Monday, 9 September 2024

What Percentage of Alcoholics Recover

Alcoholism Recovery Rates

When a person commits to stop drinking, that is a big step in the right direction. A person’s chance of relapse can be high, although it doesn’t mean they can’t continue in recovery. Everyone who abuses drugs or alcohol lives a different life and is affected by substance use disorders in their own way. If you are addicted to alcohol, the highly trained professionals at Muse Treatment are here to help. 

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, or the NIAAA, the percentage of alcoholics that recover is one-third. This includes people who didn’t just excessively drink or binge drink but had developed a dependence, including tolerance to alcohol, withdrawal symptoms, and persistent desire to reduce or stop drinking. At Muse Treatment, we have many options for alcohol addiction treatment Los Angeles, alcohol misuse, and the treatment of many substance use disorders. From medical detox to behavioral health therapy, inpatient treatment, outpatient counseling, sober living, and support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous, we develop comprehensive alcohol and drug addiction recovery plans for our clients. 

The percentage of alcoholics who recover and maintain long-term sobriety is affected by a few factors. One of the factors is when someone has stopped drinking alcohol and has been sober for over five years, which decreases to 15% when it comes to relapsing. Excessive drinking, especially over a long period, can create alcohol dependence and damage many body parts. If a person can stop drinking and maintain long-term sobriety, they can and should continue to work on their general health. This is part of the treatment programs we offer for people recovering from alcohol addiction. 

At Muse Treatment Alcohol Rehab Center Los Angeles, we offer fully customized treatment programs for substance abuse. We want to positively impact the percentage of people with substance use disorder who are trying to put their lives on a better path. Muse Treatment can help reduce alcoholism relapse and assist people to live a healthy everyday life.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

Statistics About Alcohol Recovery

Over 14 million Americans (per the NIAAA) suffer from alcoholism and those who binge drink. Here are some statistics and addiction information on what percentage of people who are dependent on alcohol are in recovery, how many can lower their drinks per week, how many stop drinking altogether, and other facts about alcohol use disorders: 

  • About 36% of people suffering from alcoholism recover after one year.
    • Rehab success rates can vary based on how long a person has been drinking.
    • Family history and any underlying mental health disorder, i.e., depression, play a part. 
  • Approximately 18% of recovering alcoholics achieved low-risk drinking after a year.
    • Low-risk drinking is typically defined as no more than three drinks in one day for women and four drinks in one day for men. 
    • Every week, less than seven drinks for women and 14 drinks for men is the threshold.
  • About 18% of recovering alcoholics could abstain from drinking completely one year later. 
    • Each year someone can maintain not drinking alcohol increases the percentage of lifelong sobriety. One-year and five-year marks are important milestones, but every day in addiction recovery is significant. 
    • Relapse prevention training through a drug and alcohol rehab program along with other recovery resources like Alcoholics Anonymous can go a long way to helping with long-term sobriety. 
  • Recovery rates are less than 36% for people with severe or lifetime alcohol dependence.
    • This is where family history and drinking alcohol over a very long period come into consideration. 
    • Alcohol withdrawal and detox are tough but can be especially hard for someone who has had an alcohol dependence for an extended period. 
  • Around 60% of individuals who are sober for two years after treatment for alcohol use disorders successfully remain in addiction recovery. 
    • This is another example of why weekly, monthly, yearly, and even daily goals are essential when not drinking alcohol.
    • When you stop drinking, being in a supportive environment like one of our Muse Treatment programs can make a big difference in staying sober. 
  • Most former alcoholics who stay sober for five years and over usually stay that way. 
    • Five years may seem a long way away when you begin alcohol abuse and alcohol addiction rehab, but it is definitely a great goal to set.
    • Goal setting is a significant part of being in recovery, but not drinking alcohol each day should be the primary one for everyone. 
  • About 12% of Native Americans suffer from a drinking problem. 
    • Different demographics have historical problems with alcohol abuse and addiction.
    • This is yet another example of family history playing a part in issues with drugs and alcohol. 

What Does It Mean to Recover From Alcoholism?

When someone stops drinking, that is only the first step in addiction recovery from alcoholism. Staying sober takes effort. Typically the longer you have been drinking, the more you’ll need. Truly being in recovery means you are not drinking at all, although drinking alcohol at a low-risk level can be beneficial. Alcohol abuse and alcohol addiction treatment are often several phases but plans at Muse Treatment are customizable for each client’s needs. No matter what levels of care you take advantage of, we always suggest people participate in aftercare support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous to assist with their continued addiction recovery. When you speak to one of our drug and alcohol specialists, be sure to ask about all of the different treatment programs we offer so we can find the best fit for you. 

What Does It Mean to Relapse?

Some experts believe relapse is part of the journey when someone is battling substance abuse or addiction; however, it doesn’t stop the professionals involved in addiction treatments from focusing on relapse prevention. A relapse is when someone who has stopped drinking alcohol or using drugs uses a substance, whether it is what they were addicted to or not. A relapse can be dangerous because it can involve binge drinking, which is difficult in multiple ways. First, excessive drinking is harmful to your health in general. Second, binge drinking can produce problems with the law, promiscuous sexual activity, and other dangerous actions based on the lack of inhibition brought on by alcohol abuse. If you are in recovery and think you are going to relapse due to stress or another trigger, be sure to implement your relapse prevention plan if you have one. You can also call the addiction treatment center you went to for alcohol rehab, as most, if not all, have alumni programs to help those who have taken advantage of their treatment programs in the past. 

Discover more on how to deal with the relapse of an alcoholic here:

How to Deal with a Relapse of a Recovering Alcoholic

How to Improve Your Chances of Recovering from Alcoholism

There are several ways to improve your chances of successfully beginning and continuing alcohol addiction recovery in LA:

  1. Taking part in a comprehensive alcohol abuse and addiction treatment program will help you address issues in your life that led to you drinking alcohol. Learning coping skills and life skills and developing a relapse prevention plan help recover from alcoholism.
  2. At Muse Treatment, we incorporate a 12-step program series and processes, reinforcing the items you will focus on during alcohol rehab.
  3. Taking part in an aftercare program like Alcoholics Anonymous, which supports those in recovery, is a great way to improve your chances of staying sober. 

You can also do many things in life to help you stay sober. Taking up a hobby, or getting involved in one you have previously, are great way to stay in recovery. When you stop drinking, it’s important to find things to do with the time you used to drink. Another good idea is to get into a routine. When you have battled alcohol abuse or drug addiction, it’s good to have regular tasks to do throughout the day, so there’s no extra “downtime” you might feel like filling in by drinking. 

Alcohol Addiction Treatment at Muse

At Muse Treatment, we have custom-tailored alcohol abuse and addiction treatment programs built around each client’s needs. Whether you need medical detox, alcohol addiction therapy, a sober living facility, or help to get to know the local support organizations, we’re here to help. Call us at (800) 426-1818 today to get more information on the addiction treatment programs we offer. 

The post What Percentage of Alcoholics Recover appeared first on Muse Treatment.


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