Tuesday, 30 November 2021

Thriving in Recovery: Best Gyms and Personal Trainers in Burbank for People in Recovery

Creating a Workout Plan During Recovery

Once you have decided to take the first steps toward a life that doesn’t include drugs or alcohol and enrolled in a drug or alcohol treatment program, you are accepting the opportunity to truly focus on yourself and your own well-being after struggling physically and psychologically during the time that you were in active addiction. Something strongly recommended for every person who has committed to recovery is setting aside time to work out. Exercise is something that you can benefit from at any stage in your life or your recovery process. While a top-rated recovery center will help you when it comes to setting up a plan for working out in recovery, here are some things that you may want to keep in mind when putting together a workout routine:

Planning is key

Do you have work or school responsibilities throughout the week? Maybe you need to adjust your schedule each day to account for the schedules of your children. Perhaps you work early in the morning, and the only time to work out is later in the day. Part of thriving in recovery is not only learning how to adjust but learning how to plan. When you fail to plan, you can inadvertently plan to fail. At the beginning of each week, take some time to put together a plan for each day that will help you stick to a routine of working out in recovery.

Decide what you like

If you prefer certain types of exercise, you wouldn’t be alone. Many people choose strictly one form of exercise, while others filter around to different forms of exercise throughout their week. Realistically, there isn’t a right or wrong answer for the type of workout you prefer. As long as you are working out in recovery, you are on the right path.

Ask for help

If you feel entirely overwhelmed by putting together your own workout plan, the best thing for you to do is to ask for help. While it’s true you can always ask friends or family members to assist you; your best bet may be to speak to some of the personal trainers local to the Burbank area so you can formulate a plan that will not adversely affect you physically.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

The Benefits of Working Out in Recovery

There are countless physical and psychological benefits associated with taking time out of your day and working out in recovery, such as:

Improved quality of sleep

While it’s true that drugs or alcohol can make you sleepy, the type of sleep that you’re getting when you’re forced to sleep by using a particular substance is not the type of sleep that you need. You may go to sleep and wake up feeling even sleepier than you did before you fell asleep. The more active you are, the better you will sleep at night. You will feel naturally tired at the end of your day, which can improve the quality of your sleep and make you more productive the next day.

Increased self-confidence

It should come as no surprise that you will begin to notice improvements in your overall physical presentation the more you work out. You may lose some of the extra weight you packed on when you were in active addiction, or you may start to notice muscle definition on your body that you didn’t have before. This improvement in your physicality can help increase the confidence that you have in yourself, which could trickle over into other aspects of your life.


Remember, just because you work through a treatment plan doesn’t mean that you will never experience another difficult moment of temptation. Working out in recovery, however, can help to distract you from this temptation. When you’re able to take a few moments, readjust and refocus, you may come to find that you’re able to work through those temptations and remain on the path of sobriety.

Workouts to Help You Thrive in Recovery

One of the best things about developing a workout plan is that you can tailor your workout routine to incorporate workouts that benefit you personally. Every person has their own preference when it comes to how they work out, and when you’re in recovery, you must take the time to learn more about what you can manage when it comes to putting together a workout plan. Here are some examples of workouts that people that are in recovery can try:

Go for a run

When many people hear the words “go for a run,” they are instantly turned off because they believe it will be too challenging. While it’s true that going for a run can be difficult, especially in the beginning, there is a feeling of freedom and accomplishment that goes hand in hand with committing to this type of workout plan. The more you run, you will notice that you will become stronger in every way possible. You may even find that you’re interested in challenging yourself in other ways and sign up to participate in a 5k or even a marathon.


Any person that has ever been through the darkness of addiction will tell you that it was difficult, if not impossible, to maintain a sense of relaxation and calm. While your drug or drink of choice may give you the illusion of peace, once the effects wear off, you’re left feeling worse than ever. Yoga can help you to maintain your sense of calm. If you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, taking a few deep healing breaths and moving your body into certain positions can help you work through the unpleasant emotions you may be feeling.

Strength training

Strength training can help you to push your body to limits you didn’t know were possible. The best part about it is that you can set your personal goals regarding how much weight you want to train with. Some people have the goal of continuing to build on their goal muscle weight, while others are content with maintaining just a consistent flow. Regardless of what you decide, you can rest assured that you will get a great workout every time.

Best Gyms and Personal Trainers Burbank

When you’re ready to start going to gyms and personal trainers in Burbank, why not try some of these great options:

FunXional Fitness

Who says that working out can’t be fun? At FunXional Fitness, their focus is on setting up an all-inclusive environment where every member can genuinely get the exercise they need. FunXional Fitness is specifically known for its staff, which provides the support and encouragement that you need to try different workouts and push yourself to a healthy limit. This gym is open six days a week; however, the hours do change depending on the day, so be sure you check ahead.

1611 W Verdugo Ave, Burbank, CA 91506

Burbank Fitness Club

Burbank Fitness Club provides you with an abundance of workout options. Whether you would like to work out with a trainer or on your own, you will always find a clean and professional atmosphere whenever you step foot into this gym. This gym opens as early as 6 AM most days so that you can get your workout in early before the start of your day. You can alternate your days and take a group class one day and work out with free weights the next.

226 E Palm Ave, Burbank, CA 91501

Speakeasy Fitness

The owners of Speakeasy Fitness believe that atmosphere is everything when it comes to the experience you have in a gym. Instead of the bright lights usually associated with a typical gym, walking into Speakeasy Fitness will make you feel as though you are walking into a club that can help get you in the right mentality to workout. With hours of operation that last from 5 AM to 10 PM on most days, you can schedule training into your day at almost any time.

7500 Lankershim Blvd, North Hollywood, CA 91605

Are you ready to learn more about the benefits of working out in recovery? Perhaps you’ve come to a place where you’re ready to commit to a comprehensive recovery program? The Muse Treatment Center intake team is here to help you. A member of our staff is available around the clock to help get you started on your road to recovery. We can provide you with options to begin your treatment in a detox program or gather more information about the treatment programs we offer. For more information, get in touch with us at (800) 426-1818.

The post Thriving in Recovery: Best Gyms and Personal Trainers in Burbank for People in Recovery appeared first on Muse Treatment.

source https://musetreatment.com/thriving-in-recovery-best-gyms-and-personal-trainers-in-burbank-for-people-in-recovery/

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