Monday, 22 November 2021

Thriving in Recovery: Best Burbank Yoga Studios for People in Recovery

Yoga During Addiction Recovery

When you were in active addiction, would you have thought that something like yoga would have interested or benefited you? For many people, the answer is no. When you’re focused on your addiction, everything else seems to fade into the background. However, as you begin to work through your treatment program, you will find that several activities can have rehab patients thriving in recovery. Yoga is an example of a movement that can help you relax, refresh, and refocus on the different tasks you need to do throughout the day, including remaining sober.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

Benefits of Yoga Combined With Recovery

While yoga is generally known as a calming pastime, there are numerous benefits that a person that is in addiction recovery could experience. Some examples include:

An activity for any time

One of the great things about yoga is that it’s an excellent and relaxing activity for any time of day. Regardless of whether you decide to participate in a yoga class first thing in the morning or you prefer to try it at the end of your day, you can rest assured that you will walk out of each class feeling better than when you walked in.

Increase in blood flow

There are several physical benefits associated with an increased blood flow throughout your body. A boost in blood flow can result in extra oxygen to the essential organs and muscles can help you feel better physically, and improve the likelihood that you will see an increase in muscle tone.

Healthy immunity

Did you know that exercising, including doing yoga, can help to boost your immunity? You may notice that you get sick more often by moving your body around and focusing on bringing a sense of balance to your environment. This is a welcome change to your world, especially when you’re taking steps around thriving in recovery.

Stress release

If you’re not thriving in recovery and dealing with stress, one of the best things you can do is find a way to release that extra stress. Practicing yoga is a wonderful way for you to calm yourself, either at the start or the end of the day. If you find yourself struggling in the middle of the day, there are plenty of yoga studios in Burbank that can allow you to fit in a yoga class during your lunch break. Regardless of when you decide to take a class or go through a few movements, you will start to notice your stress level decrease, and you can focus on solving whatever was stressing you out.

Decreased blood pressure

Blood pressure is a concern among many people who have struggled with addiction. When you’re under the influence of your substance of choice, your body has to work hard to process these substances through your system. As a result, your heart and your organs are put under tremendous stress, which can equate to high blood pressure. Once you remove the drugs and alcohol from your life and add exercise such as yoga, you will see a noticeable improvement in your blood pressure which is an added benefit.

Personal growth

You may discover that you enjoy yoga so much that you want to teach others about the advantages of participating in yoga. Many yoga studios in the Burbank area will give you the guidance that you need to become your own yoga instructor. Taking this step can open you to a world of possibilities when it comes to possible career opportunities.

Pain control

As you get older, you will notice that you have certain aches and pains that may not have been there before. These common aches and pains can be enhanced when you’re in active addiction. As you begin to move your body around and become more involved, you may notice that the pains that once plagued you are no longer there. In fact, you may not only see an increase in your overall flexibility, which can be a welcome relief if you have struggled with chronic pain.

Holistic Approach to Addiction Recovery

There is a general misunderstanding when it comes to the premise of our Burbank recovery and treatment center. Some people believe that addiction is a choice that another person chooses to have. However, if you genuinely consider that thinking, it doesn’t make any sense.

Is it possible that another person would be so morally corrupt that they would intentionally want to hurt themselves or those around them? In nearly every case, the answer is no. This is why addiction is a disease that can impact the normal and healthy thinking of any person. As a result, you must develop a plan for treatment that can help you recover holistically.

The best way to do this is to actively participate in different forms of talk therapy that will be offered when you’re in addiction treatment. Although it may feel awkward or uncomfortable at times, opening yourself up and sharing about the experiences in your life that may have triggered your addiction can completely change your outlook on the steps you need to take to maintain your sobriety going forward.

Yoga Studios in Burbank

If you enjoy doing yoga, there are plenty of yoga studios in Burbank that can have rehab patients thriving in recovery. Here are some of the best options:


Seeing as how the main focus of yoga is stretching, it seems only fitting that Stretch yoga studio would be one of the best yoga studios in the Burbank area. One of the unique features of this yoga studio is that they offer yoga classes long after the regular workday has ended. Although the schedule of courses may change daily, you can opt to take a couple of classes a week or a class every day of the week if yoga is something that you fall in love with.

2320 Magnolia Blvd, Burbank, CA 91506

Yoga NoHo Center

The Yoga NoHo Center offers a multitude of services, including yoga classes daily. Whether you would like to register for a class, book a massage or meet with the staff regarding their chiropractic services, you will find everything you need here. While the classes at this location are excellent, you will need to schedule them ahead of time as there is no walk-in option. However, you can always book your spot using their website.

5257 Vineland Ave, North Hollywood, CA 91601


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Planet Namaste

Many people don’t realize that children can also benefit from participating in yoga. If you’re looking for a way to spend one on one time with a special little one in your life, you should book a class for both of you at Planet Namaste. This studio does an excellent job of creating the right environment for yogis of all ages and is more than willing to provide you with additional direction when needed.

3008 W Burbank Blvd, Burbank, CA 91505

White Heat Yoga

White Heat Yoga gives you the option to take part in a yoga class and Pilates and barre classes. This studio offers in-person and virtual courses, which provide you with the chance to personalize your yoga schedule even more. You will have to register ahead of time for your classes, so be sure to reach out to them, so you have the spot of your choice.

11049 Magnolia Blvd #500, North Hollywood, CA 91601


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The Muse Treatment Center team is here to provide you with the support you need to work through your addiction. We offer personalized Burbank recovery programs that will help you work through the different contributing factors of your addiction. From detox to an inpatient program to outpatient treatment options for those who need to maintain their work or school responsibilities, you will find all the tools and resources to learn what steps you need to take to live a healthy life.

Once you complete your treatment program, we help you focus on thriving in recovery by finding specific activities such as yoga that will develop a better way of living. Keep in mind that we can also provide you with the guidance you need when it comes to aftercare programs to ensure you remain focused on the goals you have for yourself. To learn more about our options near Burbank for thriving in recovery, we encourage you to reach out to us today at (800) 426-1818.

The post Thriving in Recovery: Best Burbank Yoga Studios for People in Recovery appeared first on Muse Treatment.


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