Monday, 20 December 2021

Top 3 Los Angeles Farmers Markets for People in Recovery

Healthy Eating & Addiction Treatment

During the course of your addiction treatment, you will learn several things about yourself that you may not have known before. Part of the downfall of addiction is that you tend to lose yourself in this disease. As a result, once you begin treatment, you may find certain things that you enjoy doing or places that you like going to, such as Los Angeles Farmers Markets, that you may not have thought about when you were in active addiction.

However, before you can truly begin to formulate the type of thinking, you may need to start your recovery journey in a detox program. Detox is arguably one of the most trying times in your treatment program because you will feel the physical and psychological consequences of removing the influence of your drug or drink of choice from your system. You will need to commit at least seven days to a detox program in most cases. You can begin experiencing withdrawal symptoms within the first few hours of taking your last drink or consuming your previous substance. Although it may seem tempting to try to manage detox on your own at home, this could be potentially dangerous because the combination of withdrawal symptoms that you can feel could be deadly.

There are also many practical things that you will learn during your time in treatment. For example, suppose you decide to commit to an inpatient treatment plan. In that case, you will have the opportunity to experience the hands-on help and care you need since you will live on the campus of a treatment facility. You will have around-the-clock access to your recovery team, which can provide you with a sense of comfort and peace during this stage of your recovery journey.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

Another type of treatment offered in addiction treatment is an outpatient program. An outpatient program is specifically designed for people who may have work or school obligations or recently completed an inpatient program. This plan is a way for you to see to these critical responsibilities or adjust to a “normal” and sober life while still receiving the help and guidance they need. Like an inpatient program, an outpatient treatment plan can range anywhere between 30 and 90 days.

Regardless of the treatment program you select, you will learn the importance of maintaining a healthy schedule, which will help you physically and psychologically. If you decide to commit to an inpatient program, for example, you will have access to healthy and nutritious food throughout your day. You will also learn about why you should always incorporate this healthy food and healthy habits in general. In addition to picking up on these healthy eating habits, you will also be encouraged to incorporate exercise into your daily routine, which can help to keep your mind and body focused on the steps you need to take to overcome your addiction.

Keep in mind that once your initial treatment plan is complete, there are still several more steps that you can and should take as you continue in your recovery program. For example, you can take advantage of an aftercare program that will allow you to stay in touch with your treatment team and put you in touch with others that have completed their own respective recovery program through participating in certain sober-friendly events throughout the year.

Another recommendation is to take the time to attend Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous at least once a week. You will quickly notice that NA or AA meetings closely follow the model of a group therapy session that you will experience during the time you’re in treatment. These meetings usually last roughly one hour and allow you to share and listen to stories of hope and experience in overcoming an addiction. Attending these meetings can help you grow and develop your system of support, which is critically important as you work through your addiction recovery in Los Angeles.

Best Farmers Markets in Los Angeles

Southern California is filled with plenty of great Los Angeles Farmers Markets that you can visit on almost any given day. Here are some of the best farmers markets that you should plan to visit in the area:

Central Avenue Farmers Market

One of the reasons the Central Avenue Farmers Market is so popular is because it’s an example of a Los Angeles farmers market that stays up and running throughout the year. In 2021, this Los Angeles farmers market was open to the public every Thursday between 10 am and 3 pm. Not only does this Los Angeles farmers market have an abundance of vendors at any given time, but the organizers of this event do everything that they can to accommodate different types of people.

4301 S Central Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90011


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Melrose Place Farmers Market

Melrose Place Farmers Market is held every Sunday from 10 am to 2 pm. The focus of this attraction is the fresh fruits and vegetables that many different vendors offer. You could easily spend the entire period that this farmers market is open exploring the various tents that line the streets. Melrose Place Farmers Market is typically open regardless of the weather, making it great for a sunny or rainy day activity.

8400 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90069


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Hollywood Farmers’ Market

The Hollywood Farmers’ Market takes place within view of the famous Hollywood sign. Every Sunday between 8 am, and 1 pm, the Hollywood Farmers’ Market is filled with vendors that produce and sell many goods and products. Not only can you stop into the different tents, but there is live entertainment stationed throughout the market, making it more of a family-friendly type of environment.

1600 Ivar Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90028


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Why Farmers Markets Are Great for People in Recovery

There are numerous reasons why people native to Southern California flock to Los Angeles farmers markets throughout the year. Here are just a few reasons why going to a farmers market is incredibly beneficial to a person that is in recovery:

Time outdoors

Did you know that there are fantastic benefits of taking advantage of being in the great outdoors when you’re in recovery? Being outdoors can provide you with a sense of relaxation and comfort that you will be hard-pressed to find anywhere else. Even if you’re shopping in a farmers market environment, you will take in a deep breath of fresh air to help you unwind if you’re feeling stressed. Better yet, that deep breath of fresh air will be filled with the scents of delicious food or other fragrances that can help you focus on other things.

Meet new people

One of the best parts about a Los Angeles farmers market is that you will have the opportunity to meet new people. True to its name, farmers markets are filled with vendors that can provide you with great conversation about the advantages of purchasing from their farm or business. This can be an excellent way to connect with others and grow your circle of support or friends.

A group or solo adventure

Depending on the size of the Los Angeles farmers market, you can easily get lost for hours at this type of venue. You can take advantage of exploring these new locations either on your own if you need some time and space alone, or you can make it a group adventure and take the time to reconnect with other friends or family members. Taking this step may be an excellent way to reconnect and reestablish relationships with special people in your life that you may have lost touch with when you were in active addiction.

Delicious food

There is a noticeable difference between buying food at a grocery store and buying food at a Los Angeles farmers market. The food simply tastes fresher, which can improve your eating experience. Better yet, most farmers market vendors allow you to taste test some of the food they offer.

Are you ready to change your life and commit to a sober and healthy existence? If the answer is yes, then Muse Treatment Center is here to provide you with the personalized care and support that you need to work through your addiction. We understand that addiction impacts every person differently, which is why we work individually with every client that reaches out to us. We take the time to learn more about you so we can help you continue to grow and develop in your newfound sobriety. If you’re interested in learning more about the fantastic recovery opportunities available at Muse Treatment Center, please get in touch with us at (800) 426-1818.

The post Top 3 Los Angeles Farmers Markets for People in Recovery appeared first on Muse Treatment.


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