Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Pet Friendly Drug Rehab in Los Angeles

Finding a Pet-Friendly Drug Rehab

Don’t miss out on the chance to get help with overcoming addiction just because you aren’t sure what to do with your pet while you’re gone — some rehab facilities allow pets to come along with you. Muse Treatment is a pet-friendly drug rehab in Los Angeles that offers a full range of comprehensive addiction treatment programs, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, medical detox, and holistic treatment options. While we’re proud to be pet-friendly, there are some rules that our patients must follow. Your pet must be a registered emotional support animal or service animal. All pets must be vaccinated and up-to-date with shots and medical documentation. Exotic animals may be approved on a case-by-case basis.


Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

Reasons Why People Bring Pets to Rehab

When a person makes the important decision to enter an inpatient drug detox and rehab program, it is not something to take lightly. They need to consider everything from stepping out of their job for a while to telling their family and friends what is happening — and they will have to make many other arrangements. For many people dealing with addiction, their support system may not be strong enough to ask a trusted friend or family member to care for their pet while they are away.

They might not have enough money to pay for a stay at a boarding kennel, and it can be highly distressing to say goodbye to their best friend for a long time, especially if they do not know how their pet will be treated while they are away. People need to know that their pets are safe and well cared for, and this is why bringing a pet to rehab and having them by your side can be a relief and comfort during pet-friendly inpatient detox and drug rehab in Los Angeles.

Benefits of Pets in Drug Rehab Treatment

Pets can help us through the most challenging times in our lives. Animals are used for many types of therapy, including helping people recover from heart disease, cancer, and mental health disorders. Animals are often introduced to people in long-term care facilities, as well as those suffering from dementia or schizophrenia and people on the autism spectrum. Animals can also help someone recovering from a long illness or operation, as well as veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. Emotional support animals can reduce boredom and help people with their struggles with anxiety, pain, and depression. Pets, especially dogs, are sometimes brought into nonmedical environments like community programs and universities to help people during stressful times.

los angeles pet-friendly rehab

Considering these facts, bringing your pet into a rehab program makes sense. Knowing that your animal friend is nearby can be comforting and make rehab feel more like home. Some other ways pets can benefit those in drug and alcohol rehab treatment include:

  • Providing a sense of responsibility and purpose: They need to eat, go for a walk, and play, no matter how their human feels. If you feel depressed and are unsure how to get out of that funk, take the dog for a walk or do something nice like clipping their nails. They will appreciate it, and you will feel a sense of accomplishment.
  • Lowering heart rate and blood pressure: This causes us to feel relaxed, can calm our anxiety about the day, and helps with physical discomfort as our body recalibrates itself. Having an animal around at a pet-friendly drug rehab in Los Angeles will reduce feelings of fear and worry so you can relax and open yourself up to your treatment.
  • Providing companionship with unconditional love and joy: Animals are silly and loving, and they want to be there with you. You will always have a non-judgmental friend nearby that you can talk to, and you will feel less lonely and isolated when your pet is by your side.
  • Increasing your physical activity and socialization: Taking the dog for a walk or playing with an animal will get your body moving, get you outside, and allow you to take a break as you focus on your pet’s needs. You can get to know others more easily if you are out and about, developing behavioral skills with a cute dog nearby as an icebreaker.
  • Feeling at ease: Having a pet nearby can help make you feel at ease, enabling you to be more receptive to treatment, healing, and growth.
  • Something to live for: For some people, having a pet gives them something to live for. Providing a good life for their animal may be the one thing that helps them focus and work hard in their recovery.
  • Unmatched loyalty: Pets are absolutely loyal, even if other people may have turned their backs on you. Your pet will never reject you or make you feel unworthy of their love.
  • A nice distraction: Animals give you something else to focus on besides drugs and alcohol. As you deal with the cravings and discomfort of stopping substance use, it is good to have a distraction, and pets are always happy to entertain you or give you a snuggle when you need it.

Muse Treatment Pet-Friendly Drug Rehab

At Muse Treatment, we are dedicated to meeting your needs in many unconventional ways, including making our facilities pet-friendly. Choosing a pet-friendly drug rehab in Los Angeles will ensure you and your pet are comfortable and cared for as you detox and rehabilitate in our care. Our rehab centers are specifically designed to accommodate pets. 

Our treatment plans consist of customized medical detox programs, inpatient care, and outpatient treatments, so you can rest assured that we will help you every step of the way as you detoxify and rehabilitate. We offer continued care that includes the option to schedule one-on-one therapy appointments and attend groups whenever you need it. You will maintain ties to our sober community and have access to continued medical and psychiatric care.

At Muse Treatment’s pet-friendly drug rehab in Los Angeles, our clinical staff and addiction specialists are with you at all times to administer care and give you the coping skills, treatment, and support you need to overcome addiction. There are multiple payment options, including payment plans, and we take most insurance. Call us today at 800-426-1818 to learn more about our pet-friendly drug rehab in Los Angeles and what we can do to help you get started on the road to lasting recovery.

The post Pet Friendly Drug Rehab in Los Angeles appeared first on Muse Treatment.


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