Tuesday, 30 November 2021

MAT Drug Rehab for Orange County Residents

What Is MAT?

There is a mistaken assumption by many people who have never worked through a treatment program before that there is a one-size-fits-all approach to recovery. The reality is that since addiction can impact every person differently, it’s imperative to take the time to develop an individual treatment program that is ready to work through the different aspects of their addiction. Many people struggle with the premise of addiction recovery and need additional help in the process. By committing to a MAT drug rehab program, you improve the possibility of working through your addiction once and for all.

MAT is short for medically assisted treatment. When you incorporate MAT into your overall recovery program, you will combine certain types of medication into your behavioral treatment plan, which can provide you with a better long-term outcome in your recovery.

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MAT Drug Rehab

When you’re struggling with an addiction, you must immerse yourself in a treatment plan that helps you to identify and address the root cause of your addiction. Some people can determine the root cause of their addiction, which may have occurred during their childhood, through experiencing some form of physical or psychological trauma. For instance, if you were abused as a child and never received the proper psychological care you needed, you are more susceptible to falling into the trap of addiction. This isn’t something exclusive to a person that was abused or experienced trauma as a child. If you sustained any traumatic event during adulthood, you might turn toward drugs or alcohol to help you cope.

During MAT drug rehab, you will take a deep dive into the root causes of your addiction. Doing so will help you to overcome and work through those root causes once and for all so that you aren’t plagued by them going forward. Overall, you will come to realize that you’re not only able to conquer your addiction, but you’re also able to sustain a better quality of life. The way that you will do this is through participating in different forms of therapy such as:

Group therapy

Group therapy gives you the unique opportunity to interact with others working through their own treatment program. During these sessions, you will be able to express your thoughts and opinions regarding the topic at hand while mindfully listening to the experiences of others in your group. This is a great way to learn more about yourself, your addiction and develop a support system.

Family therapy

If your addiction has impacted your relationship with your family, you may find that family therapy can help you tremendously. Family therapy allows you to communicate with your loved ones in a meaningful and honest way so that you can begin to redevelop your relationship with them. You will likely notice that you are more driven to remain on your treatment journey with their support.

Individual therapy

Did you experience an event in your life that you don’t feel comfortable sharing in a group setting? Individual therapy allows you to express your emotions in a comfortable and safe environment with your treatment team. You can explore more details about these events while taking the time to review your treatment program to ensure that you’re still on the right course. If any changes need to be made to your MAT program, you can do so during individual therapy.

Behavioral therapy

When you were in active addiction, you may probably have picked up on harmful behavior. Behavioral therapy will teach you to how to respond to certain situations in a healthy way.

What to Expect During MAT Drug Rehab

One of the most popular questions that a person contemplating a MAT drug rehab has is what they can expect during their time in treatment. This is an understandable concern. The answer is really dependent on the type of treatment program that you decide to work through. An inpatient treatment program provides you with the most structure. During an inpatient program, you will have the opportunity to live on the campus of your treatment facility of choice and have around-the-clock access to your recovery team. This home away from home type of environment can help you focus on yourself and change your perspective on addiction. This also gives you an excellent opportunity to really work out the details of your MAT plan so that you can seamlessly adjust your treatment plan.

An inpatient program is not the only option you have when it comes to MAT recovery programs. However, if you work or go to school full time or even part-time, it may be impossible for you to try to commit to this type of structure. In these cases, it’s recommended that you take advantage of an intensive outpatient program or a general outpatient program. These program options are more flexible and allow you to see your personal and professional responsibilities and the steps you need to tackle your addiction.

How Long Does MAT Drug Rehab Last?

It’s important to remember that the time you spend in MAT drug rehab does not include your experience in drug detox. Once you decide to break free of your addiction, you may experience some psychological and physical impacts of this decision in the form of withdrawal symptoms. The withdrawal period can be overlooked because it’s mistakenly believed that it’s something that a person can work through without professional help. The reality is that this could be a potentially deadly mistake. Detox will take approximately one week, and it will ensure that you receive the professional medical help you need through these difficult times.

Once you’re done with a drug detox program, you will be in a better frame of mind to execute plans for your time in rehab. Another decision that you will need to make revolves around the length of your time in healing. You can opt to work through a 30, 60, or 90-day recovery program. Keep in mind that your recovery plan is never something that is set in stone. For example, you may feel more comfortable beginning your treatment in a 30-day inpatient program with the idea of transitioning into a more extended outpatient program. You may want to start in a 60-day outpatient program and extend it to cover 90 days. Regardless of your decision, any time in treatment will help put you in the right direction in overcoming your addiction.

What Happens After MAT Drug Rehab?

Your time in MAT drug rehab only covers the first few steps in a recovery journey that will last you for the rest of your life. As you get to the end of your rehab program, your treatment team will begin to speak with you more about what you need to do to maintain your sobriety in the future.

One of the best things you can do is commit to going to 12-step meetings at least once a week. You will quickly notice that 12-step meetings have traits that are similar to group therapy sessions. Making time to go to 12-step meetings will help you develop your support system in your area, which can help keep you focused on your recovery. During these meetings, you will listen to the strength, hope, and experience while still having the opportunity to do the same. Knowing that you have a handful of people you can reach out to if you’re having a difficult day is invaluable.

If you decide to partner with the Muse Treatment Center team, you will also have the opportunity to take advantage of our aftercare program and the different resources we have for practical aspects of your life. Whether you need assistance when it comes to cementing a career or a sober place to live, you can always turn to us for help.

Choose Muse Treatment for MAT Drug Rehab for Orange County Residents

The team at Muse Treatment Center is available right now to help you put together plans for a MAT detox and rehab program. We take the opportunity to get to know every client that comes to our treatment facility on a personal level so we can assist them in setting up a program that is individualized to their needs. Are you ready to overcome your addiction? Give us a call today at (800) 426-1818. We are looking forward to hearing from you and helping you through this new journey in your life.

The post MAT Drug Rehab for Orange County Residents appeared first on Muse Treatment.

source https://musetreatment.com/mat-drug-rehab-orange-county/

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