Friday, 19 November 2021

Signs and Symptoms of Oxycontin Abuse

What Is OxyContin?

Oxycontin is a form of the widely known prescription opioid oxycodone. Oxycontin is a prescription opioid that is often prescribed for patients experiencing moderate to high levels of pain. Typically, it is prescribed for patients undergoing cancer treatment, patients who need pain management support after major surgery, or patients with a bone or degenerative neurological disease. These medications have been groundbreaking in the medical industry for patients suffering from these conditions and their ability to maintain a healthy, functional way of life. However, the downside of this prescription drug can lead to addiction and dependency, which makes knowing the signs and symptoms of Oxycontin abuse extremely important.

Oxycontin consists of highly addictive components that, when misused, can lead the user to develop a physical dependency that is hard to overcome without an opioid rehab program. The prescribed method of taking Oxycontin is to take it in pill format following the intended dosage. However, it is often taken in various ways that do not follow the intended method for those who abuse Oxycontin. Patients who enter opioid rehab will have to use Oxycontin in crushing and snorting the pill or mixed with water to use intravenously. Often these methods will provide the user with an instant high that lasts for a short time. This often leads users to increase their use and need more oxycontin to have the desired effect. 

Muse Treatment offers patients a wide variety of treatment options that will be sure to fit into their lifestyle needs while giving you the specific individual care you need to heal your body, mind, and soul from the chains of addiction. To begin an oxycontin rehab program, the first step is to go through a detox process. Muse Treatment offers patients a medically supervised Oxycotin detox program to maintain their safety and comfort as they rid their bodies of the toxins from oxycontin. 

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

Signs of OxyContin Abuse

When you are in the depths of your addiction, it often can be challenging to recognize the signs and symptoms of Oxycontin abuse. Families and loved ones may find it hard to recognize the signs that your Oxycontin use has risen to a level of concern. The following are signs and symptoms of oxycontin abuse that are an area of concern:

  • Stealing prescriptions or borrowing money to obtain more oxycontin 
  • Going to multiple doctors to obtain more prescriptions 
  • Difficulty focusing or keeping attention 
  • Poor concentration 
  • Lying or hiding your prescription drug use 
  • Isolation and withdrawal from friends and loved ones
  • Thought patterns are consumed with obtaining, finding, and taking the drug 
  • Stashing or hiding the drug around your house to avoid others finding out 
  • Poor judgment/decision making 
  • Confusion/ disorganized thoughts 
  • Erratic mood swings 
  • Lack of interest in activities and hobbies that used to interest you 
  • Continued attempts to try to reduce your use and change drug intake behaviors 

Symptoms of OxyContin Abuse

When you become entrenched in your Oxycontin abuse, your life can easily get turned upside as you enter into the spiral of addiction. The more your symptoms progress, the more patients will use more to help mitigate the rising severity in symptoms and effects felt. Without the intervention and treatment from a drug rehab program, patients are often left feeling left in a revolving loop of addiction that is getting progressively worse. 

Symptoms of oxycontin abuse are: 

  • State of euphoria after use 
  • Depression
  • Anxiety 
  • Agitation or displaying unprovoked anger
  • Appearing drowsy or going in and out of sleep (often referred to as ‘the nod’) 
  • Restlessness 
  • Dry mouth 
  • Depression
  • Low blood pressure 
  • Loss of appetite 
  • Blurry vision 
  • Excessive sweating
  • Nausea 
  • Vomiting 

Short Term Effects of OxyContin

The use of Oxycontin can produce short-term effects that leave the user feeling good momentarily but will leave the user wanting to reach the same level of euphoria again. This quickly creates a quick cycle of abuse and, before long, you have become addicted and reliant on this drug to function within your day-to-day life. 

Often the short-term effects felt from oxycontin use are:

  • Headaches 
  • Nausea 
  • Inability to stay alert/ increased drowsiness 
  • Physical impairment
  • Failure to make sound judgments and decisions 
  • Lack of care for personal hygiene
  • Inability to follow through with commitments and responsibilities 
  • State of euphoria/ escape 

Long Term Effects of OxyContin

It is no secret that prolonged drug use can impact your physical and emotional well-being. Oxycontin was not created with the intent of prolonged use. It was meant as a short, brief medical intervention to support patients get through high pain levels as they move through difficult medical conditions. When a patient uses oxycontin for an extended period, you run the risk of serious, sometimes life-threatening side effects including:

  • Risk of seizures 
  • Heart complications
  • Low blood pressure 
  • Difficulty maintaining employment 
  • Risk of homelessness 
  • Challenges within relationships such as the risk of divorce, loss of friends or family 
  • Increased criminal behavior, risk of incarceration 
  • Irregular breathing 
  • Higher risk of domestic or child abuse 
  • Financial difficulties 
  • Decrease in mental health functioning 
  • Physical impairments and disabilities increase or worsen 
  • Risk of suicidal thoughts or attempts 
  • The potential risk of death from cardiac arrest or slowed respiration 

Going to Rehab for OxyContin Addiction

As you prepare to enter into a rehab program for Oxycontin, you will need to go through the first critical step, a medically supervised Oxycotin detox. Regular oxycontin abuse can lead the users to become physically dependent on Oxycontin to function normally throughout the day. When your body reaches this level, it is not safe to simply stop using the drug. This can increase the severity of symptoms and risk being potentially fatal if not appropriately treated by doctors or nurses who specialize in supporting patients through a safe withdrawal. Often, when you have an extended period of use, you will begin to taper off of Oxycontin. This allows your body to slowly lessen the dependency and eventually move to end your oxycontin use while maintaining your safety in the highest regard. 

Your Oxycotin detox program will be a holistic approach to detox that will incorporate natural ways of healing as well as medical interventions. As our doctors and nurses monitor your progress through detox, you may be offered medications to help lessen the severity of symptoms and side effects while also ensuring that the potential of life-threatening symptoms decreases to a stable, safe level. Your body’s strength will be increased through a healthy diet and exercise that will help replenish nutrients and vitamins that you may have been lacking during the peak of your addiction. 

Once you have completed a medically supervised detox and feel healthy and stable, you will move into an Oxycontin rehab program. Whether you choose an inpatient or outpatient drug rehab program, you will be offered comprehensive therapy methods that will help you gain perspective of the root causes of your addiction. Once you identify the emotions, thoughts, and behaviors that impact your ability to remain sober, you will begin to learn tools that will help you navigate your way through triggering situations without the use of drugs. Often, when you are feeling triggered, you have not learned how to identify the genuine emotion you are feeling and know how best to process the emotions you are feeling. Through skills such as emotional regulation and mindful inquiry, you will be able to slow down your negative responses and learn how to manage unpleasant feelings effectively.

When you enter into a drug rehab program through Muse Treatment, you will be supported in finding connection and purpose in your life again. When you are amid your addiction, you will often lose a sense of belonging and connection with those you care about most. You will have the opportunity to create solid, sober support within our inpatient treatment program that will give you a foundation of support that will stay with you even after you leave our doors. The Muse Treatment experience for patients is one of empowerment, trust, and connection. Our counselors will work with you to find your passion and drive for life again by helping you achieve your recovery goals. Our evidence-based treatment methods will genuinely provide you with healing physically, emotionally, and spiritually. If you are ready to leave your life of Oxycontin use behind you or need more information on the signs and symptoms of oxycontin abuse, contact our friendly staff today at (800) 426-1818 to find out when you can get started on your healing journey.

The post Signs and Symptoms of Oxycontin Abuse appeared first on Muse Treatment.


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