Wednesday, 11 September 2024

The Relationship Between Gambling and Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction is a disease that impacts the body and mind. The same circumstances that can lead to an alcohol addiction can also cause a gambling addiction to occur. Unfortunately, these two disorders often occur together and aid the addiction for both. There are several reasons for the cause of the co-occurrence, including genetics, environmental influences, mental health issues, and personality traits. When a gambling and alcohol addiction occurs, seeking treatment help is necessary to treat both conditions. Without help, the person can suffer mental and physical issues as well as financial hardship due to the losing nature of sports gamblers.

The problem between alcohol and gambling continues to grow at an alarming rate. Alcohol consumption is at an extreme high, with 224.3 million people ages 12 and older (79.1%) saying they drank alcohol at some point in their lifetime, according to the 2023 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). The recent legalization of sports gambling in the U.S. has also caused the amount of people betting to increase significantly. NBC News reported monthly online gambling wagers have increased from an average of $1.1 billion per month in 2019 to $14 billion in January 2024. The normalization of these vices will likely lead to an increase in people suffering from alcohol addiction and gambling, but addiction treatment help is available.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

Is There a Connection Between Alcohol Addiction and Gambling?

Unfortunately, there is a significant connection between alcohol addiction and gambling. This relationship between alcohol use disorders and problem gamblers is much higher than in the general population, according to recent studies, including a 2015 article in International Gambling Studies. As most people know, when drinking alcohol, the ability to make clear and rational decisions decreases. The decrease in judgment can lead to riskier gambling decisions, higher bets, and longer gambling sessions. The loss of impulse control while drinking can also make it harder for individuals to stick to gambling limits or resist the urge to wager bets.

On the other hand, gambling can also lead to alcohol use. Waging money on sports can be highly stressful, with one play often deciding whether a wager is successful or not. Some people may drink to cope with this stress or lower the depression that comes from dealing with gambling losses. Environments like casinos and horse race tracks where gambling occurs often allow alcohol consumption, which helps normalize and encourage both behaviors.

What Percentage of Gamblers Are Alcoholics?

According to the American Psychological Association, about 4% of people being treated for substance use also have a gambling disorder. The exact percentage of gamblers who are also alcoholics can vary depending on the study, but there is a significant correlation between gambling and alcohol addiction.

The more severe the gambling problem, the higher the likelihood of co-occurring alcohol issues. People who gamble on a routine basis tend to have higher rates of alcohol addiction than those with less severe gambling problems. The type of gambling also plays a role in alcohol addiction, with higher rates among people who frequent casinos compared to other forms of gambling. Male gamblers have also been shown to be more likely to have alcohol use disorders than female gamblers.

gambling and alcohol addiction treatment

Are There Similarities Between Alcoholism and Gambling Addiction?

Yes, there are many similarities between alcoholism and gambling addiction, which is why these two disorders often happen at the same time. Some of the similarities between the two include:

  1. Addictive behavior patterns: The compulsive nature of drinking and gambling despite knowing the consequences often leads users to feel a loss of control.
  2. Tolerance development: People addicted to alcohol and gambling often need to increase their consumption to reach the desired level of satisfaction.
  3. Withdrawal symptoms: When people addicted to these vices cannot drink or gamble, they may experience mood swings, anxiety, and cravings.
  4. Impact on brain chemistry: Both addictions impact the brain’s reward system, which provides dopamine to reinforce the addictive behavior.
  5. Negative life consequences: Both can lead to financial problems, relationship issues, work or school difficulties, and legal troubles.
  6. Denial: People with either addiction often minimize or hide their behavior from others.
  7. Genetic and environmental factors: Both addictions have a hereditary component and can be influenced by environmental factors like stress or trauma.
  8. Relapse patterns: Both addictions have high relapse rates and often require multiple attempts at recovery.
  9. Progressive nature: These behaviors tend to worsen if left untreated.
  10. Impaired decision-making: Both addictions can lead to poor judgment and risky behaviors.

There are many reasons why these addictions are so similar. Addiction is a complex disease that many people struggle with because of behavioral and physiological issues. However, personalized addiction treatment in a professional rehab center can put people on a path to addiction recovery.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

Where Can I Get Help for a Gambling and Alcohol Addiction?

If left untreated, gambling and alcohol addiction can lead to severe consequences, ruining someone’s finances and health. Luckily, help is available for people experiencing alcohol addiction or gambling problems. Muse Treatment Center has addiction treatment programs in Los Angeles that will treat these co-occurring addictions at the same time. By receiving professional treatment help in a caring facility, people suffering from these diseases can receive the help needed to live a sober life.

If you or a loved one is struggling to overcome a gambling or alcohol addiction, help is available at Muse Treatment Center. Please contact us online or call 800-426-1818 today to learn more about how our addiction treatment programs help patients overcome their struggles. There is no more need to suffer alone. With Muse Treatment Center, you can start learning how to live a sober life free from the pain of gambling and alcohol addiction. 

External Sources

The post The Relationship Between Gambling and Alcohol Addiction appeared first on Muse Treatment.


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