West Hollywood AA Meetings
You will be continuously reminded of addiction as you make your way through your recovery journey because healing from alcohol dependence is a lifelong journey. While it’s fantastic that you decided to commit to an alcohol rehab or drug rehab program, when you complete your treatment, it’s just as vital for you to continue building and growing your system of support. The best way to do this is to find and attend AA meetings in West Hollywood.
AA meetings first came to fruition in the 1930s through a partnership between Bill Wilson, commonly referred to as Bill W., and Robert Smith, commonly referred to as Dr. Bob. Bill Wilson was a chronic alcoholic who had seemingly nothing left to lose. Everyone around him had given up on the idea that he would ever be able to get sober. However, more than Bill and Dr. Bob began to work with each other; they realized that when alcoholics shared their experiences with other alcoholics in a structured environment and setting, they could better manage their sobriety. Over time, more and more men and women began to take part in AA meetings, which resulted in them putting the drink down for the rest of their lives.
Alcoholics Anonymous is based on 12 steps that you can take to come to a place of recovery in your life. The 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous are as follows:
- We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable.
- Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
- Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
- Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
- Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
- Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
- Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
- Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
- Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
- Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it.
- Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
- Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics and to practice these principles in all our affairs.
It’s important to remember that a person should only ever work through the steps with a sponsor. A sponsor is a person who has worked through the steps with their own sponsor and has come to a place in their recovery where they can provide guidance and assistance to someone newer to the program. This is just one of the reasons why it’s critical to communicate and interact with other people that attend AA meetings in West Hollywood so you can find a sponsor that will help you in your own recovery from alcohol addiction.
Benefits of Attending AA Meetings After Rehab
The advantages of regularly attending AA meetings in West Hollywood are seemingly endless. If you decide to work through an outpatient program, you will be strongly encouraged to attend AA meetings. Whether you are local to the West Hollywood area or from a nearby location, there are numerous ways to benefit from going to an AA meeting at least once a week. Here are some examples:
Stress release
Just because you complete your treatment program doesn’t mean that you will never feel an ounce of stress again in your life. It means that you will learn specific tools to help you better manage the stress you are feeling. One of the tools that you can tap into is going to an AA meeting. Once you sit down and begin to listen to the experiences of others or you share about the own stresses that you are experiencing in your life, you will start to notice the stress that you’re feeling start to melt away. Having that release is critical in your overall health and well-being.
Different perspective
Sometimes when you are so lost in a specific situation that it’s impossible to have a clear perspective on it. Also, you may think that you can adequately manage a problem. However, when you come to an AA meeting, you may realize a better way of navigating it. While other AA members will not be able to tell you how you should address your problem, they can provide you with their own faith, hope, and experience, which can clarify what you have been missing when addressing these critical issues.
One of the great things about AA is that every AA member realizes that a person can slip back into the trap of addiction. However, an AA meeting revolves around the premise of being an entirely judgment-free environment. If you have fallen back into addiction, you’re encouraged to share your experiences. You will come to find that you will receive a tremendous amount of support when you keep yourself accountable if you have any issues.
Share your successes
Each month, an AA meeting will designate a particular session to celebrate the members’ accomplishments of their group. Whether you’re celebrating 30 days sober or having years of sobriety, these are all special milestones that should be recognized. There is a certain sense of personal determination that a person may feel when they can experience these events. People that don’t attend AA meetings may not understand how monumental these occasions are. However, when you proudly announce one of these milestones during an AA meeting, you can rest assured that every person in that group will sincerely congratulate you and encourage you to continue in your recovery journey.
Find AA Meetings in West Hollywood
One of the best things about Alcoholics Anonymous is that you can find an AA meeting to attend at seemingly any day or any time. The developers of AA understood that struggles with addiction don’t happen just between the typical business hours of 9 AM and 5 PM. Instead, they can happen on any day or any time. When you’re ready to find an AA meeting in West Hollywood, here are some of the options that you have:
Early Bird Workshop
The Early Bird Workshop meeting takes place every Tuesday at 7:30 AM. Attending an early morning meeting is a wonderful way to begin your day. Instead of feeling stressed or pressured about the rest of your day, you can start it with a sense of peace and calmness that you never knew existed before. This meeting lasts an hour, and from there you can plan to go right to work or school.
621 N Robertson Blvd, West Hollywood, CA 90069
Great Facts Meeting
Weekends can be a particularly challenging time of the week for many people that have suffered or are suffering from addiction. After all, the weekends are usually when people let loose a bit and tend to give in to their dependence that much more. The Great Facts meeting takes place every Saturday night at 7:30. This meeting can provide any person with a tremendous source of comfort and reassurance that they are making the right decision to maintain their sobriety.
8700 Alden Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90048
Sundowners Meeting
Is stress starting to creep back in on Sunday night as you plan for work or school the next day? When not take the time to attend an AA meeting? The Sundowners meeting takes place every Sunday at 6 PM. It’s a great way to rest at the end of your weekend in preparation for the start of a new work week the following day.
8701 Gracie Allen Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90048
Choose Muse for Addiction Treatment and Recovery
When you decide on Muse Treatment Center, you will have the opportunity to change the course of your life completely. Whether this is your first time trying to navigate through a treatment program or you have had experience attending treatment before, you can rest assured that you will always find the care and support you need when you come to Muse Treatment Center. To take your first steps toward your new and sober life, please contact us today at (800) 426-1818. A member of our intake team is available right now to help get you started developing your treatment program.
The post Thriving in Recovery: AA Meetings in West Hollywood appeared first on Muse Treatment.
source https://musetreatment.com/thriving-in-recovery-aa-meetings-in-west-hollywood/
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