Monday, 28 February 2022

Los Angeles Drug Rehab

What Makes a Good Drug Rehab?

Struggling with drug addiction is something that no person ever wants to face. Unfortunately, it impacts countless people in Los Angeles, California, and worldwide. However, when you have come to a place in your life where you are open to an addiction treatment program and all of the benefits that come with it, you will be able to put this part of your life behind you and learn more about what you need to do to remain healthy and sober. The first part of this process is collaborating with a drug rehab facility to provide you with the addiction treatment you need. When you’re considering options for treatment centers in Los Angeles County, here are some factors that you should keep in mind: 

  • Location 
  • Insurance 
  • Treatment flexibility 
  • Your comfort level 

These are all aspects of your recovery, including the difference between Methamphetamine vs. Amphetamine that you can see below:

Methamphetamine vs. Amphetamine: What’s the Difference?

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

What Is Drug Rehab Like?

Your experience in one of the rehab centers in Los Angeles, California, will significantly depend on the treatment program that you select. However, the crux of your time in treatment will revolve around spending time in addiction therapy. Regardless of the treatment program that you choose, you will still have plenty of time to relax and process what you have experienced throughout your day. If you opt to commit to an outpatient treatment program, you will also have time to interact with your loved ones or friends, which can provide you with an additional level of support. If you decide to reach out to Muse Treatment Center, we will always take the time to explain to you what you will experience, depending on the recovery program that you opt to commit to. 

Drug Detox in Los Angeles

Any top rehab in the Los Angeles, California area will always allow their clients to take advantage of a medical detox program before starting their formal addiction treatment. The reason for this is that your body will go through a physical and psychological tailspin once you are no longer consuming your drug of choice. However, your treatment detox plan may vary. In most cases, you will need to spend approximately seven days in detox. This gives you the opportunity you need to go through the worst of your withdrawal symptoms with the peace of mind of knowing a dedicated team of addiction experts is there with you to care for you along the way. Once you complete medical detox, you will be in a better state of mind in every way to truly commit to the recovery programs offered through that addiction treatment center. 

What Happens After Detox?

Once you complete the medical detox process, you will focus on what steps you need to take to overcome your alcohol and drug addiction. When you initially speak to your intake team, they will start to gather information on the type of treatment programs that may be best for you. Keep in mind that your rehab program is fluid, which means that it’s something that will likely be changed as you go along. However, it’s key to remember that even though you went through detox and you may be feeling better, this doesn’t mean that you’re healed from your alcohol and drug addiction. This healing and recovery is only something that will come once you actively and meaningfully commit to a substance abuse program at one of the treatment centers in Los Angeles, California. 

Inpatient Drug Rehab

If you need to go through a drug or alcohol detox program at a recovery center, you should seriously consider committing to an inpatient drug rehab program. Inpatient drug rehab is also commonly referred to as a residential treatment program. During this time, you will have the opportunity to live on the campus of the recovery center you select. One of the leading benefits of a residential treatment program is that you will have around-the-clock access to your recovery team. This will provide you with the peace of mind of knowing that you have addiction experts to reach out to if you feel as though you’re struggling with any aspect of your drug and alcohol recovery program. 

Outpatient Drug Rehab

If you work or go to school full-time or part-time, an inpatient treatment program may not be the best option for you. This is one of the main reasons why top-rated treatment facilities have developed their options for an outpatient treatment program. During outpatient treatment, you will have the opportunity to address your addiction and still see these critical personal and professional responsibilities. For example, at Muse Treatment Center, we always go the extra mile to ensure you never feel as though you need to choose between your recovery or your job. 

Preventing Relapse After Rehab

Simply because you go through a recovery program doesn’t mean that you will never fall back into the trap of addiction again, which is one reason why relapse prevention should always be incorporated into your overall recovery journey. It’s strongly encouraged that you take advantage of a relapse prevention program such as aftercare or set aside time to commit to going to Narcotics Anonymous meetings or Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. One of the best things about NA or AA meetings is that they occur at seemingly any time of the day, seven days a week. There are also several options for virtual meetings if you don’t feel comfortable attending an in-person meeting close to your home. 

Treating the Root Causes of Addiction in Los Angeles

Identifying and treating the root cause of your addiction is essential in your recovery journey. Addiction is something that can develop for several reasons. Often, the root cause of addiction revolves around experiencing some form of trauma in your life. Unless that trauma is addressed, it’s possible that you could turn to drugs or alcohol as a way to cope. There are different forms of therapy that you will experience during your recovery to help you overcome your addiction. Some examples of treatment include: 

  • Group therapy 
  • Behavioral therapy 
  • Family therapy 
  • Individual therapy 
  • Trauma-based therapy 

Openly and honestly participating in these forms of therapy can help you get to a better place psychologically in your life and assist you in not falling back into your addictive ways going forward. 

Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Los Angeles

In many cases, a person struggles with a mental health issue and addiction. If mental health issues have impacted you, then it’s possible that you would benefit from a dual diagnosis treatment plan. During dual diagnosis, there will be a particular focus on your overall mental health and how any previous mental health concerns have impacted your addiction. For instance, if you have suffered from depression, anxiety, or PTSD, you will find that a dual diagnosis treatment plan can be life-changing. Keep in mind that you may be struggling with a mental health issue and be unaware of it. Your treatment team will help you to identify any concerns. 

MAT Drug Rehab in Los Angeles

Medically assisted treatment, also commonly referred to as MAT, is something that can be incredibly helpful in your overall treatment program. During the course of your treatment, it’s likely that you will struggle with specific cravings or psychological difficulties. Medication can help you better manage what you’re thinking and feeling to not negatively impact your overall recovery process. During your treatment, your recovery team will continue to assess what you’re thinking and experiencing at the moment to ensure that you’re in a position to receive the medication support that you need and to avoid putting you in a situation where you are substituting one addiction for another. 

Why Choose Muse

As one of the best options for a drug abuse treatment facility, you can take comfort that the team at Muse Treatment Center will provide you with the comprehensive level of care and support you need as you begin to navigate your recovery journey. We off luxury rehab in Los Angeles County for any client genuinely ready to tackle their addiction. Whether you need to start your recovery program in our detox center or you’re ready to jump right into a comprehensive treatment plan, you will never need to worry about whether or not you will receive the help that you need. For more information about our addiction treatment center in Los Angeles County, please contact us today at (800) 426-1818

The post Los Angeles Drug Rehab appeared first on Muse Treatment.


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