Thursday, 18 November 2021

Alcohol Rehab for Bakersfield Residents

Alcohol Detox for Residents of Bakersfield

When you’re trapped in the eternal cycle of alcohol addiction, you can feel as though you have no way out. While you may wake up every morning with the best intentions of not drinking, certain things may go wrong as you begin to get into your day. You may experience certain work stresses that you feel as though you can’t manage unless you can look forward to a drink at the end of it. Certain things come up with family stresses that can trigger you to feel like you need an escape. Suddenly, you get to the end of your day, and you find yourself at a liquor store or a local bar drinking the very substance that you had sworn off earlier that day. When you’re ready to break free of the trap of addiction, help is available at our alcohol rehab in Bakersfield.

The first step in your recovery journey will be to find a treatment center that offers a comprehensive alcohol detox program. Unfortunately, many people make the mistake of thinking that detox isn’t a big part of their recovery. As a result, they attempt to go through the withdrawal and detox process by themselves. Although it may seem appealing to try to go through detox in the comfort of your own home, the reality is that you may be putting yourself at serious physical and psychological risk. You should only ever go through alcohol detox when you’re under the care of a trained medical professional that can continuously monitor your withdrawal symptoms.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal

One of the things that makes alcohol withdrawal and detox so dangerous is that withdrawal symptoms are unpredictable. You may feel one or a multitude of withdrawal symptoms during the first few days of your sobriety. Withdrawal symptoms can impact you both physically and psychologically and can include:

  • Nausea
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Shakiness
  • Cravings
  • Stomach issues
  • Erratic behavior

Any one of these symptoms can make it difficult if not impossible for you to care for yourself and could lead to potentially dangerous and deadly consequences. When you commit to working through a detox program, however, you can take comfort in that you will be under the care of a treatment team 24 hours a day, seven days a week during these first few critical hours and days.

What to Expect from Alcohol Detox?

If you have never been through the alcohol detox before or you attempted to work through withdrawal by yourself, you may have specific questions associated with the process. Here are some examples of the concerns that many people that are planning on going through alcohol detox have:

How long will I need to be in detox?

You will need to spend at least seven days in detox. This will give your treatment team the time that they need to go through the worst of your withdrawal symptoms and begin to adjust back to some sense of normalcy.

How will I feel when I’m in detox?

The first 72 hours of your time in detox will be a physical and psychologically trying time in your recovery at our alcohol rehab for Bakersfield residents. Although your withdrawal symptoms may start on the mild side, they will quickly intensify over the next one to three days. However, when you work with an experienced detox team, you have the peace of mind of knowing that you will be well taken care of throughout your treatment.

Aren’t I cured of my addiction once I complete detox?

No. It’s essential to recognize that there is a significant psychological component that plays into your addiction. The only way for you to truly overcome your addiction and go on to live a healthier life is to not only commit to a detox program but a rehab program that will help you to work through the different contributing factors of this disease.

Alcohol Rehab After Detox

Once you complete your time in alcohol detox, you will be in a better place both physically and psychologically to commit to an alcohol rehab program. Attending to work through an alcohol rehab for Bakersfield residents when you’re either actively drinking or trying to combat withdrawal symptoms is akin to fighting a battle that you will never win. You must go through a detox program first to consciously take the time that you need to focus on yourself and tackle the root causes of your addiction once and for all.

You will have the flexibility to choose the type of rehab program you would like to commit to. For many people that worked through a detox program, it’s recommended that you transition into an inpatient treatment plan. The main reason for this is that an inpatient program will provide you with the same continuous level of care that you experienced while you were in detox. You will have a comfortable and relaxing place to live right on the campus of the treatment facility and have around-the-clock access to your treatment team. When you aren’t participating in therapy, you will have the opportunity to relax or enjoy the amenities of the facility.

Of course, not every person can commit to an inpatient program which is why outpatient programs have been developed. Intensive outpatient programs and general outpatient programs are ideal for clients going to work or school. Outpatient programs offer a treatment plan that can be adjusted to your schedule while still giving you the chance to receive the care you need to address your addiction.

Whether you choose to work through an inpatient or an outpatient program, taking part in different forms of therapy will be a critical aspect of your treatment. You will take part in just one type of treatment and a mixture of counseling that will help you address the root cause (or causes) of your addiction. Some examples of the therapy that you will experience in both inpatient or outpatient treatment include:

Group therapy

Group therapy allows you to interact with others that are working through their own treatment plan. The premise of group therapy is through sharing some of these traumatic experiences and listening to the experiences of others, you will be in a better place to be able to process them, and they will not seem as daunting to you. Actively participating in group therapy is also an excellent way for you to develop your own support system.

Family therapy

If your relationship with your family members has been ruined due to your alcohol addiction, family therapy can help you mend these relationships. Family support is always strongly encouraged during treatment because it gives you focus and motivation to continue your recovery journey. Family therapy will only take place when you are ready to tackle it, and it will always take place in a neutral environment so that every person feels comfortable and at ease.

Individual therapy

There may be certain events in your life that you simply don’t feel comfortable talking about in a group environment. While your treatment team will always continue to encourage you to share during group therapy, specific traumas may take you longer to share than others. Many people feel more comfortable talking about these events in the personalized setting that individual treatment offers. During these sessions, you will meet with your addiction therapists and have the chance not only to talk about these events but about your treatment plan to ensure that you’re still on the right track.

You need to remember that there are several steps that you should take after your time in alcohol rehab that will help you to maintain your sobriety. Something that is strongly recommended is that you commit to attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings that are local to your area. When you do this, you will quickly notice that AA meetings are similar to the group therapy sessions that you participated in during the time that you were during your recovery program. You can opt to attend one meeting a week or several meetings to continue to establish and maintain your sobriety. If you decide to work with the Muse Treatment team, we can always help you find AA meetings that are local to the Bakersfield area.

Choose Muse for Alcohol Detox for Bakersfield Residents

Muse Treatment Center is a top-rated treatment center and proudly services an alcohol rehab for Bakersfield residents. We have experience in helping clients from the Bakersfield area and all over the country to develop the life of sobriety that they have always dreamt of. Our intake team is available right now to give you more information about our alcohol rehab for Bakersfield residents. To learn more, please give us a call today at (800) 426-1818.

The post Alcohol Rehab for Bakersfield Residents appeared first on Muse Treatment.


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