Monday, 15 May 2023

What Is Dexedrine?

A Medication That Can Be Abused

If you have been searching for the answer to the question “What is Dexedrine?” because you are considering trying it for recreational use or as a study drug, you should be made aware that it can be addictive and cause serious health issues to those people who do not need to take it. Many people will use Dexedrine because it is a safe way to enhance their performance or it will help them stay awake for studying or partying purposes.

Abusing medications may look like this:

  • Taking medications that have not been prescribed to you
  • Using more of your own medications than your doctor has prescribed or taking it more often than your doctors told you to
  • Mixing prescription drugs with alcohol or other drugs
  • Using the medications in ways that were not prescribed by your doctor (for example, crushing tablets to snort)
  • Medication abuse can quickly change from a once-in-a-while thing into an addiction that affects your health, mental wellness, social and family life, and your work in a negative way. Drug addiction does not happen on purpose, and it is not because you have poor morals. It happens because of a combination of social issues, biological factors, your environment, and your mental health. Whatever the reason you begin to misuse Dexedrine, once you develop a physical dependence, you will be in danger of becoming addicted to this substance.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

What Is Dexedrine?

Dexedrine (dextroamphetamine sulfate) is a type of medication that is prescribed to people who have ADHD. It is a stimulant that stimulates the central nervous system, causing users to feel alert, energetic, and attentive by opening the airways and raising the body’s blood sugar and heart rate.
It works by changing brain chemistry levels, increasing users’ ability to focus on an activity, pay attention, and control their behaviors. It helps people who need to take it to stay organized, stay on task, and improve their listening skills.


Most Common Reasons Why Dexedrine Is Prescribed?

So what is Dexedrine most prescribed for? Dexedrine is a prescription stimulant medication used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and adults. It helps with focus and energy levels and may also be prescribed to help people with narcolepsy stay awake during the day so they can sleep at appropriate times.

Short-acting Dexedrine tablets come in 5mg doses and are taken two or three times a day, at the same time every day. Long-acting Dexedrine capsules are taken once daily in 5mg, 10mg, or 15mg doses. It is a time-release formula that will keep a steady level of medication in the body as the day progresses. Following prescription instructions as closely as possible is important to get the right dosage.

Is Dexedrine Addictive?

Yes, Dexedrine can be addictive if it is abused. It is classified as a Schedule II drug under the Controlled Substances Act because of its potential for abuse which may lead to a severe psychological or physical dependence. Schedule II drugs can only be obtained legally through prescription.
All amphetamine drugs have the potential for abuse because they produce feelings of energy and wakefulness that many people enjoy or utilize to stay up later so they can study or party longer. Others use it to boost their athletic performance, while others may abuse it as a weight loss drug.
Dexedrine stimulates the pleasure hormone dopamine in the brain and blocks excess dopamine from being transported away so that the brain is flooded with “feel good” endorphins as the drug continues to stimulate production.

After some time, the brain will stop producing dopamine on its own, becoming dependent on Dexedrine use to supplement it. Once this occurs, people who have been abusing this medication will feel like they need to continue using it, or they will feel “off” or “down.” This is because their dopamine levels are depleted, and they are experiencing withdrawal.

Some people will begin to abuse drugs compulsively, no longer taking them because it is fun. It has become a physical dependence, which can cause somebody to develop an addiction. Once this has happened, it can be extremely difficult to stop taking the drug. Some of the signs of Dexedrine addiction include:

  • Having interpersonal issues, relationship problems, or trouble at work or school due to Dexedrine abuse but continuing to use it
  • Using the medication despite overdosing, blacking out, or engaging in other dangerous issues
  • Feeling symptoms of withdrawal or cravings when trying to cut back or quit
  • Developing a tolerance to the drug (needing to take increasing amounts to get the desired effect)
  • Being unsuccessful in quitting, even after multiple sincere attempts
  • Noticing serious health problems but continuing to use the drug
  • Spending less time on hobbies and activities they once enjoyed in favor of drug use

Is Dexedrine Safe?

Yes, Dexedrine is safe, as long as it is being used as prescribed by a doctor, with continued medical care. Doctors may even ask patients to stop taking the medication occasionally to monitor symptoms and ensure the medication is not causing health problems.

Some common health risks associated with the misuse of amphetamine drugs like Dexedrine include:

  • Nervousness, agitation, and anxiety
  • High blood pressure
  • Tremors
  • Circulation problems
  • Restlessness and insomnia
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss
  • Blurred vision
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Manic behavior
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Hallucinations, delusional thoughts, and psychosis
  • Seizures
  • Chest pain
  • Difficulty thinking clearly
  • Exacerbating mental health problems
  • Serious cardiovascular adverse events like heart attack
  • Sudden death

Call Muse to Get Help With Overcoming Dexedrine Addiction in California

The caring doctors and counselors at Muse treatment center are here now to help you if you have been using Dexedrine and want help stopping.
It is safest to stop Dexedrine use within a medically supervised detox setting. Doctors and nurses will be there as your body recalibrates and your brain chemistry rebalances to ensure no medical emergencies occur.
Common withdrawal symptoms that occur when you stop using this medication are severe tiredness, sleep problems, and mental health changes like depression or amphetamine-induced psychosis. You will likely feel strange, irritable, slowed down, and achy, with body twitches. In medical detox, you may be prescribed short-term prescriptions to keep you comfortable and help you rest properly.

Moving directly into a customized comprehensive addiction treatment program after detoxing, with inpatient or outpatient therapy, educational courses, health care, and groups will use your momentum to propel you toward a long-term, fulfilling, sober lifestyle.

By setting short- and long-term goals that act as milestones in the treatment process, you will regain control over your life as you regain the correct dopamine levels in your brain. Through prescription drug therapy at Muse Treatment, you will work to overcome the underlying causes of substance abuse, learn new ways to think and behave, gain relapse prevention strategies and recovery skills, and undergo holistic healing practices, learning important stress reduction techniques like exercise and meditation for a whole-patient approach to healing. Call Muse Treatment today at (800) 426-1818 to learn more about our customizable programs and how you can get started down your own healing path now.

The post What Is Dexedrine? appeared first on Muse Treatment.


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