Tuesday, 17 September 2024

Fentanyl Side Effects

Overcoming Fentanyl Side Effects

Fentanyl is a prescription drug, a powerful opioid that is prescribed to treat pain. It is synthetic, meaning it is manufactured in a lab to produce effects similar to natural opioids. While it’s often taken in pill form, it can be administered as a patch, tablet, or injectable solution. It’s prescribed to treat significant pain associated with certain health conditions, injuries, or surgical procedures. Like other opioids, fentanyl is extremely addictive, so long-term use is not ideal as it can lead to the development of an opioid use disorder. Its side effects can be serious, so knowing what to expect and when to seek medical care is important.

Muse Treatment is a leading accredited drug rehab center in Los Angeles specializing in drug and alcohol addiction treatment. We treat patients who are addicted to illicit or prescription opioids like fentanyl. Some people may have addictions to multiple substances or have a co-occurring mental health condition in addition to their addiction. We can treat these conditions, too. We offer a full continuum of care with residential treatment, outpatient rehab, medical detox, sober living, and more.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

A Particularly Dangerous Opioid

The dangers of fentanyl are no secret, with addiction and overdoses becoming more common. According to the United States Drug Enforcement Administration, it is said to be 100 times more powerful than morphine, an opioid that is synthesized from the opium poppy and also prescribed to treat pain. It is 50 times more powerful than heroin, an illicit opioid that causes thousands of overdose deaths yearly.

As a prescription drug, it is closely monitored by prescribing physicians, but the risk for abuse and addiction development remains substantial. It’s also sold on the street. Unfortunately, illegal drug producers and sellers frequently lace street drugs with fentanyl to deliver a more potent high to users, but users may have no idea the drug they take includes this other drug. As a result, overdoses involving this synthetic opioid have increased in recent years, as have rates of addiction.

What Is Fentanyl?

Fentanyl is a prescription synthetic opioid that is often illegally manufactured and sold on the street. It’s a powerful painkiller, and like other opioids, it binds to opioid receptors located in the brain where pain responses are controlled. By targeting the opioid receptors, it can suppress pain and produce a sedative effect. Medical providers carefully monitor its use among patients because of the drug’s power and risks of fentanyl addiction. Even a slight increase in dosage can cause an overdose.

When Is Fentanyl Prescribed?

Fentanyl is prescribed to treat severe pain associated with major health conditions, including cancer. It may also be prescribed after a person has been injured or had surgery. The drug changes the brain’s response to pain, resulting in pain relief. Physicians rely on fentanyl when the pain is extreme, but they generally prescribe other, less-powerful medications whenever possible.

Fentanyl Addiction

When Is Fentanyl Especially Dangerous?

Fentanyl is always dangerous. According to Partnership to End Addiction, it is most dangerous when taken outside a hospital or clinic without healthcare providers monitoring its use. Someone taking it on the street is at increased risk of overdose, especially when they unknowingly take the drug. Street dealers may lace other drugs like heroin or ecstasy with fentanyl to make them more powerful. It’s extremely dangerous on its own, but even more so when taken with other drugs or alcohol.

Fentanyl is especially dangerous when abused by someone taking it without a prescription or increasing its dose without a doctor’s advice. Taking this drug on a long-term basis also increases the risk of addiction.

5 Mental Fentanyl Side Effects

Someone who abuses fentanyl is likely to experience various psychological side effects ranging from mild to severe. If you start to feel these side effects, you need to seek help from an addiction rehab like Muse Treatment. These effects include:

Unusual Thinking

Fentanyl can cause someone to have unusual thoughts or reduced cognitive function. The person might find it difficult to focus or remember, and they may make poor decisions or feel incapable of making decisions.

Unusual Dreams

Someone taking fentanyl is likely to feel drowsy and may sleep more. While sleeping, they may experience unusual dreams.


Like other opioids, fentanyl can cause mental health disturbances, such as feelings of anxiety, unease, or nervousness. If these feelings persist, the person might even feel panicked.


Someone taking fentanyl is also at risk of experiencing the symptoms of depression, such as loss of motivation or feelings of hopelessness.


Hallucinations are a severe possible side effect that could require emergency medical treatment.

7 Physical Fentanyl Side Effects

Someone dealing with fentanyl abuse may experience several physical side effects, including:

Stomach Upset

Fentanyl can cause an upset stomach, resulting in nausea and vomiting. If this persists, patients should contact their medical provider. As with other opioids, it can also cause dry mouth.

Weight Loss

Because it can affect and reduce a person’s appetite, it can lead to unhealthy weight loss and create even more health concerns over time.


Someone taking fentanyl may experience feelings of weakness and fatigue, a common side effect.


Someone might feel dizzy, which can be dangerous because they could stumble and become injured.

Reduced Heart Rate

Fentanyl use can cause a reduction in heart rate. Although this is a common side effect, it can become dangerous if the drop is excessive.

Reduced Respiratory Function

Fentanyl can also cause slowed breathing. A fentanyl overdose involves the suppression of the respiratory system, so this can be a sign of a potential overdose.

Call Muse Treatment for Help With Overcoming Fentanyl Side Effects

If you are using fentanyl and have developed a dependence or addiction, Muse Treatment can help. The side effects you experience from continued use are unlikely to disappear and may even worsen. Getting help at Muse Treatment can prepare you to overcome addiction and achieve lasting recovery.

We feature a full continuum of care, including inpatient and outpatient prescription drug rehab programs. We offer medically supervised alcohol and drug detox, sober living, medication-assisted treatment, and dual diagnosis treatment to address addiction and mental health conditions at the same time. Our clinicians customize treatment to ensure every person gets the personalized care they need. We combine evidence-based treatments like cognitive-behavioral therapy and holistic therapies to help people manage their conditions.

Contact Muse Treatment at 800-426-1818 to learn more about how we can help. The sooner you begin fentanyl addiction treatment, the sooner you can put this dangerous opioid behind you.

External Sources

The post Fentanyl Side Effects appeared first on Muse Treatment.

source https://musetreatment.com/blog/fentanyl-side-effects/

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