Top-Rated Irvine Drug Detox
For many people, drug detox in Irvine is the aspect of their recovery that they fear the most. It’s no surprise that drug detox can be both physically and psychologically trying. What is even worse is the fact that drug detox can be unpredictable. While you can say with almost certainty that withdrawal will have some impact on you, the pure fear of what you will experience is enough to drive any person to continue to use their substance of choice.
If you are ready to commit to going through withdrawal in a less traumatic way, you must find a drug detox for Irvine residents that can help you through the process. A top-rated drug detox in Irvine will provide you with the secure environment that you need during the first week of your sobriety. You will have around-the-clock access to addiction treatment and care that will help you get through the worst of your detox symptoms to focus on the next steps that you need to take to truly overcome your addiction.
Why Is Drug Detox Necessary?
Sadly, many make the mistake of thinking that drug detox isn’t a significant factor in their overall recovery. If you begin to shake or experience cravings when the effects of your drug of choice begins to wear off, then you must reach out for help from a treatment team as soon as possible.
Due to this thinking, they believe that they can navigate through the drug detox process without professional help. While it’s understandable that you may think that you would feel more comfortable being sick at home, the reality is that withdrawal symptoms can put you in a dangerous position where you’re unable to care for yourself. Even if friends or family members try to care for you, they are not experienced in this field, so you should always decide to come to a professional drug detox for Irvine residents.
What to Expect During Drug Detox
If you have never been through formal medical drug detox, then it’s understandable that you may have some questions regarding what you will experience. Here are some examples of what you can expect during your time in drug detox:
A mixture of withdrawal symptoms
When you initially reach out to the intake team, you must provide them with information regarding the severity of your addiction to begin to make plans that will help you receive the urgent response you need. Many people don’t realize that withdrawal symptoms can set in within mere hours from when you last took your drug of choice. You can experience one or a multitude of withdrawal symptoms such as:
- Nausea
- Cravings
- Shakiness
- Headaches
- Stomach issues
- Erratic behavior
- Seizures
A difficult 72 hours
While your withdrawal symptoms may begin on the mild side, your withdrawal symptoms will quickly increase in intensity. As a result, it’s likely that the first 72 hours of your time in detox will be difficult. However, when an experienced team of addiction professionals surrounds you, you can take comfort in the fact that you will be in excellent hands. Your addiction team will have experience treating any type of withdrawal symptoms, so you’re never put in a position where you could be in a potentially fatal situation.
A return to normal
After the initial 72 hours of detox, you will start to feel more like yourself. By the time you get between the fifth and seventh day of detox, you will be in a better frame of mind, and you will start to feel better physically, which is a welcome relief to many people.
What Happens After Drug Detox?
You should never forget that drug detox is only the first step in your overall treatment journey. Keep in mind that there is a reason or a series of reasons that may have led you down the path of drug addiction. To truly maintain your sobriety, you must determine the root cause of your addiction so you can address it with your treatment team. This is something that is done after drug detox during drug rehab for Irvine residents.
One of the critical decisions you will need to make when it comes to your treatment is the type of treatment program you will commit to. If you decide to go to Muse Treatment Center, you will have the opportunity to work through one of three treatment programs:
- General outpatient: This is the most flexible treatment program. If you work or go to school full time, it may be impossible for you to commit to any other type of treatment program. During an outpatient program, you will work with a treatment team on a schedule that doesn’t jeopardize your personal or professional life but still gives you the help and support that you need.
- Intensive outpatient program: An intensive outpatient program is an ideal option for a client who may have recently completed an inpatient program or for a person who goes to school or works part-time. Suppose you opt to work through an intensive outpatient program or even a general outpatient program. In that case, you will always be encouraged to commit to going to 12-step meetings to reinforce the important lessons you are learning when you’re in treatment. Taking this step will also help you to build your system of support.
- Inpatient program: An inpatient program provides you with the most amount of structure. Clients who take advantage of an inpatient program will live on campus with their treatment team, providing an extra level of support. If you’re struggling in the early morning hours or late at night, you know that you can always turn to an addiction expert to help you through what you may be thinking and feeling. You can also enjoy some of the home away from home amenities which can provide you with an extra level of comfort.
Whether you decide to work through an inpatient, intensive outpatient, or general outpatient program, there are certain forms of therapy that you will experience during your time in treatment. Something important to remember is that while you may initially feel uncomfortable sharing during treatment, you will come to find that this is important to overcome the traumas that may have contributed to your addiction. Some of the forms of treatment that you can expect to experience during your time in therapy include:
Group therapy
Group therapy is similar to attending a 12-step meeting in several ways. During group therapy, not only will you have the chance to share your experiences, but you will also listen to others around you. You will likely come to find that other people working their way through treatment may be able to provide you with support and visa versa.
Family therapy
Has your relationship with your family members become strained as a result of your addiction? If so, you may want to take advantage of family therapy. During family therapy, you will be able to speak to your family members in a neutral environment. This will allow them to speak to you about how they felt when you were in active addiction. You can have an open and honest conversation about what you can do to repair your relationships going forward.
Individual therapy
Individual therapy is a critical part of your treatment program because you will have the chance to speak privately to an addiction expert about certain events in your life that you may not feel comfortable sharing in a group setting. While you must make an effort to share during group therapy, individual therapy can provide you with a different comfort level. One-on-one therapy will also allow you to speak with your treatment team about how you feel working through your recovery program. If any changes or adjustments need to be made, individual therapy is the time to address them and make them.
Choose Muse for Drug Detox for Irvine Residents
At Muse Treatment Center, our focus is on providing our clients with the personalized level of care and attention they need as they begin to make these life-changing decisions. From the moment that you reach out to us, we take the opportunity to learn more about you and your goals when it comes to your overall recovery. When you’re ready to go to our drug detox for Irvine residents or are prepared to tackle your addiction through drug rehab, please get in touch with us at (800) 426-1818. We’re always here, and we’re always ready to help.
The post Drug Detox for Irvine Residents appeared first on Muse Treatment.
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