Wednesday, 20 December 2023

Yoga for Men in Recovery

Yoga for men can be a positive addiction recovery program that fosters mindfulness and supports relapse prevention. An ancient practice, yoga has been practiced for centuries and revered for its spiritual aspects, but recently, it has been included by many treatment centers as a powerful holistic therapy that can enhance the addiction recovery process. 

Yoga offers people a variety of benefits. It nurtures improved physical, mental, and emotional health. Improved mental focus and stress reduction are especially helpful for people who are recovering from a substance use disorder. Yoga has long been practiced by men in Asia but in the U.S., its popularity has been associated primarily with women. However, that’s changing as increasing numbers of men are embracing yoga for its myriad of health benefits. 

Muse Treatment offers a wide range of addiction treatment programs, including inpatient and outpatient rehab and medical detox. Our treatment approaches include evidence-based therapies as well as holistic therapies like yoga. The yoga benefits for men in addiction recovery are numerous. Like many holistic health therapies, yoga supports mind, body, and spiritual health. Together, all of our treatment approaches target each aspect of addiction. At Muse Treatment, we help clients build a strong recovery foundation. 

Click here to call Muse Addiction Treatment Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

Embracing Yoga for Men in Addiction Recovery

Yoga is a popular addiction recovery practice. Not only does it enhance rehab recovery progress; but it also supports long-term recovery as an aftercare therapy. Many men continue to practice yoga long after completing their treatment program. Yoga is a practice that men can enjoy as a group activity but they can also practice yoga at home on their own. 

Holistic therapies support whole-person health. Not everyone enjoys yoga, but the great feature of it is that it’s open to practitioners of different abilities. Novices as well as veteran practitioners can benefit from yoga. Even someone who’s never practiced yoga before can benefit by learning basic techniques. Over time, practitioners will learn more advanced techniques, building on their abilities. Continued practice can help people manage their condition. Men who embrace yoga can benefit by incorporating this activity into their weekly routine. Like other holistic therapies, yoga can complement a traditional addiction treatment program. 

Unveiling the Benefits: Yoga for Men in Recovery

Yoga offers a wide array of benefits that men in recovery should note. These benefits include: 

  • Improvement in strength and flexibility
  • Increased joint mobility
  • Improved coordination and balance
  • Improved posture
  • Increase in focus and clarity
  • Stress reduction
  • Injury prevention
  • Improved recovery times
  • Improved endurance
  • Increased stamina 

These are some of the benefits that people can expect when participating in yoga. Yoga’s focus on both physical and mental activity makes it a unique activity. Many people rely on yoga because it fosters mindfulness. People in rehab find that yoga helps them live in the moment and focus on their recovery goals. This is why Muse Treatment is pleased to offer this treatment as part of our holistic therapy options.

Finding Strength and Sobriety: Men’s Yoga Classes

men's yoga classes for sobriety

At Muse Treatment, men can participate in yoga classes to enhance their recovery journey. We offer treatment approaches that help clients build a strong foundation for lasting recovery. Yoga is one of our treatment options that offers physical and mental benefits. Just as yoga promotes physical strength, it also enhances mental strength and endurance. Recovery requires clients to cultivate new habits. Yoga can help with its focus on mindfulness and discipline of breathing and movement. By focusing on mastering yoga techniques, clients can experience the above-listed benefits.

Enhancing Men’s Mental Health Through Yoga Therapy

Yoga therapy is a mental health support. Many clients who have a substance use disorder also have a dual diagnosis. Even clients who do not have a mental health condition are apt to experience mental health symptoms as a result of withdrawal symptoms or aspects of their recovery journey. Yoga’s mental health benefits start with stress reduction. Stress can be a powerful trigger of mental health symptoms and relapse. Yoga can help people manage their stress so that it doesn’t begin to trigger negative emotions or lead to alcohol or drug relapse as it so often does.

Remember that stress not only takes a mental toll on health but also a toll on physical health. Keeping stress at bay supports whole-person health. You are likely to find that yoga reduces your stress so that you begin to feel better mentally and physically. Of course, many people find yoga to be spiritually enriching as well. Learning to manage stress better is a core aspect of the long-term recovery process.

Cultivating Mindfulness: Yoga’s Role in Men’s Sobriety

Mindfulness supports the addiction recovery process. How? When people develop the ability to stay mindful, they can more easily focus on the tasks at hand. They are less likely to focus on their triggers to abuse drugs and alcohol, which can be powerful. Mindfulness empowers people in recovery to stick to their task and, ultimately, their recovery plan. 

During yoga sessions, therapists discuss how participants can develop mindfulness through various techniques. By practicing these techniques, people can become more adept at being mindful, particularly during periods of stress or emotional distress. 

Maintaining sobriety will not always be easy, but many strategies can help. Yoga is just one way to promote and practice mindfulness. By embracing yoga and other practices that support mindfulness, people can build their recovery one day at a time. 

Yoga as a Relapse Prevention Tool for Men

Relapse is a major threat to recovery. Consequently, rehab centers like Muse help clients develop strategies for preventing relapse and keeping their continued recovery on track. Many substance use disorders are associated with high relapse rates. The relapse rate associated with meth is more than 90%. At Muse, we teach clients about the different stages of relapse. There’s the emotional phase, mental phase, and finally, the physical phase of relapse. Negative emotions like fear and sadness drive the emotional phase. If not held in check, this phase will lead to the mental phase when the person starts thinking about using again. During the physical phase, the individual takes alcohol or drugs again.

It’s best to stop relapsing during the emotional phase. When clients become lonely or sad, practicing yoga can help. It might be enough to prevent the mental phase from occurring. Yoga and other strategies can help prevent relapse, allowing people to achieve their recovery goals. 

Muse Treatment: Incorporating Yoga in Men’s Recovery Journey

Muse Treatment is happy to provide multiple treatment approaches for our clients. We offer many therapies, including traditional treatments like cognitive behavioral therapy. These therapies have the support of the medical community because they’ve been rigorously studied and determined to be safe and effective. However, including alternative and holistic treatments also supports the recovery process. 

If you are struggling with addiction recovery, let Muse Treatment help. We feature inpatient rehab, outpatient rehab, medical detox, dual diagnosis treatment, and aftercare. With our comprehensive level of support, you can reach lasting recovery. Don’t wait to contact us to learn more about our individualized treatment plans. You can begin treatment that includes yoga and other holistic offerings right away. With our help, you can put alcohol and drugs behind you for good. 

The post Yoga for Men in Recovery appeared first on Muse Treatment.


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