Tuesday, 13 June 2023

Best Drug Detox Program for Residents of Beverly Glen

Top-Rated Drug Detox Program Near Me, Beverly Glen, CA

Recovering from drug addiction is a process–often a long one. The first step in this process usually involves clinically supervised detox. During detox, individuals are weaned from the substance they’re addicted to. Overcoming the physical drug dependence is a necessary step in the recovery process. If you are searching for a Beverly Glen drug detox, you can rely on Muse Treatment.

Muse Treatment offers clients a full continuum of addiction treatment care near Beverly Glen. We provide residential inpatient treatment, outpatient treatment programs, and, of course, medical detox. Our services include sober living, medication-assisted, and dual diagnosis treatment. Our accredited treatment facility offers individualized treatment complemented by high-quality conventional addiction treatments and holistic therapies that support mind, body, and spiritual health.

Muse Treatment is a top-rated rehab facility near Beverly Glen with credentialed addiction specialists and licensed clinicians who can help you manage your substance use disorder. You can rely on Muse for our safe and comfortable rehab setting if you are searching for a Beverly Glen drug detox center. Detox is an important part of the recovery process for most clients who are battling a substance use disorder such as heroin addiction or meth addiction. Patients who have already overcome their physical dependence may begin their rehab program, but if you need drug detox, you can enroll at Muse for our top-rated medical detox program.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Treatment Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

What Is Drug Detox Like?

Medical detox for addiction at Muse is designed with safety and comfort in mind. Detoxing itself is not pleasant. Clients can expect to experience at least some withdrawal symptoms. However, our clinicians offer treatment to reduce the intensity of these detox side effects so clients can relax comfortably. We offer a restful and positive environment where clients can immerse themselves in treatment and remove themselves from unhealthy distractions that exist outside of a Beverly Geln rehab. The process lasts for about one week. Clients can expect their withdrawal symptoms to peak between 24-72 hours from their last use. After the peak, symptoms gradually lessen and clients may enjoy our rehab amenities.

Side Effects of Drug Detox

No one looks forward to the withdrawal symptoms associated with the drug detox process. The body triggers these symptoms as it is weaned from the substance it’s dependent upon. These symptoms can begin mild but grow in severity to the point that they feel debilitating. Our goal is to prevent them from growing in severity. We think it’s crucial to help clients remain as comfortable as possible during their detox process. Symptoms can trigger a health emergency if they’re left untreated. Some of the most common drug withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Headaches
  • Muscle aches
  • Chills
  • Tremors
  • Shaking
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Itching
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

Various drug dependencies are associated with certain withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawing from an opioid like heroin or narcotic pain medication is associated with flu-like symptoms. Fortunately, the clinicians at Muse provide treatment for these symptoms to ensure clients can complete detox as safely and comfortably as possible.

How Long Does the Detox Process Last?

Detox is an individualized process; it has to be. Each person is unique. The length of time a person has been addicted can impact their detox process. Someone who has been addicted to opioids for months is likely to detox more quickly than some who have been addicted to them for years. Our detox program is flexible to accommodate each client’s needs. The type of drug and a person’s chemistry also impacts the detox time frame. At our Beverly Glen drug detox center, clients can complete detox in their time, and while they do, we’ll provide the support they need to complete the process as comfortably as possible.

Medically Safe Detox Process at Muse

Detoxing can be dangerous because withdrawal symptoms can escalate to become quite severe. At a medical detox center like Muse, clinicians provide treatments to eliminate or reduce the severity of these symptoms, helping to prevent them from triggering a possible health complication or emergency. In some cases, withdrawal symptoms can become so severe that they trigger heart irregularities, seizures, suicidal thoughts, dehydration, and other serious medical issues that require emergency help. It’s always best to detox at an accredited detox center like Muse or a hospital where medical help is on hand to provide treatments for withdrawal symptoms or, in rare instances, provide emergency help to contend with medical complications. For a safe process, consider enrolling for medical detox at Muse Treatment.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Treatment Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

Preparing for Entry Into Treatment

It’s helpful to prepare physically and mentally for detox. It’s ideal for clients to take a short amount of time to prepare the homes for their absence. You might need to have your mail forwarded, for instance, or picked up by a friend or family member. You might need to contact a trusted friend or family member to care for a pet. You’ll also need to pack for your rehab stay. You’ll need comfortable clothes as well as other personal items. The team at Muse can provide you with a list of items you should consider bringing and a list of prohibited items. Finally, try to prepare mentally. Leave your doubts at home. Trust that our process can help you manage your addiction for good. When you enroll for treatment, we can discuss how to prepare for your stay in greater detail.

Beverly Glen Drug Detox Center

Guiding Principles in Detoxification and Substance Abuse Treatment

At Muse Treatment, we adhere to guiding addiction treatment principles; it’s one of the key factors associated with our addiction treatment plans. The core of our plans includes medically sanctioned therapies. These are evidence-based therapies that have the support of the scientific and medical communities. These treatments have been subjected to rigorous medical study and have been shown to be safe and effective for treating substance use disorders. We enhance our programs by including alternative and holistic treatments in our offerings. These, too, can support long-term recovery, enhancing whole-person health and well-being. Remember that Muse also features psychiatric clinicians who can provide dual diagnosis treatment. As many as a third of people with a drug or alcohol addiction also have a mental health disorder such as depression or anxiety.

Post Detox – What’s Next?

Clinical detox is only step one in the long addiction recovery process. Detox weans the individual from the drug they’ve been addicted to, but it does not resolve the addiction. Clients will need drug rehab treatment that addresses their mental and behavioral dependencies. Rehab treatment supports long-term recovery by providing effective relapse prevention support and helping clients learn to manage their addiction triggers successfully. Muse features inpatient and outpatient addiction treatment plans. With detox and rehab treatment, clients can build a strong recovery foundation.

Inpatient Drug Rehab

During inpatient treatment, clients can immerse themselves in their addiction treatment. Inpatient rehab offers the most robust level of treatment for clients. During the day, clients will attend their therapy sessions. Therapy includes various treatment approaches, one-on-one sessions, and peer group counseling. Our rehab facility provides a safe and comfortable atmosphere where clients can get the help they need to transition back to their everyday lives–and lead a sober lifestyle. Inpatient treatment is ideal for clients who’ve been addicted for an extended period of time or have a dual diagnosis. Muse features inpatient treatment in addition to our medical detox programs. Clients can transition to an outpatient program for support after completing inpatient rehab, usually lasting 30, 60, or even 90 days.

Outpatient Drug Rehab

Muse offers partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient treatment programs at our rehab facility. Partial hospitalization programming offers a robust level of support; however, it provides less support than residential treatment. During this type of program, clients will reside at their homes but attend therapy sessions for roughly 20 hours per week. They’ll attend both individual and group counseling sessions, getting the help they need to manage their triggers and prevent relapse. Muse also offers intensive outpatient treatment, providing roughly 10 hours of therapy for clients weekly. Clients live at home but should be stable to attend treatment and prevent relapse.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Treatment Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

Why Choose Muse Treatment for Drug Detox in Beverly Glen?

Clients choose Muse Treatment because we have a reputation for the highest quality medical detox and rehab programming. Our clinicians are not only experienced; they’re also committed to helping each client transform their lives and health for the better. At Muse, we ‘get’ addiction. We understand how it weaves itself into nearly every aspect of a person’s life. We can help you unravel your addiction so that you can refashion your life through healthy living, positive coping strategies, and the know-how needed to keep drug relapse at bay. Call Muse Treatment at (800) 426-1818 today if you have questions about our detox or rehab programs. We can discuss our enrollment process and help you start putting drug addiction behind you.

The post Best Drug Detox Program for Residents of Beverly Glen appeared first on Muse Treatment.

source https://musetreatment.com/blog/best-drug-detox-program-for-residents-of-beverly-glen/

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