Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Does Heroin Make You Vomit?

Heroin is among the most addictive and deadly illegal drugs, with many immediate and long-term side effects, but does heroin make you vomit? Yes, among the first effects that many users experience after taking the drug due to the chemical changes heroin produces involve intense nausea and repeated vomiting. The body is responding to the toxins in heroin and is using its natural response to rid itself of the substance by inducing the person to vomit. When experiencing this side effect of heroin, it’s important to understand how it can lead to further complications and learn the steps to take to combat an overdose.

The opioid epidemic in California and around the U.S. has led to an increase in heroin use as people who are cut off from prescription medications turn to the cheaper and illegal substance. Unfortunately, heroin users face high risks of addiction and overdose. The body can quickly develop a tolerance for the drug, which makes users use more of the substance in dangerous quantities to achieve the same effects. While the drug wreaks havoc on numerous communities, professional treatment can help people overcome the side effects of heroin addiction.


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Why Does Heroin Make You Vomit?

Heroin is a type of opioid, and research has shown that approximately 15% to 25% of patients may experience vomiting after taking an opioid, according to the National Library of Medicine. This is because an opioid is toxic to the body, and its response to harmful toxins is to induce vomiting to get rid of it. Although the body is trying to protect itself during this process, other unintended consequences can lead to more severe complications. A frequent result of vomiting from heroin use is aspiration. When vomit enters the airways, it can obstruct airflow, potentially resulting in choking. If left untreated, aspiration may ultimately lead to respiratory failure and death.

Extended periods of vomiting can result in the body losing key electrolytes, causing low levels of potassium and dehydration. This process may make it harder to keep food and water down, further disrupting the body’s natural functions. The stomach acid that accompanies the vomit can also damage teeth by eroding the enamel and leading to more health problems.

Do People Vomit Because Of a Heroin Overdose?

Yes, the body cannot handle the amount of heroin in its system, so the vomiting response is triggered as a result of the overdose in substance use. This is particularly dangerous because people who are overdosing may be unconscious, which means they can potentially choke on their own vomit. It is one of the critical reasons why heroin overdoses are so life-threatening.

The combination of slowed breathing and the risk of choking on vomit makes overdoses extremely dangerous, which is why immediate medical help is crucial. If someone is suspected of having a heroin overdose, it’s essential to seek emergency medical help immediately, as fast medical treatment can be life-saving.

does heroin make you vomit

What Does Green Vomit Mean When Using Heroin?

Green or yellow-colored vomit can be a sign of a serious health issue after using heroin. It can indicate that the body is throwing up bile, a digestive fluid created by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. When bile is being vomited, it often means there is no other food or water left in the stomach to be eliminated. This can indicate severe dehydration is setting in, which needs to be addressed. Green vomit can also be an indicator of these other health issues:

  • Intestinal blockage
  • Severe gastrointestinal infection
  • Liver or gallbladder problems
  • Serious digestive tract inflammation
  • Potential sign of a more serious medical condition affecting the digestive system

Should I Go to the ER for Green Vomit?

Yes, vomiting after heroin use is a severe sign of distress, especially if someone experiences difficulty breathing or loses consciousness, which requires urgent medical attention. Regardless of the underlying cause, green vomit is a serious medical symptom that should never be ignored. It strongly indicates a need for immediate medical evaluation by a healthcare professional who can determine the exact cause and provide appropriate treatment. Anyone experiencing green vomit should seek medical attention promptly to diagnose and address the underlying health issue.

Prolonged heroin use leads to extensive physical and mental damage. Experiencing persistent side effects of opioid dependence requires heroin addiction treatment to overcome. Finding professional treatment helps people suffering from heroin addiction access safe and compassionate support for recovery.

Contact Muse Treatment to Learn More About how Heroin Makes You Vomit and Where to Find Help

The dangers of even a single use of heroin can be deadly. If addiction sets in, the short and long-term consequences can impact someone for the rest of their lives. Luckily, professional addiction treatment is available. Muse Treatment offers a professional and caring staff trained to handle heroin addiction in a compassionate manner with evidence-based treatment. We provide detox, inpatient, outpatient, and aftercare services to ensure every patient has the level of care to continue their recovery every step of the way.

Does heroin make you vomit? Yes, but that’s only one sign of a severe problem. Please contact the proper medical attention right away and reach out to Muse Treatment at 800-426-1818 to find heroin addiction help today.

External Sources

The post Does Heroin Make You Vomit? appeared first on Muse Treatment.


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