Friday, 20 December 2024

Ten Dangers and Signs of Ambien Overdose

Ambien’s Prevalence as a Common Sleeping Pill

Ambien’s prevalence as a common sleeping pill illustrates the extent of Americans’ sleep challenges. Around 8.5% of Americans report using a sleep medication to aid their sleep most nights or every night, and almost 1% of our adult population is prescribed Ambien or Zolpidem. Ambien is in a class of medications called CNS (central nervous system) depressants that slow down your nervous system to help you fall asleep and stay asleep. While sedative-hypnotic sleep medications like Ambien aren’t meant to be used for longer than one to two weeks, many people take Ambien for much longer. If you take Ambien, it’s important to be aware of potential drug interactions and read all of the recommendations for use so that you do so as safely as possible.


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Millions of people in the United States face challenges with sleep and often seek assistance from their doctors. Ambien, or zolpidem, is a widely prescribed medication designed to help individuals fall asleep more quickly and stay asleep longer. Typically, doctors prescribe Ambien for a duration of no more than six weeks. However, some individuals may struggle to sleep without it, leading to extended use beyond the recommended limit. Prolonged use of Ambien can result in tolerance, physical dependence, misuse, and other serious complications. When tolerance develops, individuals may feel the need to take larger doses, which increases the risk of an Ambien overdose.

While fatalities from Ambien use on its own are uncommon, more often, overdose incidents happen when Ambien is combined with other substances, such as alcohol, cough medications, opioids, or illegal drugs. Nevertheless, taking more than the suggested 10 mg can elevate the risk of negative side effects and may lead to increasing instances of misuse. Recognizing the early indications of an Ambien overdose is essential, especially if you or a loved one are taking this medication, as it constitutes a medical emergency. Prompt intervention can be vital in saving a life and improving the outcomes of an overdose situation.

Every person will react differently to excess Ambien, but common signs of Ambien overdose include:

  • Confusion
  • Agitation
  • Irrational thoughts
  • Extreme drowsiness
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Slowed heart rate
  • Low blood pressure
  • Hallucinations
  • Psychosis

These symptoms represent early warning signs that may lead to coma or death if immediate medical assistance is not sought. It’s important to note that even non-lethal overdoses can have enduring effects, such as memory loss, anxiety, depression, and nightmares. Additionally, Ambien carries various other serious side effects that can pose risks to physical safety, including sleepwalking and suicidal ideation.


signs of ambien overdose


What Is the Maximum Amount of Ambien You Can Take?

Ideally, doctors prescribing Ambien use the lowest effective dose for the shortest possible time to treat insomnia, which should be for no more than six weeks. However, taking Ambien for more than two weeks can increase the risk of physical dependence and tolerance, which means it may not work as well after that time period. People sometimes feel the need to increase their dosage on their own, which raises the risk of an overdose of Ambien. The typical dosage for immediate-release Ambien is between 5 to 10 mg for men and 5 mg for women, with the maximum dose not exceeding 10 mg. Negative effects can start to appear at doses of 400 to 600 mg, while a lethal overdose can occur at 4,000 mg or more.

Ambien CR, which releases the medication gradually, can be dangerous if misused. If it is chewed, crushed, and then injected or snorted, the full dose enters the bloodstream at once, leading to a high overdose risk. Most lethal overdoses happen when Ambien is combined with other substances like alcohol, opioids, or other central nervous system depressants. In such cases, a deadly dose of Ambien can be dangerously low – reported as low as 1,100 mg.


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Can Ambien Cause Psychosis?

Ambien is generally viewed as a safe and effective option for short-term relief from insomnia. However, it’s essential to recognize that individual reactions to medications can vary significantly, and some people may experience unusual side effects. There have been several reports of Ambien-inducing psychotic symptoms in individuals who have no prior history of such conditions. These symptoms may include auditory and visual hallucinations, as well as delusions. The danger of Ambien seems to increase when it is taken in high doses, particularly in combination with other substances like alcohol, anti-anxiety medications such as benzodiazepines, antidepressants, and other sedatives or sleep aids.

Although Ambien-induced psychosis is rare, some people experience hallucinations if they take Ambien and don’t go to sleep. Fortunately, most individuals who have encountered psychosis related to Ambien have found relief after discontinuing its use. Those with a family history of psychotic disorders should be especially cautious, as they may be at a higher risk of developing similar symptoms at elevated dosages.

One noteworthy case in the National Library of Medicine discusses a 27-year-old male who escalated his dosage to 500 mg over three months without any improvement in his insomnia. Instead, he experienced psychotic symptoms that persisted even after stopping the medication. Despite undergoing electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and receiving antipsychotic treatment, his condition showed minimal improvement. After three years, he was diagnosed with schizophrenia, with only modest gains since then. This case serves as a stark reminder of the potential dangers of using Ambien, particularly for those with underlying psychiatric disorders that can exacerbate sleep-related issues. It’s crucial for individuals experiencing insomnia to seek a comprehensive evaluation, especially if symptoms do not resolve within 7 to 10 days of starting Ambien.

Can Ambien Cause Derealization?

Another uncommon side effect of Ambien is derealization, which can create a sense of detachment from the surrounding world. Individuals experiencing derealization might view their environment as unreal, distant, or distorted. This side effect is more likely to occur in those with preexisting mental health conditions, certain medical issues, or who are using additional medications alongside Ambien. Fortunately, like symptoms associated with psychosis, derealization symptoms tend to resolve once the medication is discontinued. While the precise cause of derealization linked to Ambien remains unclear, it is believed to relate to the drug’s influence on brain activity and neurotransmitter function.

What Is the Number One Side Effect of Ambien?

Ambien belongs to a category of non-benzodiazepine medications known as Z-drugs. These drugs produce similar effects but work more quickly to clear out the system and help avoid daytime drowsiness. Common side effects of Z-drugs include an upset stomach, dizziness, and headaches. It’s important to take Ambien right before sleep, as its sedative properties can cause drowsiness and impair coordination.

Keep in mind that Ambien is designed for short-term use only. Using it for more than two weeks can lead to tolerance and dependence. When individuals develop tolerance, they may feel the need to increase their dosage to achieve the same effects, which raises the risk of Ambien toxicity or overdose. Moreover, those who become dependent on the drug might face withdrawal symptoms when trying to reduce or stop Ambien use.

Contact Muse Treatment to Avoid Ambien Overdose

Experiencing insomnia and other sleep-related issues can have a profound effect on your daily life, impacting your mood, concentration, and overall health. It’s common for people to approach their doctors for sleep aids like Ambien, even though there are risks involved, including adverse effects and the potential for dependence. If you find yourself struggling with Ambien dependence or addiction, it’s important to seek help to safely discontinue use and reduce the risk of Ambien overdose.

At Muse Treatment in Los Angeles, we specialize in addressing a variety of substance use disorders, including addiction to Ambien. Many believe that drug rehabilitation services are only for those battling severe addictions to illicit drugs, but we’ve successfully supported numerous individuals in tapering off their medications safely.

Our approach at Muse Treatment includes tailored programs featuring medical detox and behavioral health therapies. Given the risk of seizures during Ambien withdrawal, having medical supervision through a detox program is essential. We also offer counseling and evidence-based therapies, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), to help manage insomnia without medication. If you would like more information about our addiction treatment programs at Muse Treatment, please reach out to us today at 800-426-1818.

External Sources

The post Ten Dangers and Signs of Ambien Overdose appeared first on Muse Treatment.


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