Friday, 17 December 2021

5 Most Dangerous Drugs

5 Most Dangerous Drugs and Their Side Effects

Addiction comes in many forms and affects each person as it enters their lives differently. One thing that remains the same regardless of your addiction is that Americans have been facing the deadly epidemic of addiction across the nation. Addiction is the leading cause of accidental death among Americans today. A common misconception for people using drugs is that the worst-case scenario won’t happen to them. If you choose to use drugs, it is best to inform yourself of the most dangerous drugs and the side effects before using them. Ultimately, the best way to prevent harmful side effects is to seek treatment at a rehab facility when ready and able.

There is always a risk for dangerous side effects when using any drug. The chemical makeup of different drugs all affect your brain and its functioning levels. Drugs will target the receptors in your brain that release dopamine, serotonin, or endorphins, producing feelings of euphoria and pleasure. As your brain becomes exposed and accustomed to these chemicals, it creates an addictive cycle where your brain consistently sends you messages to use more to reach the desired level of euphoria. As you use more and more of these substances, it creates challenges for your brain to have a proper chemical balance without consuming these drugs. While all drugs can have this level of impact, some drugs have higher rates of addictive components and qualities and are more addictive and dangerous than others. 

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1. Acetaminophen (Tylenol)

When thinking of the most dangerous drugs to be consumed, many will immediately think of illicit street drugs. It is commonly known that hard drugs purchased on the street have harmful chemical makeup, but many don’t know that Acetaminophen is one of the most dangerous drugs widely taken. Otherwise known as Tylenol, Mapap, or Feverall, this drug is probably in most people’s homes and taken regularly when treating symptoms of pain and discomfort. While it has qualities that support mitigating pain and discomfort, it poses a risk to the individual’s overall safety and body functioning when misused. 

When taken in conjunction with alcohol or excess, Acetaminophen can become the most deadly drug for your body. When you combine Acetaminophen with alcohol, it produces high toxicity levels that become too much for your liver to process. You will often consume Acetaminophen after drinking to prevent or treat hangover symptoms when you are drinking alcohol. Even after a night of drinking, you still have alcohol in your system, creating a toxic combination. Furthermore, consistent use of Acetaminophen over a prolonged period can lead to liver damage. 

While there are times that Acetaminophen is needed for pain relief, it is recommended to find holistic, natural ways of mitigating the symptoms you are feeling to lessen the amount of Acetaminophen you are consuming. Alternatives include drinking more water, having a packed diet of vitamins and nutrients, and maintaining your physical health. 

2. Nicotine (Tobacco)

It is no secret that nicotine (or tobacco) is widely used and one of the most common addictions Americans face. In fact, nearly 34 million Americans smoke cigarettes each day, and cigarette use is still the leading cause of preventable death among Americans today. With its well-known adverse side effects and cancerous causing agents, many people attempt to quit smoking while recognizing that the strong pull of addiction from nicotine makes it a hard battle to win without proper support. 

The use of nicotine creates many challenges for one’s health and puts your overall health in jeopardy with many potential diseases and health complications that follow. Tobacco and nicotine are well known for being one of the leading causes of cancer among its users. There are numerous other health conditions and complications that can arise from the use of nicotine, including:

  • Risk of stroke 
  • Increased blood pressure 
  • With consistent use of nicotine, the artery walls become hardened, which can lead to a heart attack 
  • Elevated heart rate 
  • Increased blood flow to the heart 
  • Respiratory complications such as COPD, chronic bronchitis, or emphysema 

The good news is that there is a way to lessen the chances of contracting these health complications and conditions. With the proper support from your doctor and, potentially, nicotine aids, you will put down the cigarettes or vapes to remove the potential for further damage. The sooner you can remove nicotine from your daily routine, the more chances you will give your body to begin to repair the damage done and, at the same time, improve your physical functioning and health. 

3. Fentanyl

Americans have been facing the ever-growing epidemic of the fentanyl crisis. Over 70,000 Americans have lost their lives from this deadly, dangerous drug in 2019 alone. With its easy accessibility on the streets and over the internet, many drug manufacturers creating illicit street drugs are buying fentanyl to add to their current supply to increase the quantity of their existing supply by adding the cheaper component fentanyl. This process has been a significant factor in the current overdose rate as drug users are taking other substances without knowing that their drug supply has fentanyl. Without knowing that you are taking fentanyl, you run the risk of an overdose that you never anticipated happening. 

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that was initially designed for severe pain management. Often used for patients that are having surgery, going through cancer treatment, or have a life-threatening injury. While fentanyl was groundbreaking in the medical field for supporting patients, it opened the door to a dark side of addiction and dependency that thousands of Americans have fallen trapped to. Using fentanyl impacts your respiratory functioning and can cut the oxygen off from the brain. This can result in an overdose, and without the proper overdose intervention, it can be fatal for users. 

To treat and heal from your fentanyl addiction, it is recommended you undergo an inpatient drug rehab and detox program that will provide you with the proper medical care. This will ensure your safety and comfort through this process while allowing you to heal from the emotions and thoughts that have impacted your ability to remain sober. 

4. Heroin

Heroin has been sweeping the nation for years and impacting thousands of lives for Americans. Heroin is an illicit opiate that is often sold on the streets, and it resembles that same compound of prescription opioids that gives the user a sense of euphoria and relief from any pain. Heroin can either be snorted, smoked, or injected. Regardless of the method of your use, the deadly risks associated with heroin use remain the same across the board. 

Heroin is one of the leading drugs that have impacted the growing crisis of overdose-related deaths among Americans. The dangerous side effects from heroin can put any user in harm’s way with even just one dose. Due to heroin being an opiate, it is a depressant that can lead to respiratory complications and high-risk potential of overdose. Prolonged use of heroin can create a risk to the user for collapsed veins (if you are an intravenous drug user), increased chance for kidney disease, damaged nasal tissue for those that snort heroin, lung functioning complications, and potential infection of the heart lining. As you prepare to get the treatment you need to walk away from your heroin addiction, it is strongly recommended you enter into an inpatient heroin rehab and detox where health professionals can monitor you to ensure your overall physical and emotional health and well-being. 

5. Alcohol

Alcohol is one of the most socially acceptable drugs Americans use each day, which makes it difficult to quit. With that said, it is also one of the most dangerous and damaging to a person. The use of alcohol is well known to wreak havoc on a person’s liver functioning and can lead to liver disease. Liver disease is progressive and can increase to a level that can cause fatal liver damage if your alcohol use is not treated soon enough. Along with liver damage, alcohol use can cause cancer in some patients, hypertension, and heart disease. 

Those who use alcohol are at high risk of injury while under the influence of alcohol. When you consume alcohol and become intoxicated, your inhibitions are lowered, and the risk of you engaging in high-risk activities increases. Often, alcohol use is associated with the risk of thoughts or attempts of suicide, increase of depression or anxiety, injury to self through actions taken while drinking, and engaging in risky behavior such as drinking and driving. 

Alcohol is a highly addictive drug that requires a level of care from health professionals who can monitor your detox and alcohol rehab program within a residential setting to safely remove alcohol from your body while healing from the root causes of your addiction.

For more information about the most dangerous drugs or to find addiction treatment programs, contact Muse Treatment at (800) 426-1818 today. 

The post 5 Most Dangerous Drugs appeared first on Muse Treatment.


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