Monday, 15 November 2021

Thriving in Recovery: Best Hiking Trails Around Burbank for People in Recovery

Hiking Trails Are a Great Outdoor Activity for Those in Recovery

Your time in an inpatient or outpatient treatment program is designed to be a period of self-reflection and self-discovery. During this stretch of time, you will have the opportunity to learn more about yourself as you begin to navigate the ins and outs of your recovery program. You may come to find that you have interests in things that you have never considered before. For instance, whereas being outdoors may have been annoying for you when you were in active addiction because it cut into time to focus on your addiction, now that you are sober, you may genuinely enjoy being in the great outdoors. An outdoor activity that many people enjoy is going on a hike, and there are many hiking trails in Burbank for life after rehab.

Whether you decide to do a quick mile-long loop around a local trail or you’re ready to lace up your hiking boots and go for a more intensive adventure, you will find that going on a hike comes with a tremendous sense of gratification. There is something magical about completing your hike or getting to a point in your trek where you can experience beautiful scenery. This is just one of the reasons why finding hiking trails in Burbank for life after rehab is an activity that has become incredibly popular among people in recovery.

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Why Exercise Is Great for Addiction Recovery

One of the benefits of going on a hike is that it allows you to exercise. Although the word “exercise” can be a bad word for many people, it is something that can actually help you as you begin to work your way through a recovery program. If you decide to partner with Muse Treatment Center, you will have the opportunity to work with a personal trainer to help you develop your workout program. When you complete treatment, you will be encouraged to take advantage of experiencing different forms of exercise so that you can learn more about what you prefer. Here are some of the benefits of exercising:

Healthy weight maintenance

Many people are surprised at how much their drug or alcohol abuse can directly impact their weight. Alcohol, for example, contains an abundance of calories. Over and above eating throughout the day, your calorie intake will skyrocket. Also, your metabolism will begin to slow down, which can lead to noticeable weight gain. It’s important to remember that many drugs can also reduce your appetite. As a result, you may find that you are severely underweight. Incorporating a healthy diet as well as exercise can help you to maintain your ideal weight.

Stress release

Regardless of whether you decide to go for a hike or go to the gym, you will find that by the end of your workout, you will feel less stressed than you did from the time that you began. Exercise can provide you with a distraction that may help you process the situation you’re struggling with. By the end of your workout, you may be able to think more clearly about the problem at hand, and as a result, you may be able to work through it with less stress.

Better sleep

Finding time during your day to fit in a workout can result in you getting a better and more restful night of sleep. Unfortunately, addiction can throw off your body’s standard sleep patterns. Once you remove drugs or alcohol from your life and commit to being more physically active, you will find that you’re sleeping better at night, which means that you can be more active and efficient the following day.


One of the things you will learn when you’re in treatment is the critical role that a structured schedule can play in your life. While you’re always encouraged to attend 12-step meetings, incorporating time in the gym or doing some type of physical activity can help you keep a schedule in your life.

Self-care or group fun

The beauty of exercise is that you can decide to work out independently or make it a group activity. Going on a hike by yourself, for example, can provide you with the peace that you need during a difficult time in your life. However, participating in a group workout can give you the chance to meet new people who could positively influence your life.

Hiking Trails Near Burbank

Are you ready to experience the benefits of hiking for yourself? Lucky for you, there are plenty of hiking trails in Burbank for life after recovery. Here are some of the best options for hiking trails throughout the Burbank area:

Wildwood Canyon Park

Wildwood Canyon Park is primarily known as being one of the best hiking trails for pet owners. Keep in mind that you will need to keep your furry friend on a leash the entire time you’re on the trail. However, this trail is known for not being too challenging, which makes it great for human legs and puppy paws at the same time. Wildwood Canyon Park is open from sunrise to sundown; however, you’re sure to enjoy the beautiful scenery regardless of what time you go.

Wildwood Canyon Rd, Burbank, CA 91501


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Stough Canyon Nature Center

There are many attractive attributes about Stough Canyon Nature Center. Not only is the scenery about this area beautiful, but it’s also bike-friendly, which means that if you feel like switching up your standard hiking adventure, you have the option to do so. Something else that hikers love about this area is that it’s well maintained. While there are narrower paths and trails throughout the property, experienced and novice hikers shouldn’t have any problems navigating the area.

2300 E Walnut Ave, Burbank, CA 91504

Skyline Trail

If you’re up for a day of fun and adventure, Skyline Trail is the place to go. This hiking trail spans approximately 6.5 miles, and it’s estimated that it takes anywhere between two and a half and three hours to complete. It’s recommended that you have some type of hiking experience before you attempt to tackle this trail. The elevation gain is approximately 1,700 feet which means that you will need to pace yourself accordingly. The sites associated with this trail are absolutely beautiful, and they are something that you will not want to miss out on. However, you don’t want to forget when you go on your hike is your camera.

Skyline Mountain Way, Burbank, CA 91501

Beaudry Loop Hike

Beaudry Loop Hike is an example of a hiking trail that is excellent for new hikers. You will have plenty of opportunities to stop along the way and take in the sights and sounds of the course while not feeling as though you have overexerted yourself. Visiting this site first thing in the morning is usually the best time to go as you will experience a beautiful sunrise.

3110 Beaudry Terrace, Glendale, CA 91208


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Addiction Treatment and Recovery at Muse Treatment Center

At Muse Treatment Center, we understand the stress and frustration often caused by a drug or alcohol addiction. Regardless of whether you have been through another treatment program in the past and fallen off track or this is your first time focusing on your sobriety, you can take comfort in the fact that the Muse Treatment Center team is here to help you through your ups and downs of recovery. Muse Treatment Center allows our clients to begin their treatment journey in detox. The detox process can be physically and psychologically trying regardless of whether you have an addiction to drugs or alcohol. During detox, you can rest assured that we will provide you with the safe and protected environment you need, all while closely monitoring your withdrawal symptoms around the clock.

Once you’re ready to transition into a comprehensive treatment program, we are here to help. We offer both inpatient and outpatient programs that will help you accomplish the goals you have for yourself and your sobriety. Treatment programs can last anywhere between 30 and 90 days. Once your initial recovery program is done, our team can provide you with further guidance regarding what steps you can take to maintain your sobriety as you transition into the “real world.”

If you’re ready to learn more about why Muse Treatment Center is an excellent option for drug rehab or alcohol rehab, we encourage you to pick up the phone and speak with a member of our intake team. Our intake team is available around the clock so that you can get started right away on your recovery journey. Please give us a call today at (800) 426-1818.

The post Thriving in Recovery: Best Hiking Trails Around Burbank for People in Recovery appeared first on Muse Treatment.


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