Monday, 29 November 2021

Meth Rehab Los Angeles

Top Rated Meth Rehab Los Angeles

Meth addiction is something that can be a devastating development in your life. Methamphetamine, also known as meth, is a potent stimulant. When you’re under the influence of meth, it can make you feel as though you are invincible. You may feel an increase in your heart rate, blood pressure, or body temperature. However, as soon as the “high” wears off, you are in a position where you will begin to feel the downfall or the crash that comes with it. To avoid experiencing these feelings, you will continue to consume meth until it becomes a deadly habit. At Muse Treatment Center, we can provide you with the helping hand that you need to overcome your addiction through meth rehab for Los Angeles residents.

When you’re ready to commit to a meth rehab for Los Angeles residents, there are several steps that you can take to ensure that you select a facility that suits your needs. Here are some recommendations:

Make phone calls

One of the leading ways to know whether or not a treatment facility in Los Angeles is suitable for you is by reaching and making phone calls. The intake team at any top-rated treatment center in Los Angeles will be able to answer any questions or concerns that you have before you begin a treatment program. You can take advantage of this initial phone call and ask about what you can expect during your time in treatment and about the facility as a whole to ensure that you feel confident with your decision to come to treatment.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

Ask for help from friends and family members

If you’re in a position where you’re unable to make these important phone calls by yourself, you can always reach out to friends and family to help you out. Any top-rated treatment center will always take the time to speak to your friends or family members so you can truly receive the help that you need.

Consider location

One of the critical decisions you will need to make is whether you will stay in the Los Angeles area for addiction treatment. It may benefit you to travel outside of your regular location so that you can remove the temptation to leave drug rehab if you’re having a difficult day.

Signs of Meth Addiction

Do you suspect that a person close to you may be struggling with an addiction to meth? Some examples of the signs of meth addiction can include:

  • Issues with finances
  • Loss of a job
  • Problems maintaining relationships with friends or family members
  • Secretiveness
  • Anti-social behavior
  • Risky behavior

What Happens During Meth Rehab?

Your time in meth rehab will revolve around focusing on overcoming the root cause of your addiction. For many people, the root cause of addiction is embedded in trauma. The primary way you will be able to overcome this trauma is by participating in different forms of therapy, which will help you express your emotions and work through them in a safe and healthy way. Some of the examples of treatment that you will experience during your time in addiction treatment can include:

Group therapy

The structure of group therapy is very similar to attending an NA meeting. During these sessions, you will have the opportunity to share your point of view regarding a specific subject. In turn, you will listen to the thoughts and opinions of others. As a result, you may find that other people are working through their own treatment program that you can connect with. Actively participating in group therapy is an excellent way to help develop your system of support which is a crucial aspect of your recovery process.

Family therapy

If you have lost touch with your family due to your addiction, family therapy is an excellent way for you to reestablish those connections. Family therapy sessions will take place in a neutral setting, so everyone feels comfortable. You will have the chance to share more of your struggles or recovery journey, and in turn, you and your family members can start to address the hurt that may have been caused when you were in active addiction. Ultimately, your family’s support is something that can be an invaluable asset in your recovery.

Behavioral therapy

When you are in active addiction, you may have picked up on some negative behavior. Behavior isn’t just a light switch that you can turn on and off. Instead, when you become sober, you must take the time to re-learn certain positive behavior, so you can continue to move forward in your life in general.

Meth Detox

Meth detox is often the first step in addiction recovery. While you need to break the cycle of addiction, your body must first go through a withdrawal process due in large part to the fact that it has become so used to consuming this substance regularly. It’s recommended that you spend at least seven days in detox to ensure you have made it through the worst of your withdrawal symptoms. The first 72 hours of your time in detox will be the most challenging, and it’s during this time, you will experience the height of your withdrawal symptoms. However, after this point, you will start to feel more like yourself. While you may experience cravings in the future, you will not feel the extreme physical or psychological drain you felt during those first few days. When you partner with a treatment facility that offers a drug detox program, you have the peace of mind of knowing that you will be well cared for during this stage of your recovery.

Inpatient Meth Rehab

If you feel it would be impossible for you to achieve sobriety in your current environment, you may want to consider committing to an inpatient treatment program. An inpatient treatment program gives you the chance to live on the campus of a top-rated facility so you can enjoy around-the-clock care and treatment from your addiction team. You will have a home away from home type of environment where you can exclusively focus on yourself without worrying about the influences of people who may not understand that addiction is a disease or who may not have your best interests at heart.

How Long Does Meth Rehab Last?

Ultimately, you will have the final say when it comes to the duration of your addiction treatment program. Many people feel more comfortable starting with a short-term treatment program. A short-term treatment program typically lasts 30 days. A person may take advantage of this type of program for a variety of reasons. For instance, they may not feel ready to work through a more extended program because they may not think they truly have an addiction. Other people cannot commit to a more comprehensive program because of their personal or professional responsibilities.

However, many other people feel more comfortable with taking the route of participating in a longer treatment plan. These treatment programs can last anywhere between 60 and 90 days. Keep in mind that you can always transition from one program to another. For instance, if you decide to enroll in a 30-day program, you can always extend your schedule to make it a 60 or 90 day one. Also, you can choose to begin in a 30-day inpatient program and then continue in your recovery journey with another 30-day outpatient program.

Remember that you should always communicate with your treatment team about what you’re thinking and feeling during your program. These addiction experts can provide you with the guidance you need to make the right decisions regarding your overall recovery journey. An excellent time for you to talk about your treatment program is during individual therapy. Primarily, these sessions will revolve around working through traumatic events in your life that may have triggered your addiction. Also, you will have the chance to review your treatment plan and determine if any changes need to be made.

Choosing Muse for Meth Rehab Los Angeles

You can count on the Muse Treatment Center to provide you with the tools and resources you need to overcome your addiction once and for all. We pride ourselves on assisting clients not only in the Los Angeles area but throughout the country when they are ready to take steps toward overcoming their addiction to meth. If you’re prepared to take this powerful and life-changing step, we encourage you to get in touch with us at (800) 426-1818. Our intake team is available around the clock to provide you with the information you need to make this critical decision. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you.

The post Meth Rehab Los Angeles appeared first on Muse Treatment.


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