Tuesday, 16 November 2021

Signs and Symptoms of an Allergic Reaction to Meth

Allergic Reactions to Meth Are Not Uncommon

It has become widely known the devastating effects of a meth addiction have run rampant across the United States. The amount of Americans using meth has increased at an alarming rate, with nearly 1.6 million Americans using meth at least once within the year of 2017. The use of meth already imposes severe risks to a person’s well-being due to the side effects and withdrawal symptoms that it produces. What many meth users do not anticipate with their drug use is the allergic reaction to meth.

Most people who begin using substances are aware that there will be side effects from their use. Still, it is not common for many Americans that allergic reactions can happen after consuming this dangerous substance. Unfortunately, many will be unaware of the high risks associated with an allergic reaction until after they first consume it, which doesn’t allow preventive preparation to ensure your safety and catch users off guard with these life-threatening symptoms.

After exhibiting signs of an allergic reaction, it can leave the user unsure if they are overdosing or not. This can lead to a missed opportunity for appropriate life-saving interventions in time before the symptoms from a meth allergy escalate. Getting informed on what to look for in a meth allergy will provide you with the knowledge and tools to save your own life or a friend or family member experimenting with meth use.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

How to Tell if Someone Is Having an Allergic Reaction to Meth

Being informed on how a meth allergy can present within someone is the knowledge that will save someone’s life. While there are already side effects that pose a grave danger to users without knowing the signs and symptoms of a meth allergy can have the potential of being life-threatening if proper emergency medical services and attention are not provided to the user.

The following are signs and symptoms to be aware of that indicate someone is experiencing an allergic reaction to meth. Should you or someone you know exhibit these signs, you should contact emergency medical services immediately to ensure you receive adequate medical care that will be life-saving and preventative.

The most common signs to look for in a meth allergy to be mindful of when someone if consuming meth is:

  • Swelling of the lips, mouth, tongue, and face
  • Difficulty with vision or vision becoming blurred
  • A break out of hives
  • Seizures
  • Convulsions

Should you experience any of these symptoms, you should monitor the user closely to ensure their safety and well-being. Should these symptoms persist, you should be seen by a doctor immediately.

If the following signs or symptoms become apparent, you should contact emergency medical services immediately for proper medical intervention.

  • Difficulty breathing is a common sign of a meth allergy and poses a significant risk to the user as their airway becomes constricted. Without the proper medical service attention, it can put the user at considerable risk.
  • Circulation problems in users may cause numbness, feelings of being cold or be in pain. Often, poor circulation will result in changing skin color in the fingers and toes. Usually, the skin color will change to a red, blue, or pale color. The risk of poor circulation can lead to a stroke, so emergency medical intervention needs to happen immediately.
  • Heart problems can lead to severe chest pain, difficulty breathing, or feelings of lightheadedness. These signs can indicate the beginnings of a heart attack and need to be addressed by medical professionals immediately.
  • Muscle spasms can produce uncontrolled twitches or spasms within their muscles. These involuntary actions can pose a threat to your musculoskeletal functioning and need to be addressed by a physician urgently.
  • Psychosis can cause users to experience feelings of delusions, hallucinations, and paranoia. All of these symptoms pose grave dangers to someone’s mental health and psyche. Often users in the height of their psychosis engage in dangerous, risk-taking behavior that poses a threat to their own lives and others’ lives around them.

What to Do in Case of an Allergic Reaction to Meth

If the onset of symptoms indicates a meth allergy, it is essential to monitor your reactions and contact medical services. Often, these symptoms will appear quickly and leave the user feeling overwhelmed at how to proceed and manage the symptoms arising. Going to see a physician, whether it be at the emergency room or doctor’s office (if the symptoms are not life-threatening), will provide you the peace of mind that your health and well-being will be taken care of. It is always recommended that you see a doctor regardless of the severity of your allergic reactions. It is hard to predict if your allergic reaction will progress from the initial onset of symptoms.

Signs and Symptoms of Methamphetamine Use

Knowing the signs for an allergic reaction to meth is essential but, for some, you may not be fully aware that your loved one is engaging in methamphetamine use. Some may have suspicions that their loved one is acting in different ways than normal, while others may be unaware of any tell-tale signs that someone that cares for them profoundly is engaging in high-risk behavior of meth use.

Here are some signs and symptoms to be mindful of that will typically indicate that someone is engaging in meth use:

  • Excessive sweating
  • Paranoia
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Dramatic weight loss/change in regular appearance
  • Sores appear on the skin and, often, take an extended period to heal.
  • Strong, odorous breath
  • Frequent nosebleeds
  • Hallucinations
  • Prolonged periods without sleep
  • Erratic mood swings
  • Teeth grinding, sometimes resulting in chipped or broken teeth.
  • Burn marks appearing on lips or fingers ( a result of smoking meth)
  • Needle marks on arms ( or other body parts) indicating IV drug use
  • Excessive scratching of skin is often caused by delusions that something is “crawling” under your skin and sensations that something is underneath your skin, leading to excessive, intense scratching resulting in sores.
  • Strong drug cravings
  • Financial difficulties lead to borrowing or stealing money from others to obtain drugs.

Meth Addiction Treatment at Muse

At Muse Treatment, our approach to treatment is focused on helping you heal from your addiction within your body, mind, and soul. Through our holistic and groundbreaking approaches to therapeutic sessions and meth rehab programs, you will understand the underlying cause of your addiction. Through therapeutic methods of healing, you will learn the skills for relapse prevention as you discover new, healthy ways to enjoy your newfound way of life in sobriety.

Muse Treatment values that each patient that comes to our program has their own unique story to tell, and we want to take the time and get to know you. A strong rapport of trust and respect is the foundation for our staff and patient relationships. We understand that opening up and being vulnerable in your treatment program requires you to feel comfortable and at ease in a program that treats you with the dignity and respect that you deserve.

Our patients are offered different methods of treatment for their meth addiction that will be sure to fit into your lifestyle and needs with ease. Some patients are looking for an opportunity to dive right into their treatment program in a secure, safe place surrounded by highly qualified counselors and addiction specialists.

Inpatient meth rehab will allow you the time and space you need to focus solely on your addiction and the healing journey you are embarking on. Here you will have access to individual and group therapy sessions that will give you the emotional breakthroughs of learning the thoughts and feelings that have impacted your addictive behaviors. You will not only have access to our thematic group processes to accelerate your emotional growth, but you will have options of participating in our specialized approaches to treatment should they fit into your needs.

Patients experiencing co-occurring disorders such as a mental health concern or eating disorder coupled with their addiction will benefit from a dual diagnosis program. Our team of counselors, medical and psychiatric team will be able to formulate a treatment program that will help you learn the skills and resources you need to effectively manage your co-occurring disorder without having to turn to substances as a way to manage your symptoms.

Other patients looking for the therapeutic support and healing offered in individual and group therapy sessions while also remaining employed or tending to their family often choose an outpatient meth rehab program. Here you will have the option to attend the center for therapy sessions with our knowledgeable counselors and support team while giving you the freedom to return home afterward and maintain your prior commitments.

If you want to learn more about a meth drug rehab program that will best suit your needs, contact our compassionate staff at (800) 426-1818 today. We are waiting for your call to help you find the path to recovery you have been waiting for.

The post Signs and Symptoms of an Allergic Reaction to Meth appeared first on Muse Treatment.

source https://musetreatment.com/signs-and-symptoms-allergic-reaction-to-meth/

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