Wednesday, 6 November 2024

Cocaine Parties in LA: What Are the Risks?

Cocaine gained popularity in the 1970s and ‘80s as a recreational drug often consumed at parties and clubs due to its stimulant effects. However, as people became more aware of the danger of the substance, it morphed into a more taboo drug. Still, its use continues to be extremely prevalent, with 4.8 million people using cocaine in 2020, according to the 2021 (U.S.) National Survey on Drug Use and Health. With Los Angeles being the city of glitz and glamour and a hotbed for the entertainment industry, cocaine parties in LA are held, but the affairs can be dangerous due to the life-threatening medical conditions the drug can produce, like heart attack, stroke, and overdose.


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Is Cocaine a Party Drug?

The highly addictive nature of cocaine and how it increases the user’s levels of alertness, attention, and energy has made it a popular drug to consume at parties. Many people use cocaine as a party drug to enhance their experiences at social gatherings or clubs to help them feel more intense emotions and sensations. While parties centered around using the drug are less prevalent than in the ‘80s, it remains a popular drug to consume as a stimulant party drug due to the increase of users’ focus and energy with bursts of activity and talkativeness. Taking the drug at a party may seem harmless in a social setting, but even casual cocaine use can lead to increased respiratory rate, heart rate, and blood pressure and cause panic attacks, paranoia, and psychosis, as well as stroke, seizures, and coma. These dangers are increased when experiencing the side effects of a cocaine binge.

Why Do So Many People in California Do Cocaine?

The geographical location of California and its large metropolitan cities make it a hotbed for cocaine. Bordering Mexico, the state naturally sees numerous drug traffickers use the state to bring illegal substances into the U.S. This makes illegal drugs like cocaine more easily accessible for residents, which can increase the number of people using the drug. Bigger cities also tend to have the most significant issues with illicit drugs. California is home to some of the biggest cities in the U.S., including Los Angeles, San Francisco, and San Diego.

California, particularly Los Angeles, is known as the hub for the movie and television industry. The entertainment industry is known to throw lavish parties featuring celebrities and over-the-top decorations at luxury venues. This party atmosphere invites drug use, particularly cocaine, as partygoers seek the stimulating effects of cocaine highs to increase their alertness. Despite the prevalence of drug-fueled parties in Los Angeles, there are many sober celebrities in Hollywood who are in recovery.


Cocaine Parties in LA


How Many People Died from a Drug Overdose Every Year?

The number of drug overdose deaths related to cocaine remained consistent from 2009 to 2013 but then surged almost threefold, increasing from 1.6 per 100,000 people in 2013 to 4.5 in 2018, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That same year, urban counties in the Northeast reported the highest rates of drug overdose deaths involving cocaine, while rural counties in the West experienced the lowest rates. The overdose rate for males rose from 2.1 in 2009 to 6.4 in 2018, while for females, it increased from 0.7 in 2009 to 2.6 in 2018. Throughout those years, the overdose rates for males were consistently 2.4 to 3 times higher than those for females. While it may be hard to quit cocaine, the long- and short-term benefits can be life-changing.

What Is Another Name for Party Drugs?

Club drugs are another frequently used term for party drugs. This name is a reference to the club or venue where many people consume party drugs like cocaine and ecstasy. These drugs are popular to use in social settings like bars, nightclubs, and parties since they act on the central nervous system and can cause changes in mood, awareness, and behavior. 

Cocaine itself also has many slang terms that people use. Drug dealers often come up with new terminology in their efforts to stay one step ahead of law enforcement and DEA agents. Common slang terms for cocaine include:

  • Coke.
  • Blow.
  • Crack.
  • Dust.
  • Nose Candy.
  • Rail.
  • Snow.
  • White Rock.
  • Bump.
  • C or Big C.
  • Line.
  • Flake.
  • Pearl.
  • Rail.

Avoid Cocaine Parties in LA With the Help of Muse Treatment

Avoiding the temptation of cocaine parties in LA begins with knowing how to avoid the triggers that may lead to drug use and addiction. Muse Treatment specializes in providing treatment for cocaine addiction in LA that helps patients learn to manage the temptations of their drug use. We provide medical detox, inpatient programs, and outpatient treatment services to ensure each patient has professional help every step of the way. Cocaine is an extremely addictive drug, but the drug’s powerful pull on users can be overcome with professional treatment in a caring environment like Muse Treatment. Please call us at 800-426-1818 to learn more about personalized treatment programs that can help patients overcome the struggles of drug addiction today.

External Sources

The post Cocaine Parties in LA: What Are the Risks? appeared first on Muse Treatment.


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