Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Can Mushrooms Show in a Drug Test?


If you’re using or abusing drugs and are facing an upcoming drug test, you might wonder what, exactly, shows up on standard tests. You might even be curious about one specific substance: Does magic mushrooms show up on a drug test? While the risk of overdosing on mushrooms is low, this drug isn’t without risks when abusing it. Consider a study published in 2022 in the Journal of Psychopharmacology that looked at what happened among 9,233 people who had reported using magic mushrooms in the past 12 months. Of those, 19 people, or 0.2%, said they had to seek emergency medical treatment, most commonly for psychological symptoms like anxiety, panic, paranoia, or suspiciousness.

Still, can this substance be detected in standard drug tests? Let’s answer the question and explain how you or a loved one can get help from a top addiction treatment facility like Muse Treatment in Los Angeles if you’re struggling with substance abuse and addiction.


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How Long Do Psilocybin Mushrooms Stay in Your Urine?

Because urine tests are the most common drug test, if you’re wondering does magic mushrooms show up on a drug test, it makes sense to start with this one. According to Cleveland Clinic, urine drug tests are most often used to detect the following substances:

  • Alcohol
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Amphetamines
  • Opiates or opioids
  • THC (marijuana)
  • Cocaine

According to Healthline, the most commonly used urine drug test is a five-panel test, meaning it looks for these five substances: THC; cocaine; PCP, amphetamines; and opioids. While other tests are available that can detect eight, 10, or even 12 substances, standard tests don’t look for mushrooms. While specialized tests are available, they’re expensive and generally wouldn’t get used unless the tester suspects that the person has recently consumed magic mushrooms.

Part of the issue is that psilocybin mushrooms quickly leave our bodies, making it hard to detect with standard tests. An entry in Meyler’s Side Effects of Drugs says about two-thirds of psilocybin will be excreted in our urine in the first three hours after use, with the substance only having a half-life of about 50 minutes. Just 24 hours after ingestion, psilocybin won’t be detectable in urine.

 how long do psilocybin mushrooms stay in your urine


Do Hallucinogenic Mushrooms Show Up on a Drug Test?

Because psilocybin is quickly excreted from a user’s body after ingestion, becoming undetectable in urine just 24 hours later, it’s unlikely that hallucinogenic mushrooms would show up on a drug test. This is especially the case when considering that standard urine drug tests won’t detect the substance, and expensive specialized tests are so rarely used.

However, there can be other warning signs that someone is using hallucinogenic mushrooms. Consider, for example, that hallucinogens like psilocybin are among the various drugs that can cause dilated pupils. People who are under the influence of hallucinogenic mushrooms will also display emotional and behavioral changes, including hallucinations, altered perceptions, and difficulty concentrating, that others are likely to notice.


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Do Mushrooms Show Up on a Hair Drug Test?

While it’s unlikely that a urine drug test would be able to detect mushrooms, especially because of how quickly our bodies excrete this drug, it is possible for other types of tests to find the presence of this drug long after it was used. Hair drug tests, for example, can detect mushrooms up to 90 days after they were ingested. Hair tests can determine many more types of drug use that happened in the past three months. However, these specialized drug tests are much more expensive than the more popular and widely available urine drug tests on the market. Because of that, hair drug tests are rarely administered.

Beyond that, several different factors can influence how long drugs like mushrooms will be detectable, even in a hair test, including how much the person took, how often they were using mushrooms, their weight and metabolism, age, and other drugs or alcohol that were also used during this period.


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Do Mushrooms Show Up on a Drug Test for Probation?

You might still be wondering about the main question – Does magic mushrooms show up on a drug test? – especially if you or a loved one is currently on probation or parole. Arcpoint Labs, a nationwide provider of diagnostic testing, including testing for drugs and alcohol, explains that drug testing is a common condition of probation across America and has been so for several decades. Most frequently, probation tests are five-panel urine tests that can detect marijuana, cocaine, PCP, amphetamines, and opiates. Often, alcohol testing is also added to these five-panel tests. Sometimes, a 10-panel test is administered that can detect all of the above in addition to barbituates, benzodiazepines, methadone, quaaludes, and propoxyphene. Again, probation tests also frequently will test for alcohol in addition to those drugs. That means that mushrooms aren’t usually detected in common probation drug tests.

However, specialized drug tests are available, including hair follicle tests, that can detect long-term drug use – even the use of mushrooms several months prior to the test. Because of that, it’s never possible to know in advance if the type of drug test you’ll receive might be able to determine your prior usage of mushrooms.


do mushrooms show up on a drug test


Legal and Employment Concerns of Testing Positive for Mushrooms

If you test positive for an illicit substance like magic mushrooms, you could face legal trouble. For instance, if you were required to take a drug test after an auto collision and were found to have been driving while under the influence of shrooms, you could be liable and face serious legal consequences that might involve steep fines and even imprisonment. Individuals can also lose their employment after testing positive on a drug test for shrooms. To avoid these types of concerns, you should seek help at Muse Treatment if you are currently involved in magic mushroom abuse or drug abuse of any kind. 

Treatment and Support for Psychedelic Drug Use

If you have an addiction to shrooms, other hallucinogens, or other substances, you can get treatment at Muse. We offer inpatient treatment, outpatient treatment, medical detox, and aftercare to provide our clients with comprehensive care. We individualize treatment to ensure all clients get the support they need to achieve lasting recovery. Our clinicians combine evidence-based, alternative, and holistic therapies to help clients build a strong recovery foundation. With treatment, you can learn how to manage your addiction and its triggers successfully. 


does magic mushrooms show up on a drug test


Get Help From Muse If You’re Struggling With Addiction to Mushrooms or Other Drugs

So, does magic mushrooms show up on a drug test? More than likely, no, because the most common urine drug tests don’t look for this particular substance. However, more expensive specialized tests, including hair follicle testing, are available – and the use of mushrooms even 90 days prior can be detected. That’s why it’s not possible to say in advance if the particular type of drug test that someone needs to get might be able to determine the usage of psilocybin mushrooms.

In addition, the use of any drug isn’t risk-free – and that includes mushrooms, including the dangers of shroom chocolate bars. If you or someone you love is having a problem with abusing drugs, including mushrooms, it’s important to reach out to professionals for help. It’s possible to achieve a better future that won’t require worrying about whether you can pass mandated drug tests. In Los Angeles, Muse Treatment is a top drug and alcohol rehab that can offer the right programs and support you need to overcome addiction once and for all. Learn more about how we can help by calling Muse Treatment at 800-426-1818 today.

External Sources


The post Can Mushrooms Show in a Drug Test? appeared first on Muse Treatment.

source https://musetreatment.com/blog/mushrooms-on-a-drug-test/

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