Friday, 12 May 2023

How to Stop Drinking in Santa Monica

How to Stop Drinking in Santa Monica: Muse Treatment Can Help

If you are at a point where you feel like alcohol may be taking over your life and have been wondering how to stop drinking in Santa Monica, Muse Treatment Center is a California-based rehab center that can help. Muse Treatment Center is a place you can come for help. Alcohol use disorder is a serious problem, but it is treatable, especially if you get professional help in an accredited and safe inpatient or outpatient alcohol treatment program.

At Muse, we have residential (inpatient) medical alcohol detox programs that provide full-time medical care to you 24 hours a day, with the option of prescription medications that will assist in keeping you comfortable and safe. This is an important service for those quitting alcohol, as the withdrawal symptoms can sometimes become uncomfortable, frightening, or even dangerous to your health without medical attention.

Our alcohol rehab center near Santa Monica offers customizable inpatient and outpatient rehab programs with individual, behavioral, and group therapy, family therapy, EMDR, life-skills training, evidence-based treatments, educational programs, and holistic treatments that introduce mindfulness and spirituality into your daily life. There is a focus on relapse prevention and community support along with your overall health and wellness that goes far beyond detoxification. With Muse, you will have long-term support and care from dedicated professionals who truly want to help you succeed in meeting your sobriety goals through our alcohol addiction treatment programs.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

6 Signs of Alcohol Addiction

Knowing when it is time for rehab is not a black-and-white decision for many people. Most people fall into a big gray area, and only when you truly look at your feelings and actions can you know whether you require professional help. Some common signs of alcohol addiction are:

  1. Developing an alcohol tolerance
  2. Neglecting important responsibilities, social obligations, and even hobbies you used to enjoy
  3. Feeling like you need a drink to get through the day or drinking in the morning
  4. Experiencing withdrawal symptoms (hand tremors, nausea, restlessness, anxiety, sweating, and cravings) if you don’t drink
  5. Continuing to drink even when you know it is causing serious problems in your life
  6. Being unable to stop drinking on your own, even when you really want to

15 Effects of Alcohol on the Body

Alcohol acts as a toxin within the body, and over time, binge drinking or drinking heavily can cause serious damage. The consequences of alcohol abuse vary from person to person, depending on factors like how long you have been drinking, your physical makeup, and how much you drink daily. Some common effects of alcohol on the body are:

  1. Short-term impairment in judgment and thinking, slowed reaction time, injuries from falls, and compromised memory
  2. Impulsive behavior unnecessary risk taking
  3. Drinking while pregnant can result in miscarriage, stillbirth, or fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)
  4. Alcohol poisoning (alcohol overdose) from drinking an excessive amount of alcohol
  5. High blood pressure
  6. Heart disease
  7. Stroke
  8. Central nervous system issues
  9. Digestive problems
  10. Hyperglycemia can lead to the development of diabetes
  11. Inflammatory organ damage
  12. Liver issues including liver disease, liver cirrhosis, and fatty liver
  13. Increased cancer risk (throat, mouth, liver, colon, and breast cancer are linked to alcohol use)
  14. Weakened immune system
  15. Alcohol dependence that leads to addiction

How to Stop Drinking Alcohol in Santa Monica

4 Effects of Alcohol on the Brain

Alcohol abuse causes short- and long-term issues in the brain that not only affect important neurotransmitters like dopamine and GABA, but it can also cause or intensify issues including:

  1. Damage to the hippocampus can cause short-term memory loss and brain cell death
  2. Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome (AKA “wet brain”) disorder that consists of two forms of dementia
  3. Hepatic encephalopathy – alcoholic hepatitis can cause the liver to send unfiltered blood to the brain which causes a buildup of dangerous toxins
  4. Mental health issues are also affected by drinking alcohol, as it affects the brain’s chemistry. Symptoms of existing mental illness can be made worse by drinking, and the chemical changes in the brain can lead to more negative feelings, with depression and anxiety coming to the forefront.

How Can Family Help Someone With Alcohol Addiction?

If you have a loved one who is showing signs of developing an alcohol use disorder, it can be difficult to know what to do. Their drinking affects everybody around them, including you, and it can be painful and frustrating to watch them struggle with addiction. If you want to help a family member quit drinking, here are some ways you can help them:

  • Avoid enabling behaviors to ensure you are not allowing them to break boundaries or avoid the consequences of their own actions. Your first instinct may be to lie for them, help them get alcohol, or make excuses for their behavior, but these types of actions will do more harm than good.
  • Express your concerns about their drinking when they are sober and when emotions are not high. Your loved one will likely need help, but change must come from within, and you will not be able to force them to do what they are not ready for. Speak to them without judgment, using “I” statements like “I feel…” or “I have noticed…” and encourage them to talk to you about why they are abusing alcohol. Thinking about the underlying causes of addiction is important and will help them to see that a substance use disorder is a disease and is not their fault.
  • You may want to stage a professionally-led intervention, where friends and family come prepared to speak to the individual. It should be a carefully planned gathering with each person giving personal impact statements about how addiction has affected them personally. This should be outlined, rehearsed, and delivered without judgment or shame. A professional will keep the meeting on track and may be able to provide treatment information if your family member is open to getting help.

Call Muse for Help if You’re Wondering How to Stop Drinking in Santa Monica

If you are ready to find out how to stop drinking in Santa Monica, please call us at Muse Treatment Center today at (800) 426-1818. We know it is a big step to take, but we are here for you and ready to assist you now. The sooner you seek treatment for alcohol use disorder, the better it will be for your health and your mental wellness.

The best way to quit drinking once and for all is through an integrated program that utilizes behavioral and evidence-based therapies combined with medical care, dual diagnosis treatments (when needed), and holistic treatment. From the moment you enter the Muse treatment center, you will be in the hands of experienced professional doctors, nurses, therapists, and addiction experts who will listen to your concerns and help you work toward your sobriety goals at your own pace. Your program will be customized to your needs, from detoxing through rehabilitation and even during aftercare, so you can transition back into your regular life as efficiently and safely as possible.

If you have any questions or are ready to take the first step toward recovery, please call us at Muse today. Our phone number is (800) 426-1818, or you can find out more information on our website ( We can help you verify your insurance coverage or work with you to create a realistic plan that will bring you closer to achieving your goals and becoming the version of yourself that you want to be.

The post How to Stop Drinking in Santa Monica appeared first on Muse Treatment.


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