Monday 22 July 2024

14 Signs of Liver Damage

Roughly 178,000 Americans die from excessive drinking every year. That is 488 people a day — and 20 per hour. Before we get to the 14 signs of liver damage, it is necessary to remind you that, yes, alcohol is a drug and should never be treated differently than cocaine addiction, opioid addiction, or any variation of the sort. If you feel you have an alcohol use disorder and you desire help with alcohol addiction treatment, please reach out to Muse Treatment for assistance. The earlier you get help, the less damage it will cause, and by paying attention to the symptoms, you can avoid liver disease and get help with liver healing and recovery.


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If the whites of your eyes, or the color of your skin, begin to look yellow, you may have jaundice, which is caused by alcohol-related liver disease. The liver is responsible for removing toxic chemicals from the bloodstream, but over time, heavy drinking can lead to severe complications. If jaundice is not treated quickly, many severe complications can occur, such as the development of kernicterus, which is a form of brain damage. 

Fatigue and Weakness

When examining the 14 signs of liver damage, the most common is fatigue or weakness because alcohol is considered a toxin when in the body, and the liver goes on high alert. The more alcohol you consume, the more energy the liver must expend. Because alcohol affects the way chemicals in the brain function, the brain and liver have difficulty communicating. This can lead to a feeling of tiredness, weakness, and exhaustion. You may feel a lack of energy; if you do not seek treatment, it can damage liver cells. 

Abdominal Pain and Swelling

In this third version of the 14 signs of liver damage, we will discuss abdominal pain and swelling. Drinking too much alcohol interacts with not only the liver but also the stomach and the way your body processes these chemicals. You may feel pain in your stomach, or you may notice weight gain or swelling. This is often temporary, but in severe cases, it can lead to ascites, which is when fluids build up in the stomach. This can lead to pain, as well as cirrhosis or scarring of the liver, leading to much more devastating issues. It is crucial to seek medical attention to avoid further problems, such as difficulty eating or drinking without pain.

Nausea and Vomiting

Most people who abuse alcohol understand this part of the 14 signs of liver damage, but many do not realize that vomiting and feeling nauseous are not just symptoms of a hangover. Rather, every time you drink, the liver must repair the tissues in your stomach. If you do not stop drinking, the body does not have the resources to fix it, leading to scarring. When the liver cannot process the toxins found in alcohol, it will try to remove the waste through other means (such as vomiting). If you feel excessive nausea even when not drinking, this is a sign that alcohol is harming your liver.


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Loss of Appetite

One of the 14 signs of liver damage is a loss of appetite. This is due to many reasons but is often because of a chemical called ghrelin, which is responsible for increasing your appetite. In other words, if you are an excessive drinker and you experience a loss of appetite, do not make the mistake of thinking it is just because you are “bloated.” It is a sign that you are developing cirrhosis or scarred tissue, and if you do not eat, your body cannot process nutrients that keep you alive. Seek medical attention if this continues.

Dark Urine

If you have dark urine, it is a sign that not only is the liver damaged, but also the kidneys. High levels of bilirubin are moved from the liver and through the kidneys. The darker color is a sign that the liver is trying to flush out deadly toxins using bile (a chemical used to break down fats) through urine, which can lead to cholestasis or the inability of the body to rid excess toxins (such as alcohol) through more healthy means (kind of like how the color of your skin is determined by too little or too much melanin). If you have dark urine, it is a sign of liver damage.

Pale Stool

Another one of the 14 signs of liver damage is very similar to dark urine, except it is found in your stools rather than urine. The same idea applies: the liver releases bile “salts,” which break down toxins such as alcohol. When bile cannot flow out of the liver correctly, your stools may appear light or, as some say, “clay-colored.” This means that the liver is possibly damaged, and alcoholism is one of many causes behind this.


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Bruising and Bleeding Easily

Another one of the 14 signs of liver damage is when bruising or excessive bleeding occurs. When the liver has damaged tissue, it cannot create the proteins meant to “clot” blood, which can lead to bruising and an inability for the body to stop blood from exiting the skin. Because the liver is a very important part of the blood clotting process, you may experience these issues.

Swelling in the Legs and Ankles

The development of liver damage, especially when it is from an alcohol-related cause, can also cause swelling in the legs, ankles, and feet. This is because of an increase in a fluid called “edema.” Mind you, this is typically found at what is called the “cirrhosis” stage of liver damage, and if it does not go away on its own, diuretics (a form of medication that causes increased urination) can be prescribed. However, if drinking continues, the swelling may get worse.

Itchy Skin

One of the lesser common 14 signs of liver damage is itchiness of the skin. This is known as “pruritus” and is most often found in alcohol-related liver diseases. Though there is little-to-no understanding of what causes this, some explanations are bile salts developing underneath the skin, high histamine levels (think of it like an allergic reaction), and low serotonin levels, though again, there is no formal explanation behind the true link between itchy skin and liver damage.


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Confusion and Cognitive Impairment

We have discussed some less dangerous symptoms among the 14 signs of liver damage, but this is where it gets a bit more frightening. Liver damage, especially when caused by excessive alcohol consumption, can cause the previously-mentioned scarring of tissue (cirrhosis). When this stage is reached, the liver can no longer filter toxins from the bloodstream. This can lead to unhealthy blood circulating into the brain, confusion, and, in more severe cases, cognitive impairment. This is typically at a later stage of liver damage.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

We are almost done, I promise. We have to uncover another more dangerous part of the 14 signs of liver damage: fatigue. Though we discussed low energy levels already, chronic fatigue syndrome affects roughly 50-85% of people with liver disease and is when liver “damage” becomes liver “disease.” It comes with the same symptoms as one would expect, such as a lack of energy, a struggle to concentrate, and sleepiness, but at this stage, it will not go away on its own and is marked as a disease rather than a symptom. 

Spider Angiomas

Also called “spider nevi,” the appearance of spider angiomas (small veins called capillaries) is a common sign of liver disease. Though again, there is no conclusive evidence regarding why this is associated with liver disease, those who are struggling with it may notice parts of their skin that are covered in spider-like red and blue veins, which is due to high estrogen levels. 


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The last of our 14 signs of liver damage is gynecomastia, which is enlarged or expanded male breast tissues. Because the liver is responsible for breaking down estrogen levels and because alcohol contains high amounts of “phytoestrogens,” this is common. It is a hormonal imbalance, yet another part of the equation that is not easily explained.

Importance of Early Detection and Treatment

If you can detect and treat liver damage early enough, you will be more likely to stop liver damage from becoming liver disease, which is typically at a point where, though treatment does exist, it is more difficult and may not be as effective. If you notice any of the above symptoms (especially if you are a heavy drinker), you need to seek medical attention; do not ignore the warning signs. Remember that you can always get help at Muse Treatment’s Los Angeles drug rehab center.

Muse Treatment’s Approach to Liver Health and Addiction

Here at Muse Treatment, we are unfortunately unable to help alleviate liver damage, but we can stop it before it becomes an issue and make sure more damage doesn’t occur. Ceasing alcohol consumption is the first step to avoid this. We offer treatment for alcohol addiction, using a range of approaches that include safe medical detox provided by experts, as well as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioral therapy, and interpersonal therapy — all of which work toward ceasing your addiction to substances and also improving your quality of life. If you have an alcohol addiction or other substance abuse problem, contact us online or call 800-426-1818. Don’t wait for liver damage to occur!


The post 14 Signs of Liver Damage appeared first on Muse Treatment.


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