Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Quitting Alcohol Cold Turkey: What to Expect

Quitting Alcohol Cold Turkey: What to Expect? 

Alcohol is everywhere in our present society. We see commercials on TV about friends having a beer with a humorous tone, we see the characters in movies at the bar having a dignified drink, and we watch reels on social media of people partying and having a good time drinking. However, there is a much darker side to alcohol that is not exposed enough nowadays. When a pattern of drinking continues for a person, an addiction can form, which could lead to a need for quitting alcohol cold turkey. 

Alcohol addiction can be a very serious thing to the people it inflicts. It can destroy relationships and careers and can do a number on a person’s mental and physical health. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health in 2023, there was a staggering 28.9 million people ages 12 and up who reported having alcohol use disorder in the past year. Even more concerning is the fact that 757,000 of that number were young adults ages 12 to 17. 

When exposing oneself to alcohol use at such a young age, it is easy to fall into addiction. So what happens when quitting alcohol cold turkey? Unfortunately, due to the nature of how alcohol affects the body, it is not something you can just stop without feeling alcohol’s backlash. Alcohol withdrawal can be serious depending on the person’s length of their habit. So, let’s dive into what to expect when making this decision and what can be done to ensure the journey to a sober life is achievable and a decision that will change your life. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: In extreme cases of alcoholism, quitting abruptly can be dangerous and even fatal.  It is strongly advised that anyone considering recovering from an alcohol addiction seek the council of a treatment professional and/or a qualified physician before making any decisions related to their recovery.



Is It Bad to Stop Drinking All of a Sudden?

When it comes to trying to stop drinking alcohol, it really comes down to the length of the habit. Someone who drinks casually and decides to live a dry life might have positive side effects like better moods, more energy, and improved sleep. However, if someone who drinks excessively and suffers from AUD decides to stop completely all of a sudden, there can be some serious health risks. 


Excessive alcohol consumption increases the chance of developing dementia, cancer, and liver-related diseases and causes 95,000 deaths yearly in the U.S. The withdrawal can be beneficial to the liver, mood, and sleep, but in severe cases of AUD, medical attention is required. The preferred approaches for cessation and subsequent positive changes include slow withdrawal, awareness, and support from other people. Alcohol addiction can strip away a person’s life, deteriorating not only their body and mind but also their relationships. Doing something about AUD is always a good idea, but how you do it will determine the outcome’s success. 


What Is the Timeline for Alcohol Withdrawal?

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can begin for some people with severe addiction as soon as they quit drinking. It can begin with symptoms such as anxiety or shaking of hands in the first six hours. At 48 hours, some might get seizures, and for the worst, delirium tremens can develop after two to three days with confusion or even hallucination. It is generally a five to 14-day process; however, if not attended to by a physician, it can be fatal. Medical supervision of detox with drugs makes recovery safe and possible.


These more serious side effects can be a result of Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome, otherwise known as AWS. This happens because alcohol is known as a depressant, which in turn slows brain function. With excessive and regular use, the brain needs to adjust by increasing its activity to compensate for alcohol’s effects. When alcohol is removed, the brain is left moving fast and is now overactive. This is what leads to those more serious side effects like DTs and seizures. 


quitting alcohol cold turkey


What Happens to the Body When You Stop Drinking Alcohol?

The body heals when a person decides to quit alcohol drinking for 30 days. When an excessive drinker decides to quit alcohol cold turkey, it leaves the brain in an overacted state, and serious health risks may arise. However, what are some of the things one could look forward to when quitting alcohol intake in a safe matter? What happens to the body when alcohol is removed once and for all? Well, let’s dig in a bit more: 


  • One day: Blood sugar improves due to alcohol’s impact on one’s levels. Sleep patterns change despite feeling restless at first, and hydration can improve because alcohol is a diuretic. 
  • One week: Skin will improve due to reduced inflation, and digestion will improve as the stomach lining repairs itself. Sleep will also improve, as alcohol significantly affects REM sleep, a critical stage of a person’s sleep cycle.
  • One month: Liver begins to heal as fat accumulation begins to reverse. Weight loss occurs as the extra calories taken in by alcohol are no longer present.
  • Three months to a year: Better immune system due to alcohol’s presence, not weakening it. Mental health improves overall as specific mental health inflictions such as anxiety and depression that are associated with alcohol use decrease. Brain function improves as alcohol’s neurotoxic effects fade away. 


There are many benefits of quitting alcohol use, but remember, if you are in that category of excessive and prolonged alcohol use, it is best to seek help to aid you with quitting. The adverse side effects can be very dangerous to a person and can even prove fatal in some cases.


What Happens On Day 4 of No Alcohol?


Why is day four significant for someone kicking the habit? This is because this is usually the peak of alcohol withdrawal symptoms for those with AUD. For many people who decide to quit, this is when they will feel the anxiety and restlessness that is associated with this level of withdrawal. This could also be joined with tremors, sweating, nausea, and even insomnia. However, those with AWS may be hit with much more serious symptoms like seizures and DTs, which could bring on confusion, rapid heart rate, and even hallucinations. DTs can be life-threatening without aid when deciding to quit cold turkey.  

Access Professional Addiction Treatment in Los Angeles Instead of Quitting Alcohol Cold Turkey 

Many people in the world suffer from alcohol addiction, and it has consequences for their health. They may suffer from liver damage, increase their chances of getting cancer, and experience mental disorders like anxiety. Abstaining is effective; however, if you’re thinking about quitting alcohol cold turkey, it may not be advisable for all, especially if you are a heavy drinker. If quitting alcohol drinking feels overwhelming, then do not hesitate to seek help at a professional treatment center like Muse Treatment in Los Angeles. Please reach out to us at 800-426-1818 today if you are looking for professional treatment to overcome alcohol addiction

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The post Quitting Alcohol Cold Turkey: What to Expect appeared first on Muse Treatment.


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