Tuesday, 16 November 2021

Thriving in Recovery: Best Yoga Studios for People in Recovery in Los Angeles

Yoga and Addiction Recovery

When you decide to come to an addiction treatment facility, you realize that you need a higher level of help to overcome your addiction once and for all. When you’re in treatment, you will likely learn more about yourself that you never knew before. You may come to find that there are many things that you have never tried before that you genuinely enjoy. Yoga is an example of an activity that many people thriving in recovery have come to love because it allows you to tap into both the physical and spiritual side of yourself.

If you decide to partner with the recovery team at Muse Treatment Center, you will have the opportunity to experience yoga for the first time, or you will be able to pick up the practice of yoga that you may have had to leave behind because your addiction took over.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

Benefits of Exercise During Recovery

If you have never consistently worked out before, you may miss out on a helpful tool that can help you remain focused while thriving in recovery. A couple of reasons why exercise is so beneficial for thriving in recovery include:

A focus on physical improvement

Once you commit to a consistent workout routine, it won’t take long for you to start thriving in recovery. Your body is incredible in terms of how it can respond to working out. You will begin to notice that you may have more endurance and a change in your overall muscle tone. These physical improvements are enough for some people to continue in their health journey as these positive changes will only continue to get better as time goes on.

Group activities

Whether you opt to practice yoga or participate in a more traditional form of group exercise, you will have the opportunity to meet and interact with other people on their own journey toward physical well-being. There are many yoga studios and gyms that offer group exercise activities, which is a wonderful way to meet new people that can positively influence your life. Keep in mind that you will still have plenty of opportunities to work out independently, so you can always find a healthy balance between these two options.

Healthy weight maintenance

Unfortunately, drugs and alcohol can harm your weight. Once you establish your sobriety, you may gain a certain amount of weight or be underweight. The reason for this is that there are substances that can either reduce your appetite or they may trigger you to eat. As a result, once you finally become sober, you may not recognize yourself in the mirror. Regular exercise can help you get back to your goal physique, which is essential for your physical and psychological well-being.

Improved self-improvement

As you begin to see your body change, you will feel a sense of self-confidence that you may have never felt before. This newfound sense of confidence is something that can filter over into other aspects of your life while thriving in recovery. For instance, you may come to notice that you have more confidence in your personal or professional life.

Benefits of Meditation During Recovery

Similar to exercise, there are several benefits associated with meditation for people that are in recovery. This is one of the reasons why you will likely be encouraged to take part in this activity as you get further on in your recovery journey. Some of the advantages of meditation can include:

Reduced stress

The premise of meditation is shifting your focus to zone in on your breathing and certain movements. As you begin to focus on your breathing, you will notice that the things in your life that were stressing you out so much may seem as stressful as they once were. As a result, you will likely feel much less stressed than you did when you began your meditation routine.

Better sleep

Many people decide to do meditation right before they go to bed. By taking this step, you may find that you’re able to sleep much better each night. When you get a more restful night of sleep, you will wake up feeling ready to tackle your day the next day.

Reduction in anxiety

Anxiety is one of the many reasons why people turn to drugs or alcohol in the first place. In some cases, anxiety and depression go hand in hand. Stress can make you feel as though you cannot take a deep breath and relax. You may find that you’re shaking, or your mind may race at any given point throughout the day. However, when you practice meditation, you have the advantage of learning how to take control of your anxiety so that it no longer consumes your life. Meditation can also help decrease the presence of depression in your life, improving your quality of life.

Improved memory

Meditation can help to improve your focus. Instead of struggling to remember or keep up with your schedule, you will find it easier to recall certain things you have done or need to do. Therefore, you may notice that you can remember certain aspects of your day more clearly. This is something that can make your life easier to manage.

Yoga Studios in Los Angeles

Did you know that numerous yoga studios around the Los Angeles area can help you develop your yoga skills and help you to feel more relaxed and focused? If you haven’t committed yourself to go to a yoga studio in the area, here are a few examples of venues that you may want to try:

Hot 8 Yoga

The popularity of hot yoga has grown tremendously over the years. Hot yoga gives you the chance to get in a comprehensive workout while practicing yoga simultaneously. You will participate in a yoga class in a room with an elevated temperature which results in you starting to sweat reasonably quickly. Hot 8 Yoga offers hot yoga classes seven days a week as early as 7 AM. The best thing about this yoga studio is that they offer yoga classes after the end of the typical 5 PM workday, which means that you can opt to work out either early in the morning or at the end of your day.

11620 Wilshire Blvd Suite 101, Los Angeles, CA 90025


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Red Diamond Yoga

The Red Diamond Yoga team has truly adapted to the times in that they offer a variety of outdoor classes. Particularly during COVID times, this is something that has become incredibly popular. Of course, if you prefer indoor classes, this is something that is also offered as well seven days during the week. Red Diamond Yoga was developed by a mother-daughter team that understands the fantastic benefits associated with yoga. Classes begin as early as 6:30 in the morning during the workweek and 8 AM on weekends.

3500 Overland Ave UNIT 210, Los Angeles, CA 90034


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Thrive Health Lab

One of the reasons why Thrive Health Lab is such a popular workout spot is that it allows members to participate in other forms of physical activity. You can opt to participate in yoga classes on certain mornings while committing to a high-intensity workout on certain evenings. The hours that Thrive Health Lab is open do change throughout the week, so you will want to check ahead to ensure that the gym is open.

3701 W 54th St, Los Angeles, CA 90043

Modo Yoga LA

Modo Yoga LA is known throughout the Los Angeles area as one of the best yoga studios for people new to the activity of yoga. You can start taking classes as early as 5:45 in the morning and as late as 8 PM. The teachers at this yoga studio are known for providing the guidance you need through each one of the movements, so you always feel relaxed and at ease during every class.

340 S La Brea Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90036


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Addiction Recovery at Muse Treatment Center

The Muse Treatment Center understands the fantastic benefits of yoga, which is why we give our clients the opportunity to incorporate this activity into their treatment plan. We have experience in working with clients from all walks of life. Regardless of whether you opt to take advantage of our inpatient program or one of our outpatient programs, you can take comfort in the fact that you will have continuous access to your treatment team. If you’re ready to learn more about our Los Angeles recovery options related to thriving in recovery, please get in touch with us today at (800) 426-1818.

The post Thriving in Recovery: Best Yoga Studios for People in Recovery in Los Angeles appeared first on Muse Treatment.

source https://musetreatment.com/thriving-in-recovery-best-yoga-studios-in-los-angeles/

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