them know that you feel they have the strength to overcome addiction and maintain sobriety. Reminding them that you have faith in their recovery encourages them to continue in the addiction recovery process.
  • “It’s not your fault.” Addiction is a disease no one should be blamed for having. Make it clear that you don’t hold them responsible for their condition and that many people go through the same struggles.
  • “I’m here for you.” They may know that you support them, but providing additional reassurance that you will be a constant source of support, no matter what challenges arise, will help in the long run. Addiction recovery never ends, and it’s important they know you aren’t going anywhere.
  • “Take it one day at a time.” Recovering from addiction is never a quick and easy process. Please encourage them to stay focused on the present and celebrate even small victories.

When offering words of encouragement, the most important thing is to let your loved one know you care and are here to support them.


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Supporting a Loved One in Recovery

Offering kind and supportive words plays a vital role in helping someone trying to overcome addiction. However, actions speak louder than words, and you can support a loved one in recovery in many additional ways. Learn as much as you can about addiction and the recovery process to better understand what your loved one is going through. It will help you be more empathetic and effective in your support.

Many cities and communities offer free support groups for the friends and family members of those in recovery. Participating in these addiction recovery support groups can help you access resources and a network of people who can help with the recovery process. When available, it’s also important to attend therapy sessions, doctor’s visits, or support group meetings to provide comfort that you’re supporting their recovery.

Recovery is a mental and physical challenge. Suggesting activities that promote physical and mental well-being, such as exercise, meditation, or a new hobby, can be significant recovery aids. Using exercise and other activities can help people in recovery stay focused and manage cravings.

Addiction never ends, which means relapses can occur. If a relapse does happen, avoid criticizing. Instead, offer compassion and encouragement to help them get back on track. Supporting a loved one in recovery is about providing a safe and nurturing environment through the journey. With your love and support, they can overcome the challenges of addiction and reclaim their lives. For those at the beginning of the addiction recovery process, Muse Treatment’s Los Angeles drug rehab center provides comprehensive addiction treatment programs to help patients throughout the journey. For more information on our treatment options during National Recovery Month, please contact us online or call 800-426-1818 today.

The post How to Support a Loved One During National Recovery Month appeared first on Muse Treatment.


Outpatient Alcohol Rehab Near Me in Inglewood

If you are looking for a high-quality experience at an outpatient alcohol rehab in Inglewood, consider Muse Treatment. We offer personalized alcohol addiction treatment plans for Inglewood residents with inpatient and outpatient options designed to work best for you, your lifestyle, and the goals you set for your future sobriety. 

Our outpatient alcohol rehab facility near Inglewood offers treatment plans that include levels of care ranging from day programs to more casual, customizable intensive outpatient treatment plans that can fit around your busy schedule so you can continue working and living your life the way you want to.

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Introduction to Outpatient Alcohol Rehab at Muse Treatment in Inglewood

You will live outside the Inglewood rehab treatment center, coming in at scheduled times to check in with your doctor, attend group support meetings, family counseling and therapy appointments, and meet with your case manager. Outpatient rehab programs for alcohol addiction in Inglewood are perfect for people who have already completed time in an inpatient program or people who cannot step away from their home life, work, or school for an extended time. The Muse Treatment outpatient experience is tailored to suit each patient, offering strong professional and peer support and meeting you where you are in your recovery.

The Benefits of Choosing Outpatient Alcohol Rehab Near Me

Some of the top benefits of attending Muse Treatment’s outpatient alcohol rehab in Inglewood include the following:

  • Being near family and friends: You can continue to live at home to surround yourself with supportive friends and family as you recover.
  • Keeping your job or continuing school: With its flexible schedule, outpatient treatment is an excellent way to get the help you need, even if you can’t take time away from life’s obligations.
  • Lower costs: Outpatient alcohol rehab in Inglewood usually costs less than a residential program because you don’t have to pay for food and accommodation.
  • Having support as long as you need it: At Muse Treatment, we encourage all patients to stay in touch and return any time for a 12-step meeting, a doctor’s appointment, or a scheduled therapy session.
  • New resources: You can gain new recovery and relapse prevention skills and stress reduction tools and use these skills for the rest of your life.

Personalized Outpatient Programs at Muse Treatment in Inglewood

Everybody has a unique history, health concerns, and recovery goals. This is why at Muse Treatment we conduct an in-depth assessment before any of our patients enroll in rehab to see the background they are coming from when it comes to their addiction.  Many interconnected issues can affect how a person interacts with the world, including social, emotional, behavioral, psychological, and physical health issues.

Addiction treatment that has a more personalized approach is much more effective than a one-size-fits-all approach. At Muse Treatment, our staff doesn’t just treat you like a number in knowing your history of drug and alcohol use but also more about you as a person outside of addiction. Our team provides an in-depth psychological and physical health screening before collaborating with you to build a custom treatment plan that best suits your health and psychosocial needs and individual recovery goals.

For treatment at an outpatient alcohol rehab in Inglewood, some of the options include the partial hospitalization program, which is up to 6 hours per day, 5 to 7 days per week of programming, the intensive outpatient program, which is a minimum of 9 hours per week of therapy and group sessions, or a customized outpatient plan that will best work for your unique situation.

Outpatient treatment can continue for as long as you want it to. Once you have completed the set time in your treatment plan, you can decrease the intensity while attending groups or therapy on your preferred timeline. There will always be somebody you can turn to with Muse Treatment.

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A Day in the Life at Muse Treatment’s Inglewood Outpatient Alcohol Rehab

Everybody’s experience in treatment at an outpatient alcohol rehab in Inglewood is unique at Muse Treatment. You will live at home or in a sober living home and then come to the treatment center for your appointments, meetings, and groups. All outpatient programs include three main approaches: therapy, twelve-step integration, and case management. 

This combination not only helps you heal the underlying causes of addiction but also helps you to work on your recovery skills and your overall well-being and provides a community of other people in recovery. You will reintegrate into your everyday life at your own pace, with strong support available day and night.

Some of the different types of therapies and care you may have in your treatment plan include:

  • Behavioral therapy like CBT or DBT.
  • Holistic treatments like mindfulness, art therapy, or exercise programs.
  • Family therapy and group therapy sessions, including 12-step support groups.
  • Group therapy includes interpersonal relationships, anger management, self-awareness, and seeking safety.
  • Educational programs, life skills programs, and lectures.

outpatient alcohol rehab in inglewood, outpatient alcohol rehab near me in inglewood, outpatient treatment for alcohol rehab in inglewood,

Combining Flexibility and Quality Care in Inglewood’s Outpatient Alcohol Rehab

Some people may avoid seeking treatment for their alcohol use disorder because they worry that they will have to quit their job, leave college, or have to leave their family members behind while in rehab. A customized program for outpatient alcohol rehab in Inglewood can be the solution to this issue.

At Muse Treatment’s Inglewood outpatient alcohol rehab, your schedule will be created based on your unique practical needs so you can continue to care for your family or work full- or part-time, with programming available days, afternoons, evenings, and weekends. The program is designed to provide the support, confidence, and skills you need to stay sober long-term without causing additional hardship.

Ongoing Support and Resources: The Muse Treatment Commitment in Inglewood

After you have completed your time in our outpatient alcohol rehab in Inglewood, you will not be cut off from our services or left alone to fend for yourself. You can always book an appointment with your doctor or therapist, even months or years after completing your program. We also offer connections to recovery resources like local 12-step groups and sober peer support. If your current housing situation is not the best situation for living in sobriety, we can also help you find a halfway house or another sober living home. There are always options for you, no matter how long it has been since your last appointment with us.

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Getting Started With Outpatient Alcohol Rehab at Muse Treatment in Inglewood

It is easy to get started at Muse Treatment’s Inglewood outpatient alcohol rehab center. All you have to do is call us at 800-426-1818. We have experts ready to take your call, answer your questions, and help you determine the best way to get help as quickly as possible. Our team is here to ensure you are treated with the respect and care you deserve as you begin the next chapter of your recovery journey.

Contact Muse Treatment Today for Outpatient Alcohol Rehab in Inglewood

Please contact Muse Treatment today by calling 800-426-1818. Your call will be completely confidential, and you can find out more about our customized inpatient and outpatient detox and rehab services, as well as the types of evidence-based therapies and treatments we provide. We take most insurance and can help you decide your next step. You are not alone, and our outpatient alcohol rehab in Inglewood is here to help.

The post Outpatient Alcohol Rehab Near Me in Inglewood appeared first on Muse Treatment.


The Relationship Between Gambling and Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction is a disease that impacts the body and mind. The same circumstances that can lead to an alcohol addiction can also cause a...